Hey everybody! This is the second interest check for this particular RP, and while the first garnered a fairly significant tally of interested writers, many of them sadly had to drop out due to real life (including the original GM). That said, I and a dedicated remainder of interested writers have taken this endeavor upon our own shoulders and are making an effort to breath new (more) life into a great RP that is still only in its infancy.

The premise of the RP in question is along the lines of what you'd see in the likes of Star Wars, Mass Effect, Guardians of the Galaxy, and even Halo and The Avengers, and the reason I say partially-open world is because there will indeed be a main theme to the story. However, character development and the journey to get to that main theme will be entirely spur of the moment (unless you want to conspire together with myself or the other RPers. It's entirely up to you).

The big bad of this particular story is an alien that goes by the name of Gortex, and every main character will have a reason to hate him. Whatever that reason is will be entirely up to you, and will only be limited by what things Gortex is actually capable of doing. Though fret not friends! He's an incredibly powerful and evil dude, and hasn't yet found a line he won't cross.

As far as races, species, tech, and abilities, feel free to let your imaginations run wild! Though anything too powerful will have to be countered by the addition of even more powerful bad guys, so it would be nice if we could keep things around the level of the non-deities in the above-mentioned inspirational material. Character histories will also not be required (and indeed, there will be no space for them in the official CS), as it kind of defeats the point of character development if we all know everything beforehand. Let history and personality develop naturally throughout the RP as the characters divulge more and more to their comrades (or not) and react to the universe and whatever it throws at them. Other than that, the rules (aside from site standards) are pretty much just to listen to the GM and do as he says (yay powertrip!), and have yourselves a good old fashioned pile of fun. Like, chocolate flavored fun with whipped cream and a cherry on top. ;)

Any interested parties may either post below, or vamoose on over to our RP threads which are located somewhere in this general direction. (Special note: The active cover post will be at the top of page 2 in the OOC.)

I hope to see you there! Or here... Whichever suits your fancy. :)