Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

OOC: Intro and Summary of events so far can be found here.
Day 1
Chapter 1 : First Encounter

Wolfe, you wake up lying on the floor. You are blindfolded and your head aches. The last thing you remember being struck from behind. For a moment, you can’t remember how you got here, but the memories come back to you quickly enough. You are on the planet Cholganna.

“I have a new mission for you, Wolfe,” your mistress told you. “We’ve received a report of a Jedi being sighted on Cholganna. You will investigate this report. If there is a Jedi, capture them and bring them back alive, so they can be broken. If you can’t do that, if you fail me... I’ll have to find someone else to break,” you remember the cruel and deliberate edge to her voice. There could be no doubt which someone she meant.

On the trip over, you read up on the planet. You were prepared to encounter the planet’s hostile creatures when you arrived, but when you arrived at the last location the alleged Jedi was seen, you were distracted by someone emerging from the trees, gun in hand, and then attacked from behind.

Your hands and feet are restrained by what you suspect are stun cuffs and you feel a shock collar around your neck. Someone has gone to a lot of trouble to prevent you escaping.

Status Update
1. You have the “Slightly Injured Condition” (-1 to all rolls until you recover)
2. You are restrained by a stun cuffs on your hands and feet. You are wearing a shock collar attached by a chain to the wall of your cell.
3. You know the information about the planet roleplayerguild.com/posts/3286035
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sylvar


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Removing the blindfold, I find myself in a secure looking holding cell. Hearing voices on the other side of the door, I decide I might as well try giving the chain a test. Throwing all my force into a good yank, I feel the shock I was expecting from the restraints and laugh.

"My mistress is WAY meaner than these guys, heh..." I say as my paws smoke lightly.

Deciding there's nothing more to it, I shout to the voices I heard outside my cell door.

"Hey, the hell is this? I didn't come to this backwater system poachers!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The door doesn't open, but a speaker near the door conveys clearly the voice from the other side.
"You should not have come here, Empire dog. But since you have, you are now our prisoner. Stay there quietly, and we won't make you share this cell with a nexu."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sylvar


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Attempting to channel my anger into healing my injuries, I fail miserably.

"Well. I suppose instead I'll just rest until development occurs..." I say as I get comfortable in my restraints.

"... these aren't that bad, actually."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Content you aren't going to try and make an escape anytime soon, you can hear the sounds of people moving away. However you can just make out two voices, seemingly lingering behind the others.
"This is madness," a whiny voice argues. "We'll make an enemy of the empire!"
"The Emperor's cracking down on smuggling--we're already enemies. They're putting good honest folk like us out of work."
"But he's a Sith! What if he gets free?"
"He's not getting free, you dolt. Those shackle's are near unbreakable--and even if they weren't that shock collar will fry his brains if he tries to take it off. He's not going anywhere without our say so. He's gone quiet already. He knows whose in charge here."
"He's probably planning how he'll kill us all, you mean."
"Just keep an eye on him!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nothing is going according to plan, I thought, staring at the ship's controls. I wasn't much of a pilot, but I didn't need to be. The problem was getting into the system in the first place. I'd tried to bypass the computer but I'd failed miserably.

"Damn." I thought aloud, sitting in the pilot's chair to think. Now that the Empire knew where I was, I couldn't stay here any longer. Even exiled as I was I knew enough of Darth Vader's "commitment" to the extermination of the Jedi to know the Empire wouldn't rest until I was gone from this planet--one way or another. Better to escape quietly and let them search in vain.

I'd watched the poachers capture the Sith Warrior, with perhaps a bit too much satisfaction. I'd thought--no, hoped--I could take his ship and slip away. If only Master had... no. There was no point thinking about that now. I'd just have to change the plan. And fast.

I was going to have to save the Sith.

I sighed and hurried off the ship and slipped into the forest, heading for the poacher's camp.


From my position in the tree I listened as the poachers gathered up their gear and headed out to hunt. The nexu would be out and feeding within the hour and they were clearly light on cargo. As far as I could tell, only two of the crew remained to guard the camp and their ship. The minute the main group started to drive off I slipped down from the tree ran for the ship as quickly [6, 5] and stealthily [6,3] as I could, surprising myself with my own stealthiness.

Unseen, I slipped inside the cargo bay and behind some crates. I closed my eyes, trying to sense where the Sith was being held [6,5]. To my surprise I could feel his presence strongly from not much farther into the ship, though I hoped this reflected on my own force sensing to the force and not his force sensitivity.


I had two problems to deal with. One of the two remaining poachers was guarding the Sith's cell. Though I could sense his unsease and fear. He did not want to be doing this.
"Hey! Who the hell are you?"
"I'm here to help you," I said calmly. "That Sith is a danger to you. Let me take him off your hands," [3/3,2] but it became quickly apparent his doubts about his task were not strong enough to budge his resolve.
"Hell no! Boss'll kill me if I do that!" his grip on his gun tightened and I could see he was thinking of using it on me. Inwardly I sighed. Time for a show of strength.
I raised my arm, casually letting my cloak part to reveal my sabre and tried a second time to persuade.
"You really don't want to do that, just let me take the Sith and no one has to get hurt." [1/1/6, 5]
This time it took. "Yeah... You're right." he said, letting his gun drop. "S'probably going to kill us all the minute we hit space, you know?"
I nodded. "I'll need the keys to his restraints."
"Sure thing, lady. Whatever you say."

I thanked the poachers for his cooperation, accepting the keys to the two sets of manacles and the control for the shock collar.
I gripped my sabre. "Open the door."


Wolfe, you hear more voices talking outside your door. One sounds familiar, while the other you can tell is female. You strain to hear what is being said, but due to your headache you can't seem to focus [4/3, 2]. After a moment you marshal your concentration and listen again [6,6]. You manage to make out everything from the conversation after "You really don't want to do that...". Then the door to your cell opens.

Wolfe, increase your perception skill mastery by 5%!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sylvar


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

My ears perk up as the cell door in front of me slides open, I'm fairly surprised to see what appears to be a Jedi brandishing her Lightsabre in my direction.

I have no idea why a Jedi is rescuing me, assuming she IS a Jedi, but I guess I'll roll with it. Seems she's holding the cards, if she got the poacher goon to open the door...

I think to myself, quickly appreciating the suddenly more interesting view presented through the newly opened passageway.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I kept my hand on my sabre, but I didn't activate it. So long as he knew I was prepared to use it, that would be enough for now. I considered the Sith. Even lying down he was huge, perhaps a full two feet taller than I was. I'd never seen one of his kind from such a close distance.
"I'll make this simple," I said evenly. "I'll free you, in exchange for which you'll let me use your ship to get me off this planet."
I could already see the poacher making an anxious expression, ready to interject.
"And you won't harm the ones who captured you," I added, not looking away from the Sith. "Do we have an understanding?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sylvar


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Not one to let lady luck pass me by, I carefully get up and present my bindings, making sure to roll my shoulders in an exaggerated fashion, showing off my clearly sizable strength.

"Understood.", I said, carefully eyeing her sabre in spite of my show.

I look over at the poacher and ask "What about my gear?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Of course the Sith wanted his gear. I'd half hoped he might forget it. Not that I had any intention of letting him near his sabre. I wasn't a complete idiot. The poacher was looking nervous--he obviously wasn't an idiot either.
"Bring me his gear, please" I said calmly.

I tossed the Sith the keys to the shackles on his feet. I had no plans of getting within reach of those arms. I saw now the chain the poacher had mentioned. I pressed the button on the command that would release the chain--but not the collar. That and the hand shackles he could keep on. I stepped backward back into the corridor to wait for him to join me.

The poacher swallows nervously and hurried away to fetch Wolfe's missing items.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sylvar


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Catching the keys. I calmly unlock the shackles on my ankles, since I have no clue how long that goon is going to fumble around.

Looking around my now former cell, I spot the blindfold on the floor and grin, picking it up and folding it away into my pocket.

This should be fun later...

Distracted by a thought, I reach around to feel the back of my collar, careful not to set off any tamper-proof failsafe. Would hate to blow my head off trying to sate my curiosity...

To my satisfaction, I find what I was looking for, the remains of where the chain was attached, a thick metal ring.

Nice, still usable. I think to myself, grinning even more widely.

My curiosity sated, I decide to study my unexpected savior, noticing finally that she was watching me the whole time. This should be interesting. The pretty little Twi'lek was still on guard, though I don't blame her considering the size of her new captive.

"So, what brings you to my... rescue?" I guess, looking at her still ready but unlit Lightsabre.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The giant cat-like man grinned as he picked up what looked like a discarded blindfold. I almost considered not letting him take it, given how pleased he seemed. I watched him warily as he felt the back of his collar, prepared to activate it if he was trying to escape. I had no idea how strong his force abilities were.

"I need your ship," I said simply. There was no need to hide it from him, he'd find out eventually.

The poacher came back soon enough, arms full of a shield, a harness and a single-bladed light-sabre. I took the sabre, sliding it into my holster and eyed the harness. It didn't look like any armour I'd ever seen.

"Your stuff," I said almost pleasantly. I was eager to get out of here. It had already been almost 30 minutes... the Nexu would be out soon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sylvar


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Well, it's not like I'm stopping you, I already agreed to this. Let's go." I say as I quickly put on my harnesses with practiced ease, deciding to hold on to my shield knowing of the predators that stalk Cholgana.

"I'll lead us there, so you can keep an eye on me without too much worry. Is that acceptable?" I offer, remembering her unease at seeing my full size when I stood up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I watched him put on the harness and decided it really didn't look all that practical. He also seemed to be taking this whole thing very well, given he was now at the mercy of someone he'd come to kill... or worse.

"Lead the way, then." I say, trying to sound indifferent and casual. I wouldn't tell him I already knew where his ship was, or that I hadn't been able to get it to start. Let him think I'd found the poachers first and didn't know where he'd set down. Much less embarrassing that way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sylvar


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I make my way out of the ship to the planet's surface, and start making my way towards my own ship in the direction of the forest, keeping my eyes and ears out for any sign of the local Fauna. I find it difficult, however, as my mind wanders repeatedly back to the thoughts of the blindfold, collar, and my harnesses finally returned to me...

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

We made it safely back to the forest, with no signs of the poachers. I suspected once the second one found out their captive was gone he might alert their boss, but hopefully we'd be long gone by the time they could return. However once we entered the forest, splitting my attention between the Sith and the forest was not as easy as I'd hoped. His dark fur made him hard to follow in the darkness.

This proved to be a mistake. As we advanced through the tress, I missed the stealthy approach of the hunters from above. In a moment the air above the Sith was filled with tentacles as two arboreal octopi threw out their limbs in an attempt to ensnare us. I managed to quickly[6,1] activated my light-sabre, filling the air with a purple light. With the added light, I spied two more descending from the trees above. Quick as ever on my feet, I dodged to the side, away from the limbs of the first two.
"There's more coming, get down!" I shouted, preparing to hopefully send the two directly above us scurrying back where they came from.

Wolfe, the air above you is filled with octopi arms as these two huge creatures attempt to ensnare you in their limbs. Roll to evade them!
"The arboreal octopus is a multi-tentacled horror that lives in the upper canopy of the forest. It descends to the lower branches to ambush its prey from above. Pack hunters that rely on stealth and agility, the octopi wrap themselves around large tree trunks or solid tree limbs and ensnare unwitting prey as it passes below. Once an arboreal octopus has grabbed its victim, it tries to haul it up to a higher perch to eat its meal."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sylvar


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hearing the Jedi yell out, I turn and, with my body enhanced by the will of The Force, I rapidly barrel into the one that missed it's lunge at her.

"Could you PLEASE give me back my sabre? At least until we get back to the ship! We'll be here all night at this rate!"

Now grappling with the Octopus, I simply bash it into oblivion against a nearby boulder, spotted in the purple glow of the Jedi's blade.

"If not for these cuffs, I could tear these puny creatures apart with my paws!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I had only a moment to watch him grapple the beast and smash it to the ground, killing it brutally. I wasn't sure if I should be impressed or horrified. But there was no time to decide, my attention shifted immediately to the second creature as it reached out again. Summoning the force I lifted rocks and plant debris from the forest floor and sent them hurling towards the second beast. It screeched and tumbled to the ground.

I grabbed the dark one's sabre and threw it to him. I still had the keys to his shackles and the control to his collar... he'd be far easier to deal with than these beasts.

"You take one, I'll take the other!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sylvar


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Gotcha" I say as I carefully catch the familiar metal form of my lightsabre. Lighting the blade, I turn my focus to the beast in question and slash it viciously until all that remains are the smoldering, squirming appendages on the ground.

Done with mine, I casually look towards the Jedi, ready to see how cooperative she will be now that I have my own blade back. I do not point it towards her, and I make a point of keeping an eye out for more predators from above.

"We can work out our differences when we're back on my ship, and not prey to these creatures." I say as she continues to... take the other one.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

My "opponent" was quicker than the last, nearly catching me in its grips. I attempted to drive it back with my scare but it was not deterred. i sighed, once again marshalling my concentration to send the creature tumbling from its perch. I moved forward quickly and put the beast out of it's misery. As I slid my sabre into it, the Sith made a comment. At the word differences I snorted. What a fine euphemism he'd chosen. Either he had a sense of humour, or a warped sense of reality. But I oddly felt lighter, like the tension I'd been holding in was released.

His sabre was still lit and I doubted he'd want to part with it now. I reminded myself I had the collars control. If he turned on me I'd have the upper hand.

"Sure, sure," I said. "After you."

It occurred to me once he got me past the ships security I could just leave him here on the planet. I wouldn't, of course... That would be vindictive. But I smirked at the thought, then scolded myself. Master had warned me about those kind of thoughts.

Though I realized I did need to decide what I would do with him, and soon.
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