Nathan awoke with a start as he looked around the green school bus he was currently in. He was playing some computer games earlier on, but as he started to get drowsy, the last he remembered was putting his laptop away, so it wouldn't get hurt if it fell off during a bump, since there was no one sitting next to him to care of that. This was going to be a terrible waste of his school year, but at least he would be away from any civil authority. Laptop games, an arcade, this place would have it all for him. In the long run, at least it didn't seem that bad.

The big worry he had going on was the boarding school bit. All he could think of when it came to boarding schools would be strict guidelines and rules, attempts to change him and his personality, alongside all the schoolwork he would have to do. He tried so many times to not get thrust into this situation, as he told his parents to reconsider, but they just didn't listen. His marks were in the 70's and that was good enough for him, so why send him here? It almost felt like his parents just wanted to get rid of him for the year, as they severely opposed his habit, up until the point he got a job just to pay for the laptop he was using. As he looked out of the window, he could just see the forest continue to move along, until he saw a green sign with brown cursive text approach him, reading "Eden School: Embrace the New You."

At least he'll be at the school soon enough and then he can take a break and just relax for a bit. He'd already had it with all of the movement he went through today, surely some rest and a place to charge his laptop would be great for his bones.