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After sleeping in a little later than usual and taking breakfast in her room, MacKensie got herself ready for the day. After a shower, she combed her hair out and creamed her face, then put on her casual outfit of olive and black with a black headband to match. Her damaged Ranger gear was thrown into her rucksack, then after a moment of hesitation, she decided to throw her one-handed crossbow and bolts into the bag aswell. Seeing as the city was under siege, it was probably safer to keep her weapon within reach at all times.

Downstairs, she said her 'Good Mornings' and 'Goodbyes' to the all of the guys in the taproom and left The Mended Drum. However, her demeanour was bright and friendly to Adam and Adam only. For James and Zell, she flashed a stormy expression. Whilst eating in bed, going over last night's events, the matter of Lucy's mysterious unbanning had come up. Zell and James' reaction to it all, plus her memory of James' first-time experiment of Syllagy's blessing had made everything suddenly make sense. And she was furious.

So, the first errand on the list, for the day, was a walk to the Adventurer's Guild. On the way, she bought a couple of sandwiches, some nuts that looked similar to cashews and a bottled fruit drink that she could have for lunch later. The overall feeling in the streets was confusing. For one thing, all of the shops in the Bazaar were open and citizens were walking the streets with places to be. This was all completely unexpected, the only thing unsurprising; the fear in the air - heavy and unsettling. But none of this was enough to get MacKensie distracted for more than a moment. Right now, she was laser-focused, her mouth a firm line, fire in her eyes. She WOULD be exonerated.

Inside the Adventurer's Guild, she found Lucy Bottrill at the bar, talking to the barman. Marching up with her back straight, chin raised enough to show confidence and match her indignation, but not so high as to be arrogant, she appeared next to Lucy and put a hand on the bar as she faced the elf.

"Lucy, I must speak with you about last night," she said firmly. "I know that you said you will not relitigate whatever happened that had me banned from guildhouse, but I insist that you hear me out." And so she professed her innocence, claiming that she would never do anything to cause trouble at the guild and didn't even know what on earth had gone on as she was too angry with the true perpetrators to find out. "But that is none of my business. I only know that my reputation, as a Trydant, is very important to me, and I have not forgotten the face of my father. You may scan my crystal, if there is any way that your computer can exonerate me. Or if you have... a lie-detector in this world, or something like this, I don't know but I will do it gladly. She looked at the barman and back at Lucy, conviction of the truth in her eyes. But I will not be happy until my good name is cleared."

Adam's cryptic answer to her question, plus the way he glanced about, had MacKensie puzzled. It almost felt conspiratorial. MacKensie had been raised a little out of her melancholy just by this alone, as Adam told her that they should discuss everything in a more private location. Does he know something? was her first thought, as the Druid led her down the stairs. What's this about his family? Outside into the crisp air they went and then even further into a nearby back alley. Of course, this was Adam, so she did not feel in danger, but her curiosity was certainly piqued, to put it lightly. She sat down, crossed one leg over the other and held her elbows, ready to be let in on the mystery.

“First, you are a wonderful person..." Immediately she looked down at her knees, a light blush staining her cheeks, finding it difficult to hold that red gaze with the way he was looking at her. It was nice of him to say such things, to reassure her that her contributions were not for nothing and also that, "...You mean a lot to me.”

"I..." How terrible she was at this. Even had the sentiment not come with the baggage of her guilt for having feelings for two men at once, she would likely be just as awkward, so very inexperienced in this kind of thing. "You mean a lot to me too, Adam," she replied, managing the strength to look back up at him. She smiled when she saw that he was blushing bright red too. It seemed that they were both not the best in this department, which MacKensie saw the funny side of and also found a warm comfort of familiarity in.

“Anyway, that history.” The tone shifted as Adam went on to tell her about the awful family tragedy that this ordeal had reminded him of. MacKensie's face was full of sorrow and pity, her blue eyes glued to Adam's side-on profile as she listened. Her hope that some kind of rehabilitation for Adam's uncle was going to end the tale, only created a harsh stab of pain in her heart when the reality of PTSD and war came in it's most terrible form: Suicide.

"Oh my," she breathed. "Adam, I am so very sorry to hear this." Her anti-war politics and tarnished personal principles - even her guilt for slitting the throat of an unaware human being - it was all nothing compared to this. And there she had been, on the mezzanine complaining to a young man who was connected to the horrors of war so much more powerfully - not by lip-service principle but actual personal familial connection - and by such tragedy. She felt terrible, but moreover she sought to redeem her self-centeredness and be there for her friend in this moment. She placed a hand on his forearm. "It must be so hard for you - all of this."

He looked at her, conviction in his voice when he asserted that this war was different. She nodded along. "Yes," she agreed. "Of course." She did not quite feel his conviction on the matter but she understood his point of view. For her, it was more like her choice was that of which lane to drive in on a highway - a highway that had already been constructed and a one which she had no map for, in a world she had no knowledge of. She did not feel special. She felt blind and forced to kill or be killed. But anyway, it didn't matter. With such a tender subject as a family member's suicide on Adam's mind, and the memory of his dip into depression, after the Mazy Hillocks, still fresh in her mind, she would keep her own objections to herself.

"Whatever we were brought here for, we can choose our own path.”

"And with the strength of our morals and the power of our friendship, I know we will make the right choice," she added on.

Her worries about Adam's state of mind did not cease as he continued talking. Everything he said about his decisions and conclusions and future... it all contained 'I.' I plan... I intend... there was not a single 'We.'

"...If the team feels differently, that's understandable. This is just what my heart is telling me to do.” Adam smiled at MacKensie and she forced a smile back. “and whatever does happen, I know you'll be okay.”

"We will be okay, Adam," she corrected. "All of us." Perhaps it was her paranoia, but it felt like he was preparing for the possibility of splitting from the group and going his own way. I am just being over-protective, she told herself, trying to soothe her anxiety. It was hard, especially as - speaking of Lillianna - some of them had already been peeled off the group. Lillianna had bolted, out of nowhere, at a critical moment in their last mission. Joji had disappeared completely. The losses had affected her almost as much as the deaths of Clive and Arthur - she was projecting. Adam would not abandon us. Her trust in him was too strong to fall for this paranoia. "I do not believe any of us will want to abandon Valhiem in it's hour of need. We are Second Chance, after all. And The Heroes from the Sky before that," she pursed her lips in a solemn smile, then squeezed his shoulder. "You are not alone, Adam. As long as we all believe in eachother and ourselves, we will be strong enough to overcome whatever this world throws at us."

She put her arm around and pulled him close, leaning her head on his. She needed the hug as much as he seemed to. The awkwardness had disappeared, overpowered by sheer desire to be there for her friend. Sure, he may have been the most powerful of all of them, in terms of magic, but he was still the youngest. It was easy to forget, considering how sensible and evenhanded he was, but it was important that they be aware and considerate of this fact.

After a while, she gave him a squeeze to end their embrace and seperated to smile at him. "Come. Let's go back inside."

Inside, everyone was just gathering and getting ready to leave so the party headed back to The Mended Drum. MacKensie made sure to ask Fenna how she was doing, giving her an encouraging smile and a little side-on hug as they walked. But for most of the journey, she stayed by Adam's side, occassionally laughing at Zell's jokes and trying to pass on some positive energy to Adam by nudging him as she laughed.

The Heroes from the Sky arrived at the inn and said their goodnights. MacKensie thought she would struggle to sleep, with so much think about - so much to worry about, for herself, for Fenna, Adam and goodness knew what the others were feeling - but the day had been so very long. An uncomfortable sleep outside the Temple of Hades, an early rise to start the morning with fighting the hardest battle of their lives. And while nothing was quite as intense as the Zigmund clash, it didn't get much easier from there. The hospital visit was miraculous, but it could not relieve her mental exhaustion. And so she fell asleep with a frown on her face that took a while to relax.
Um... hello.

Hi there. It's very flattering that you would use your very first post on RPGuild to come and speak to us xD

I'm sure our esteemed GM will get in contact with you as soon as he sees you, so hang tight.

MacKensie had followed Lucy down the mountain and along the road to the Adventurer's Guild, so filled to the brim with nervous anticipation that she managed to ignore the artillery fire going on above them. The time had finally come for them to open their Source Comm message. Constantly, she would massage her left wrist that felt so naked, without her magical gauntlet, trying to guess what the message might say, trying to think of what catharsis would be provided to make all of this danger so worthwhile. But she could never think of anything.

When Lucy stopped them outside the guildhouse to address them all, MacKensie expected some words of encouragement, or maybe a warning to reign in expectations, but was taken completely aback to the realisation that she was being UNBANNED!? Her head jerked back, looking around a little at a loss for words. Lucy was done telling her and Zell off pretty quickly and went inside. MacKensie was left stunned and embarassed, sharing a quizzical look with anyone who would indulge her. Ordinarily this might have triggered her moral indignation - MacKensie very protective against aspersions on her character - but there was too much at stake to fully feel the slight on her person. She didn't even have the wherewithal to notice any bad vibes or stern stares from anyone inside the guildhall.

Adam's quiet inquiry was met by a quick reaction to assure him, equally quietly and confused, that she had no idea of the answer to his question. Then James got her attention to silently relay that he would explain later - something that would turn her confusion to frustration - with Zell's wink and grin turning frustration to anger, shortly after that. "What in the name of...?" she muttered before trailing off and following everyone upstairs.

She found it very difficult, but managed to put the angering mystery aside for now, seeing as more important matters were at hand. And when she finally got a chance to read, along with everyone else, the Source Comm message, she was shocked into a stupor, her only noise made being a small gasp at the part;

"They will label me the Evil Witch Queen,"

...where it was confirmed who had hacked the Source Comm inbox.

She couldn't think straight. Or at all, as a matter of fact - her mind blank in a delayed response to the information . So many thoughts and feelings she was bracing herself for... they never came. Some form of denial perhaps? A good cry and a good sleep to reboot herself required? Who knew, not her. For the instant, there was just nothing but a question mark. But the first thing that came to her mind in the form of a clear and concise thought was a single word - a name - drenched in sorrow.


Zell was consoling her - the mother who'd been taken from her children. The swordsman had done what she should have been the one to do. But no matter, at least someone had thought to put the Fenna first, which was what counted. That was the most important thing. When the other Ranger fled the mezzanine and went outside, MacKensie wanted to go after her and be a cornerstone of support, just as Fenna had always been for her, but she felt a greater urge to respect the older woman's wishes. No one else said too much, until James went to Lucy to talk to her. That's when MacKensie went over to the mezzanine guard-rail and leaned on it to watch the taproom floor down below, absently.

"What a mess," she muttered to herself.

“That message… it was really something, wasn't it?”

MacKensie turned her sad expression onto Adam as the young man joined her at the rail, paused for second, then nodded thoughtfully. "I am at a loss," was all she could say, at first. But she then continued. "Oh Adam... what are we to do?" She took a deep breath and shook her head incredulously. "We really were brought here to kill The Witc-" She corrected herself. "To kill this woman, Melina." It sounded strange, to call her by her name - to give her some humanity, even though every experience Second Chance had of this woman painted her as a monster. "I am bereft of certainty, even more so than ever. I thought it was becoming clear that this was a matter of Good vs Evil. Like a movie or some fantasy tale. But there are real people on both sides. And I am confused. I killed real people at that temple Adam. Snuck up and slit one of their throats, in cold blood," her voice was so repentent, yet still in disbelief. That Gold Mission had really taken it's toll on her. And it was apparent - obvious - that the killing had yet to reach it's peak. Likely not even close. "I am no longer the person I thought I was."

Somehow, it had become about her, but she couldn't help herself. This world of Mytheria was like a mirror held up to her, showing her things she was not exactly happy to admit. She had always considered herself quite smart, but James and Lillianna had showed her that she wasn't. She had always thought herself honourable and sincere, yet Adam had showed her she lacked in that department. She had always felt so sure of herself, yet Zell had showed her what self-confidence truly was. And she clung to Fenna like a child to her mother, the other Ranger showing what quiet, feminine strength should look like. Mytheria had showed her the limits of the qualities she valued about herself. It was truly humbling, which would be a good thing - a lesson - but all of this killing, against her will, not really knowing the big picture. Just killing and getting short-term dopamine hits of feeling heroic, but to what end?

"Tell me honestly, Adam," she looked at him pleadingly. "What does your heart tell you, about all of this?"
Sorry! Posting now.
I'll try to catch up with reading and post late tonight. Probably tomorrow though xD
You are due a string of good fortune, @Teyao, if there's any justice in this world.
Welp... that escalated quickly xD

The explosions above Citadel Hill were... well... they were beautiful.

MacKensie could think of no other word to describe what she was seeing. In spite of the inappropriateness of such an adjective, considering that what she was witnessing was the attempted bombing of civilian buildings, the dynamic array of reds, oranges and yellows... close enough to almost touch... the Ranger was completely enamoured by the visual effects as Second Chance got to the top of Citadel Hill. It was like getting to see a fireworks show from only yards away.

12 yards.

Zell. He was in trouble. She could feel it.

Earlier in the hospital, MacKensie being intrigued by James' description of Zigmund, turned to worry for Zell - The inheritor of their enemy's sword. James was worried. Zell was defensive. The innate chemistry between the trio meant that MacKensie felt it all, even if she did not understand it. And she did not. She didn't know the true depth of meaning of the sword Zell carried, or what James knew about their dead nemesis. She only knew that they were both worried. And that bothered her greatly. All she could do was hope that Zell was strong enough to 'have it under control' whatever it was. And hope that James was capable enough to look after the englishman.

Seeing Lucy again was nice, although the look the guildmaster gave her was odd - Almost like MacKensie was in her bad books. Strange.

The war room meeting was intimidating. The air was tense, in spite of the cordial exchanges and the High Septum's soft approach to managing proceedings. MacKensie stayed quiet, subconciously moving next to Fenna, the woman she always looked to for strength and example. She tilted her head close to the older woman and whispered, "Should we tell them about our gauntlet and spear?"

If Fenna replied affirmatively, then MacKensie would follow her lead and explain to the officials that she entered the world with her magical gauntlet. It was likely of no consequence, but she supposed all and any info could be important.

What she took from proceedings so far was the fact that they could have been 'summoned' to this world. It was a potential fact that seemed so farfetched in the minds of the officials and leaders. But it would make sense that there was a Source Comm message waiting for them, surely? And what was this about their Ascensions being so unbelievably fast? Was it not like that for all adventurers?

Whatever the case, MacKensie stepped forward and touched Barracker's arm, smiling solemnly at him. To hear him put his reputation on the line, to vouch for them, meant a lot. Barracker had become a close friend in the short space of time that she'd known him, and this moment only strengthened their bond.


This is amazing @Teyao! I still can't believe I missed it xD
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