Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SUN
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Argus held his hands together tightly, his knuckles were calloused a covered in dried blood. He kept his yellow eyes forward staring off into a dark sky. He could hear Wren and Blair sleeping soundly back in the bunker, he felt relieved for their safety but still couldn't help worrying. This was the third night he went without sleep, and he couldn't help it. They were running out of food and it would be long till he would have to venture into the city to get more supplies. He was determined to keep his family alive, but to make matters worse Blair caught sickness. He could hear her start to cough again and he moved from his post. He came to her side brushing back her purple hair softly. "You alright love?" He said quietly trying not to wake her mother beside her. Blair nodded weakly trying to breathe quietly too but her breaths were wheezy and short. Argus took her in his arms bringing her to an old booth chair they had salvaged. He brought her some water they collected from the rain, followed by some pills Wren had prescribed. Blair coughed slightly as she took her third pill but it wasn't long til she was sleeping in his big arms. Argus watched out the window as he stroked her hair silently, listening to her breathing which seemed to even out. He watched as the sun began to rise just barely peaking above the tree line. He exhaled softly placing Blair carefully next to her mother on the cot. He went outside the bunker to see what he could salvage for their breakfast. He knew they had dried foods in the bunk but he wanted to save those for dyer situations. He collected some berries and a few apples from a farm about a mile and a half away. He also managed to find more bottled water and a tool box. When he returned he found Wren already awake outside. He smiled setting his bag down on a table "How is she?" He asked looking toward the tin door as if she was going to come out any minute. "Still asleep, I heard you two last night, you're an awful singer" she spoke with a soft smile trying to lighten his mood. Since the attack a few days ago he had been a little tense. Argus managed a small smile kissing her good morning on the forehead "Well someone had to do it... She won't go to sleep with out it." He cracked open the door slightly to let the morning light in. Blair yawned tiredly stretching her small arms to the ceiling "morning-" she started with a cough. She hated coughing in front of her father knowing it upset him she tried to stall it by holding her breath. Argus smiled reassuringly swinging her up into his arms "you're getting to big" he said setting her down. Blair raised an eyebrow her vivid pink and green eyes staring up at him in wonder "I'm only twelve!" She said with another cough following her father outside to join her mother for breakfast.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jagajac
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A crisp morning breeze drifted through the peaceful overgrown meadow. The multitudes of long green stalks bent forward, as if stretching in the sunlight. Margot's messy top knot peeked just above the tall grasses, and the young girl's giggles were faintly audible from a distance. A smile played across Aubrianna Winter's lips, as she stood silently with her grandfather at the edge of the thick clearing. Her face was noticeably more gaunt than usual, and her brown eyes were sunken into dark, puffy circles. The winter had been unforgiving to her clan. Crops were scarce, disease was ravaging, and her husband's reparations were few and far between. Her grandfather's leathered hand rested gently on her shoulder, as they watched Margot play.

"She needs her mother, Aubrianna."

The coarse voice of the Native American elder pierced through the silence. Aubri's eyes widened in shock, and she turned her troubled face towards the old man. Confusion, worry, and guilt clouded her appearance, and she struggled to form a response. Her lips parted many times, but no words or even sounds were uttered. Aubri blinked hard, a solitary tear ran down her cheek, and looked back towards her young daughter.
Margot, crouched on all fours, stalked silently through the meadow's grassy protection. A devilish smile lit her youthful face, and the morning dew caught in the strands of her hair. Her bright blue eyes seemed to focus on some unseen prey as her slender body crept forward. A lark cooed in the forest beyond, and as if on cue, Margot jumped high into the air and wrapped her fists around something small and noisy. She stood up proudly, dirt and grass smeared across her naked knees, and began jogging towards her mother and great grandfather.
"I need my husband."

Aubrianna's words were drenched in longing and sadness, as she stared vacantly into the meadow. Thoughts of Matthias and the war lingered in the back of her mind. She loved her daughter dearly, but five years without seeing her husband had been an enormous struggle. The words of his most recent letter haunted her day and night.

My love,

Please forgive, but accept, these rations for yourself and Margot. There are so many refugees at the camp, and more come every day. I don't know how we're going to advance in the war at this rate. These people aren't soldiers, Aubri, these people are just citizens who have lost hope. We're all searching for strength and a reason to fight, but it eludes us. You and Margot keep me alive. I love you both so much, and think of you often.

Yours always,

"Mommy, PaPou, look what I've caught!"

Margot's outstretched fists opened cautiously, and a tiny brown head popped through. The mouse's beady eyes scanned in all directions, and its paws scrambled frantically inside Margot's hands. She laughed at the tickling sensation. Aubri looked down at Margot and narrowed her eyes. The little girl shrugged her shoulders innocently, but caught the command in her mother's eyes and placed the creature back to the earth. It darted away into the grass. Margot reached for her mother's hand, but Aubri evaded it and instead placed her palm on her daughter's messy bun. She ruffled it for a moment, although Margot audibly protested, and then spoke softly.

"Just like your father."

The older man sighed deeply, but nodded his head in approval. His white braid cascaded down his chest. Margot ran up to him and placed her tiny finger into his belly accusingly.

"You promised, PaPou. We hunt today while mommy goes to the market."

The Indian man cast a worried glance at Aubri before responding to his great-granddaughter.

"Yes, child. Today you will learn many things."

His words were laced with a deeper meaning that Margot did not detect, but Aubri's muscles tensed as she forced a warning smile. The sun was gaining height in the sky, and the three basked in its glorious morning rays.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 8 days ago

"Right, so then we have a deal?"

Crowley sat at the other end of the table, facing a man who had for some odd reason just turned a sickly pale. The poor man had started quivering and began a fast nod. Crowley made a smile and got up from his side of the table, patting the man on the shoulder and exiting the door. Before he closed the door Crowley added in his raspy voice, "And I expect this to be completed soon, don't want anything going wrong." Crowley happily chuckled and closed the door, leaving the man there shaking.

Crowley held his small pleasant smile and straightened his tie as he exited the building, promptly going back to his house. The man was quite easy to break. Just a simple intimidation and a threat on his family and he crumbled like a fallen vase! He had certainly had harder challenges before. Oh yes, and she was quite difficult to handle, Crowley thought. Fortunately I got the better end of that deal.

Nicolas looked over from the couch as his father opened the door. Even at 13, Nic was already almost as tall as his dad, and it showed when the boy stood up. "Hi dad!" He greeted as Crowley entered and placed his hat on the coat rack.

Crowley turned from the rack and smiled at his son, giving a short wave. "Hello Nic, where's Michael off at?" He asked, looking around and expecting him to be there, but ended up not. "Did he run off again?"

Nicolas gave a quick nod. "Yeah, he said the house was too distracting to read his book. He got into some old collection called the Art of War, ever heard of that? Apparently it's about some old Chinese dude who gives all these wise sayings. It seemed boring to me and after explaining he ran off."

Crowley chuckled and shook his head. Both of the boys were remarkable in their own way, but they still managed to amuse him. They would certainly be able to uphold what he had created and may even expand on it. He had a large amount of confidence in them. They both had. "Well Nic I thought I would teach you a few things today. They're going to be fairly important to learn as you grow up." Crowley shut the front door and began his daily lesson. Laughter soon followed and the sun settled down hours later. After several more hours another boy approached the house and entered, falling face flat on his bed and quickly falling asleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dingo


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Darnall rolled onto his stomach, stretching and yawning before standing and twisting his upper body left and right, his vertebrae cracking audibly. Untangling his backpack from around his ankle, he started rolling up his sleeping bag. It was a precaution he took, tying his bag to his ankle. He did it in such a way that if anyone tried to open or steal his bag, it would wake him to the theft. Tying the sleeping bag to the top of his bag, he continued making his was eastward. Judging by the sun it was around 9 am, the trees providing just enough shade to keep him cool. The rations in his bag were mostly water with a few 'in case of emergency' snacks and a first aid kit, some jerky and the necessary cooking utensils, so the load was relatively light.
Digging around in the bag absent-mindedly as he walked, he pulled out a well worn but still functional tupperware container with leftovers from last night's dinner; cooked rabbit. Or at least the two remaining haunches from the three cotton tail he'd caught and cooked last night. Unclipping his knife from his right jean pocket, he cut off a sliver of meat, which he started to eat as he walked. The jerky would keep, but this meat needed to be eaten now, lest it went to waste.

Clipping the knife back into place, Darnall also checked his left side pocket to make sure his multi-tool was there. It was, and he went back to eating his rabbit haunch, this time opting to eat it like a chicken drumstick. He still had no idea how far he was from 'civilization', but he wasn't really hurting for food, he was still having luck trapping and skinning cotton tail and the odd dove. He had been steadfastly following a stream that ran to the right of him, so he was good for water, too. Probably the only thing he really needed was a bath, but that wasn't particularly high on his list of priorities right now. After about an hour or two of travel, Darnall stopped and listened a moment. The sounds of civilization weren't far ahead. It looked like he'd be getting a bath sooner than he thought. Pushing on through, Darnall made his way steadfastly towards the noise. He'd kept most of the animal pelts, with any luck he'd be able to trade or sell them when he arrived.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Thomas stared blindly out the window. In truth he didn't see any of the view that his father's status had gotten them. There apartment was beautiful and it's view of the skyline exquisite but material things were not what Thomas wanted. He'd found love for the first time in his life eight years ago. Katrina was perfect. She had red hair that glowed and a beautiful smile. Generally intermixing splices was not encouraged there was more chance of a child turning out Filthy but it hadn't matter to Thomas. Katrina was the woman he loved and the laws me damned.

His parents hadn't been thrilled when he'd told them he was going out with a fox splice but they'd met her and both agreed that she was charming if a little stubborn. Then disaster struck. Katrina had gotten pregnant. That wasn't the disaster. No that cemented there relationship, Thomas and Katrina couldn't have been happier. It was when the child had been born that things started to fall apart. The little girl when she was born had bright yellow birds eyes. It was obvious that she had taken after his splice, the problem was that it was visible. She had yellow eagles eyes, and red hair like her mothers but it was pattered with black making it look like feathers. Her wings weren't as compact as his. She wouldn't be able to hid them as easily and cramming them into a shirt would be painful.

The doctors had spoken, the girl was filthy and could not be accepted into the city. She would be executed at sun up after her parents had a chance to say good bye. Katrina had screamed that there wasn't anything wrong with her little girl, that just because she looked a little different didn't make her worse. The officials had looked at her with suspicious eyes and Thomas had had to shut her up quickly to stop her from going to the gallows with her daughter.

That night Thomas had paid off several different people from the gates men to the officials that monitored the security feeds. It had cost a great deal but it allowed him the holes in security he needed to sneak his fiancée and daughter out of the city. Everyday since he'd wished that he'd stayed with them but he'd told Katrina that as happy as he would have been with her no matter where they were he needed to return to the city to make sure that everyone thought she and there child were dead. His parent thought he stared aimlessly into space because the love of his life had killed herself and her child rather than let the government take them but the truth was that the knowledge that he could be with them even now still haunted him. She would be turning seven this coming week. Every year on her birthday he lit a candle for her and prayed that she remain safe.

With a suddenly feeling that he needed to be doing something Thomas flipped a switch next to the window. His entire family were avian splices and as such they had windows that opened enough for an entire person to fit through. It was easier to fly that way. He dove out the window and the ground started to hurtle towards him. For a few seconds he considered not opening his wings and just letting himself get squashed but he knew that was not what his love and daughter would have wanted for him.

His wings stretched out through tailor made slits in his jacket and the wind caught him. He never felt so free or at home as when he soared through the air. He wondered if his daughter enjoyed flying. They hadn't even gotten a chance to name her. This was the only time when he came close to forgetting his troubles but it didn't last. He needed to land soon. His family was considering a new apartment on the other side of the city and he thought he should check it out.

Who was he fooling? That was just a pretence to avoid going home for a couple of hours. He landed in a back alley and started to walk. He knew the general direction of where he was going but nothing specific about directions had come into his mind. After about twenty minutes of walking he found himself at the last place on earth he wanted to be. Katrina's parents house. He'd considered talking to them millions of times over the years but he'd never been able to pick up the courage to knock on the door. Should he knock? Would they hate him? Would they welcome him? Would they call him the death of there daughter? Could he lie to them and tell them she was dead? He just didn't know. Everything had been so clear for his life before he'd met the fox faced girl. Then everything had been turned upside down but he wouldn't have traded it for anything.
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