Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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I'm going to use this whenever I have an idea for a character that I have yet to use. I have a current world setting idea for these characters but if I decided to use them in a future rp I may have to modify how they work in order to get them to fit in, so these sheets are malleable.

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Physical Description:

Ability theme:



Ability in detail:





Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 21 days ago

Name: Will Valkery

Age: 21

Race: Possessed Human

Alias/Title/Applications: Agent of the Hellstar Alliance, God-Slayer, Disciple of the Storm Demon

Physical Description: Will is a 5'11, Pale-skinned human with shaggy black hair and bright blue eyes. He typically wears either Black Sweatpants or navy blue jeans, A white t-shirt with or without a green and black jacket, a small black cowboy styled hat, an eye patch over his left eye, and a blue bandana that covers his face from his nose to his upper neck.

Ability theme: Storm Demonicka (demon magic)

Bio/backstory: Will was raised by a family who's father was in debt with a criminal organization. After five years of living a peaceful life, his father's past caught up with him, and he was threatened with his life. Out of desperation, he agreed to pay with blood, but instead of his own, he murdered his wife and nearly killed his son. Leaving them both to rot out on a desolate road in the middle of no where. For three days Will laid against the corpse of his dead mother, a small child who knew nothing about survival and far to weak, especially with how injured he was, to get up and seek food or shelter. All he could do was waste away and sob against his mother. Raijel, Demonic God of the storm, appeared to him on the very last day he would have lived. Making a deal with the demon, Will became his disciple, a prodigy to the demonic god, becoming linked to the very entity itself. This deal promised the idea of revenge against his father.

In the following chapter of his life, he wandered the world as a young child, rarely using his powers due to its self destructive nature. He had changed from an innocent and outgoing child into a shy and lost boy. Spending a few years like this, Raijel was eventually pressured by the other authorities in the hellstar alliance to actually train him. Though he didn't wish to harm the boy and pitied him greatly, he conceded and introduced Will to a solitary dimension, filled with both emotional and physical challenge, the very world shapes itself to kill the person sent there, creating both mental stresses and thoughts and great monstrous beasts and warriors. In this dimension, time moves much slower then the normal world, a year in that world is a second in the real world. Additionally, if the sent person dies, he is instantly reincarnated, essentially becoming immortal until they loose the will to live and fight. Those within the dimension do not age either. After an impossible struggle, Will returned to the real world, and had only lost a full year in the real world. The horrors and suffering he experienced changed him once again, now into a much more serious and apathetic individual. For the rest of his youth, he became a mercenary. Most of the work with easy, but eventually he spent an entire adventure as a teenager with a mercenary group fighting a dark force. Though he made friends with them, most didn't survive by the end, this and the fact that he learned of his father's natural death, who was his sole motivation until now to find and kill by his own hands, sent him into disarray and into a short period of self discovery. However this period made him worse, instead of improving.

Personality: He is now an individual who is apathetic of the world and has a cynical humor, bad attitude, and a no-nonsense toleration. He frequently fights those that he claims is in his way, or those that he simply finds annoying or 'deserves' a good beating. However due to his powers, he can't afford to waste much effort, so he doesn't try to hard to kill someone unless he has too, and he is surprisingly easy to get him to concede, namely if his weaker attacks and barely-trying efforts fail.

Ability in detail: With the power of the god of storms, he has complete control over the air around him, including oxygen and other gases. He can control wind down to its very molecule components and the force it exerts, creating shields of solid air pressure, short blasts of wind, long and powerful gusts, make empty vacuums devoid of air, tornadoes, and can even nullify and redirect other forms of air and wind. Since he has complete control over this aspect foreign attacks and natural obstacles based on that element are useless against him. He can absorb electric currents and add to his own power. Blue electricity, or demonicka formed lightning, can be formed with his body being the catalyst. Demonicka lightning can not only affect the physical world but can also damage ethereal entities including ghosts, gods, and other individuals that would normally be unaffected or un-phased. While he has an expansive control over his demonicka electricity, he cannot control other forms of electricity, but can absorb them and re-purpose other currents into demonicka electricity. He can also turn himself into electrical currents to essentially teleport at light-speed.

His most powerful ability though, is his left eye, which serves as the gateway to his connection with Raijel. The eye can see through any illusion, hypnosis, and other such obstacles, has a clear 20/20 vision, and can focus on distant objects, and can also see most entities or objects that would normally be invisable to the naked eye, such as ghosts. The eye connects to a stream of consciencess that exists beyond space/time, meaning that he can react instantly, and his eye can not only essentially see everything in his surroudings, but can foresee the near future as a sort of precognitive reaction if something would hit or damage him. because of this and his other abilities, it is nearly impossible to ever land a hit on him.

Skills/strengths: Incredibly fast, strong, and can tolerate a lot of abuse. He is skilled with the baseball bat he has as well in terms of how he swings it. You can expect him to dodge whatever you throw at him, however regardless of how good he is at endurance it doesn't take long for him to succumb to his own powers.

Weaknesseses: While he is certainly overpowered, especially when dodging, his own powers has a great toll on his bodies. He is still mortal essentially, and his body cannot take his own powers well, regardless of how much training. Every use of his power, be it shooting lightning, teleporting, controlling wind, or the involuntary action of his eye, damages him. Over short periods of use his body can visably be seen bleeding, with wounds without a visible source opening and scarring his body. While he has been trained to deal with incredible pain and abuse, extensive use of his powers can kill him rather quickly. The most effective way of beating him is by out-enduring him.

Equipment: The eyepatch he wears is a seal that restrains its uses so that it doesn't constantly injure his own body. However it doesn't nullify the foreseeing injury ability. He carries with him a steel baseball bat, since he can imbue it with wind pressure and electricity for great damage, and takes less energy to use then if he fought bare-handed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 21 days ago

Name: Axel Verla

Age: 23

Race: Possessed human

Alias/Title/Applications: Oracle of hecate's cult, Disciple of Hecate

Physical Description: 5'10" with deathly pale skin, messy white hair, and brown eyes. He appears anorexic, and always looks disturbed or grinning in some way. He is often mangled with bondages, sealing bandages, sealing chains, and other such items. Otherwise he doesn't actually have any clothes, though he may be sported in an overcoat jacket.

Ability theme: Demonicka, Metal Prodigy

Bio/backstory + personality: Not much is known about his origins other that he made a deal with Hecate to be her disciple, however what she didn't tell him was that he would be an experiment in attempts to her to expand in powers besides the witchcraft and necromancy domain she already possesses. Being in constant pain, hearing the demented voices of Hecate in his very conscience, and being nearly possessed by the sadistic goddess herself, has destroyed most if not all of his conscience. Insane is an understatement. If he isn't in control of Hecate, then he is utterly unpredictable. He can barely speak, muttering sometimes or barely able to speak up with sentences. He has developped an animalistic pleasure in pain, whether he is feeling it or someone else, whenever he is free his only motivation is to stimulate that pleasure. At one second he could be chewing off his own arm or tearing out the chest of an individual. Fighting with him is never fun, though at times he may ignore the presence of an opponent for the sake of giving himself pain. Due to both his self-destructive nature and uncontrollable rampages he is kept sealed at all times, only used as a direct speaker to the goddess herself by the cult, or released on the rare occasion when the cult needs a "nuclear bomb"

Ability in detail: His blood can produce any form of metal on the periodic table, including alkali metals and semi-metals, and demonicka steel, which is especially effective against immortal entities. He can produce sodium to create explosions combined with water, tendrils made of chains, chainsaws from his arms, and other abilities. Though many performances of this power is used quiet creatively and can possess complex mechanizations to his own desire despite his completely broken mind, However all methods of his own ability come from his blood, which means that whenever he uses this he often has to mutilate his own body, either from the outside, or most often in his case, inside out. For instance if he made tentacle-like chains they would form by ripping out of his back in a grotesque fashion. He can consume any metal as well that he didn't create, which can not only regenerate him at an inhuman level, but can restore much of the energy he expends. Any form of metal, unless it is enchanted enough where he wouldn't be able to destroy it, will break apart and absorb into his body upon biting it. Due to his broken nature, he will not stop unless he is either completely sealed or destroyed, and being a possessed human he is incredibly difficult to kill, even without vital organs, limbs, or a head, his supernatural existence allows him to cling to life even if he has little to hold onto. He is practicly impossible to fight at close range, so long ranged battles are ideal against him, though he still has access to projectile like weaponry and radiation-based attacks from radioactive metals such as uranium.

Weaknesseses: Since his own powers often destroy his own body one would assume that you can battle him by out enduring him. However with his potential to heal if he has access to foreign metal material and his near-impossibility to die makes even this a rather difficult scenario. It is best to try and force him back as much as possible until either escape is possible or if unconventional methods become open such as sealing.

Equipment: None

Other: The seals are designed to restrain even gods themselves, and yet he has proven that he is able to escape if left unchecked over long periods of time. Multiple layers of seals, including chains and bandages, and magical barriers are necessary to even guarantee a lengthy imprisonment.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 21 days ago

Name: Azura Faye

Age: Varies depending on setting, but he is only trapped in an appearance of a boy between 12-15 years old, though he is far more ancient in reality despite being trapped as a child.

Race: Hecate's Necromancer

Alias/Title/Applications: Second in Command (for Hecate's cult.)

Physical Description: A frail and deathly pale boy of 5'4 in height. His eyes and hair are silvery white, and he has a childish face. He usually wears his uniform of dark arcanic robes and a hood that hides most of his face.

Ability theme: Necromancer/Warlock

Bio/backstory: One of the first children of the original hecate's necromancer, he is nearly equal to his father with only a few decades in age difference and experience. Like his father, since ancient times he studied and practiced both his power over necromancy and various forms of magic of all variety he could learn and study. In between the thousands of years of doing so, he has been the main 'teacher' to his younger siblings that are ready to learn their necromancy. However when he isn't working with the cult he helps the hellstar alliance with certain missions as an agent. Satisfied with his abilities as of now, he has plenty of free time to do whatever work he is needed to fill. However since birth he has longed for a companionship that the cult barely offers him.

Personality: Since his first death, he was stuck to be a young child for eternity, because of this he tends to be naive and innocent and times. However while he isn't ill-moral or evil, he still obeys the cult's commands, even those of malevolent tasks such as human sacrifices, and he has learned to void his emotions as a result. He rarely opens up his childish nature and innocent longing for friendship to anyone, even his immediate family of other necromancers. Being stone-cold he usually shows no remorse or sympathy, nor any extreme emotions such as anger, sorrow, and happiness, and does not hesitate when he has to perform something evil. Eternity has taught even a perpetually stuck child wisdom and intelligence, if being an emotionless child wasn't strange enough for his innocent appearance, his wisdom is another jarring feature he possesses.

Ability in detail: He has explored almost every possibility a necromancer can do. Destroy or create organic matter, resurrect bodies into zombies, various forms of mutations, instant decaying properties, genetic manipulation, regenerating organic matter, control over bio-matter, transmutation of organic matter, and various other forms of the sort. In short, a master over hecate's necromancer is a master over life, death, and the organic matter that makes up life.

Necromancers can traverse in death as they can traverse life or undeath at any time, meaning that killing him will only slow him down. Regardless of the method of destruction or execution to a necromancer, they can ressurect their own bodies from death or create new bodies, however the bodies they take is reverted to their original biology that they were before their first death. Necromancers cannot use non-necromancy magic while dead, and their power is limited the more dead they are. A completely destroyed necromancer, as in one who has not even an atom of existence in the world, is limited to only creating new bodies to inhabit. Necromancers do have a limited amount of energy they can use, similar to mana, and if exhausted they go into 'hibernation' where they cease to exist for a century until they regenerate enough energy to reform their existences and living bodies.

In terms of magic other then necromancy, Azura has studied and progressed much of it, essentially he has become a swiss army knife of magical abilities, much like his father and brothers that are close to his age. He has experience with every common form of elemental magic, sealings, hexes, dark magic, even holy magic and other obscure spells. However the family's trademark magic is aura magic, a form that makes use of raw elemental magic into shapes and energy such as blasts and swords.

At some point he and other agents were gifted with ragnarok shards. Which when bonded with, their existence becomes grounded to reality. They cannot be directly effected by reality manipulators, including gods, eldritch abominations, and other such entities that would normally erase them from existence or change there very being fail against them. The shards can also be activated to lock down entities from using almost any form of reality manipulation. Including erasing things or concepts from existence, changing the laws of the universe in any way, any form of time travel, most forms of teleportation, some forms of psychic abilities, creating things into existence (not including magic and spells), creating or destroying energy (That isn't magic based), etc.

Skills: thousands of years worth of knowledge on spells, the arcane, and necromancy.

Weaknesseses: Defeating a necromancer is impossible by conventional methods unless if one were to succeed in making them exhaust enough energy to send them into hibernation, which is a temporary defeat of course. Powerful seals and magical imprisonements are really the only other reasonable counters against necromancers

Azura's patience often leads him to hold back from going overkill, and somewhere deep down there is a foolish and innocent child wanting to escape the cult's evil.

Equipment: A magic staff that can assist in spellcasting, and a large spellbook that acts as a sort of encyclopedia for countless spells and information over the arcane.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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