Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Beyond Serenty - A Firefly ‘Verse Roleplay

Couldn’t stop the signal. That’s what they said, and it was true. The news went out from Mr. Universe’s stronghold that fell, all about the disaster that was Miranda. The disaster that killed Miranda’s people and birthed the Reavers. The disaster that Government did its best to sweep under a cosmic rug. Until the unsung heroes of a ship called Serenity busted the secret wide open.

Then what?

People in all parts of the ‘verse shook their heads and went about their business. So Government was corrupt. How was that news? The Reavers were still out there, same as before, with nobody lifting a finger to clean them up. Company worlds were still company worlds, with Management’s hands in a stranglehold ‘bout the necks of the working folk, same as before. And ships like Serenity went about their business, literally and figuratively below the radar, same as before.

This here’s the tale of another of those shining stars of free enterprise, a ship called (name pending). Her crew is small, ‘cause pay is sketchy and often late in coming, and it takes a special kind of person to put up with that. Still, there’s adventure in her running, and sometimes that’s all those special people need.
This roleplay takes place in the universe of the TV series Firefly and movie Serenity some time after the events in the movie. It’s all original characters, both crew and passengers. The absolutely necessary crew members are the pilot and the engineer. A captain would be nice, but in a pinch the pilot can be in command. More crew folk would also be nice, to make it similar to the crew of Serenity. No kids, though. It’s not that kind of ship.

The plot will also be original, and I need some help in that area. Your ideas are more than welcome. Is there a mission you would have enjoyed seeing in the series or in another movie? This is your chance to put it into action. Feel free to jump right in.

As far as posting quality and quantity are concerned, I’m not looking for book-length posts, but keep in mind that you need to give your fellow roleplayers enough to work off. I prefer substance to fluff, so if something like what I wrote at the beginning of this post gets the job done, that’s fine – though if you feel inspired, by all means, write your heart out! Also, nobody’s at the top of their game all the time. I’d rather have a post of less than top quality than no post at all. And I’d like posts every couple of days, or at least twice a week. If that nasty beast real life gets in the way, please say something. With warning and PP rights within reason – like moving your character along with a group – the RP doesn’t have to get stalled because you’re temporarily unavailable.

Application said
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 12 days ago

Alright. I'm game.

Name: Janet “Vixen” Carr
Alias: Vix, Carr
Age: 26
Gender: Female


Vix has dark flowing auburn red hair that falls just past her shoulders-- on the job it's usually tied up into a messy ponytail or side braid. She's has an athletic build with long, slender features. She is rarely ever seen with make-up on or in anything other than earthy colored tank tops, brown combat boots, and dark jeans or cargo pants. She's rarely seen without her leather jacket and bullet proof goggles, which are typically worn around her neck when they aren't in use.

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 170


Vix isn’t really what most people would call a “people person”. She’s rather brutal in her dealings with people and seemingly cranky most days-- her short fuse and fiery temper contribute greatly to this particularly unflattering character trait of hers. Her trust is a difficult thing to obtain—her sympathy; nigh impossible. She grew up in a tough environment and learned how to be independent and stand on her own two feet. She doesn’t expect anything extra from anybody and, thus, doesn’t want anyone to expect anything extra from her. “I’m here to do my job and get paid. Not be your gorram buddy, buhn dahn,” she’s been known to say in her cockney accent whenever things start to get too "gushy" for her. She likes to keep things simple and would rather stay out of business that doesn't concern her-- you start learning about each others pasts and then you start caring about each other and the inevitable goodbye that comes at the end of every meeting is only made that much more... annoying. Emotions only get in the way. She likes to play the cool, sexy fighter lady that's always leaning up against the wall in the shadows and will who'll sooner kill you in your sleep than let you cross her, but her quirks are so aplenty that anyone who really knows her can see through the ruse. She's got a soft spot for kids and despite her harsh exterior, she's got quite the surprising personality deep deep down....

History: Making some changes...


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Never mind, disregard this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Angela "Angel" Larkin
Alias: Eve
Age: 20
Gender: Female

Appearance: Eve has short black hair the drapes itself over one of her eyes. Her skin is pale which contrasts with her hair. Her eyes are a stormy grey with a layer of eye shadow. She wears dark clothing to let her blend into the shadows, these cloths include a black leather jacket that belonged to her brother and that she's been wearing for years. She's short for her age, maybe 5'7" and she weights 124 pds but she's strong for her size.

Personality: Eve is sarcastic and closed off from everything around her. When someone crosses her she lets just enough of her personality shine through to make sure that they never bother her again. She can still enjoy a good laugh or a beautiful sunset but she doesn't like to show anyone that side of her and it doesn't come out very often. That is how she normally acts however Eve has had practice being whoever she thinks will get the best reaction from someone else for what she wants.

History: Angel was named for the planet that she was born on, though her family lives on Beaumonde. There her father owned a fairly well known bar called the Vertigo Tavern. Angel's father put her to work there. Not as a bar tender, he gave her a vial of lipstick that he called the Goodnight Kiss and told how to use it. Over the next several years she got good at recognizing what one of the parishioners wanted in a girl and changing her behavior to match, Eve was the name she used during these "Shifts". The Goodnight Kiss usually left them too groggy to remember which bar they were at so the men coming into the ER robbed and out of it were never linked back to Vertigo. Angel's brother, Alex worked as a bouncer there, he was large and intimidating and good at keeping the place calm but it was inevitable that bar fights break out every now and again. Angel learned to fight in her father's bar dodging flying bottles and punches. Thankfully no one ever broke Kosherized rules so the place didn't get shot up but Eve does have several scars from that time in her life. In one of these fights someone smashed a bottle over Alex's head. This wasn't the first time it had happened but this time a shard of glass was embedded deep into his skull. They took him to the hospital but the Doctor's told the family that there was nothing that could be done without a lot of money for an experimental procedure. Angel's father borrowed money from some very shady people to pay for the procedure but in the end it didn't work. Angel didn't even get to see his body. She's worn his leather jacket ever since, it's large on her making her small hourglass frame look even smaller. Angel's family sold the bar, the house and everything they own to pay the loan sharks back but in the end it wasn't enough. Scared of what would happen to them Angel's father put her on a ship off of Beaumonde hoping to keep her safe. She traveled from planet to planet to planet ever since hitching rides on low end ships or stowing away in cargo haulers. She has a decent knowledge of ships from her travels, not how to repair them but she knows there capabilities well enough and most of the time what they are used for. She gotten work where ever possible, hostess, bodyguard thanks to her upbringing but more often than not criminal muscle, after all no one ever suspects that she can actually hold her own in a fight.

Gear: There is a gold locket with a blue gem stone that she always wears around her neck. It belonged to her mother and aside from the jacket that she wears is all she had left of her family. She carries a simple hand gun which she can use with a decent amount of skill and well as two small daggers that are woven into her hair appearing like accessories until she pulls them out. She also carries a lock picking set just in case. She carries a vial of the Goodnight Kiss just in case she needs it.

Trivia: She doesn't like people sneaking up on her or touching her suddenly, she'll often react violently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 12 days ago

Just a few questions...

While I can see something like this happening, I find it hard to believe there'd be no action at all. Like I'm sure there'd be some small groups or individuals who would be interested in learning more about Miranda and the Reavers or trying to get back at the government for what happened. It was said at the end that the government was weakened after all, so I don't know. Wouldn't there be any straggling brown coats interested in the opportunity?

Are there going to be any canon characters along the line?

Would I be allowed to have my character travel with a secondary character? She'd be much like an NPC. I was thinking maybe some kind of writer/historian/scientist or journalist that is trying to gather information about what happened. She would disguise her interest in Reavers and Miranda behind a desire to simply document different locations around the 'Verse (since there's likely no way she'd convince the crew to seek out Reavers for her to study-- much less try and get to Miranda).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sure there was a great deal of interest by many parties and it did weaken the alliance but not as much as Serenity hoped. The alliance still controlled much and a lot of what they didn't private corporation in league with them did. The alliances is far too powerful for a single blow to destroy them. It might have sparked rebellion on a number of worlds but nothing organized and nothing that could not be contained.

None of the crew of Serenity but perhaps some of there contacts such as Badger, Patience, Niska and the like.

Possibly but yhat would mean Vix would have to be a passenger not a crew member. Though reading over her personality there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of room for friends. You could have two characters independant from one another but it doesn't seem likely that Vix would travel with someone without a reason.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 12 days ago

Vix will be the woman's bodyguard.
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