Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brink_
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The Legend of the Twin Stars

The Lore

Thousands of years ago, before the advent of life itself, the universe found itself in a state of chaos. In an attempt to quell the seemingly incessant disorder, a trio of gods, Herrance, Horrace, and Hurfrey, appeared and promptly descended upon the chaos. By combining their powers, they created a world, Trylia, and each god was tasked with developed a specific facet of this new realm. Herrance was to create the material of aspect of the Trylia, Horrace was to develop law and order, and Hurfrey was to make life itself. Once they finished, they departed for the heavens, though not without leaving the mark on the world, the twin stars Herr and Horr, who were to supply Trylia with substantial amount of light for all of eternity, in order to aid in the flourishing of its gods' people. However, Hurfrey, who was upset that neither of the stars was named after him, decided to leave the Hur Sword, capable of supplying whoever wielded unlimited power, enough to destroy the stars, so as to ensure his hopes that the stars could never fulfill their roles. Hurfrey then summoned a demon named Tzaliek and entrusted the sword with him in hopes that he'd give the sword to whoever he deemed was evil enough to destroy the twin stars before finally leaving joining his brothers.

Life continued peacefully for the next few centuries, with the Trylian people going about their daily lives much like our prehistoric ancestors, hunting and gathering as they pleased, until Tzaliek grew tired of waiting and decided to take matters into his own hands. In an attempt to please Hurfrey, he tore a fissure into the surface of the world, releasing all manner of monsters and demons into the land, all led by their king The Hunter, who sough to obtain the Hur Sword so he could rule over not only the Underworld but Trylia as well. After numerous failed attempts at obtaining the sword from Tzaliek's hands, The Hunter ordered his army to destroy as much of the world as they could in order to force Tzaliek to give up the weapon.

Tzaliek, who feared for his life, decided to gather all of the remaining Trylians and escape to the sacred Lake Bluhound, where Hurfrey had granted him the sword, so he could plead for their protection. However, upon reaching the lake, he instead met Herrance and Horrace, who had condemned Hurfrey and sentenced him to rule the Underworld, where he renamed himself The Hunter. The two gods then proceeded to punish Tzaliek for his own evil and promptly destroyed him, using his ashes to form a makeshift island at the mouth of the Bluhound River and founding the city of Eltherria on said island. This city, surrounded by water, would become to new home of the Trylian people, safe from the reaches of The Hunter and his forces. In secret, the two gods also sent the Hur Sword into the city, disguised as a statue commemorating the founding of Eltherria and placing it in the town square, where it stands to this day. Through the ingenious design of the duo, the only way to access the weapon was also concealed, and would only open when the land's chosen heroes would come into need of it. They also left artifacts of themselves within the statue, with Herrance enshrining his own bow and quiver while Horrace placed away his sacred armor.

Once the Trylian people were secure, Herrance and Horrace summoned an army of angels and entered into a fierce and preceded to wage a fierce battle against the The Hunter and his troops in the area now known as Wraithblood Plains. According to legend, it was here that the duo discovered their original chosen hero, and had granted him immortality as a sign of honor. Although only briefly mentioned in retellings of the history of Trylia, the chosen hero played a significant role in the battle, eventually retiring to a shack somewhere in the Turrence Forests. After a long and bloody week of fighting, the two gods managed to subdue The Hunter, driving him into a prison deep in the center of the Crowless Dunes, where a great seal was placed on his cell in order to ensure his permanent imprisonment so he could never again harm Trylia or its inhabitants. Stripped of both his original powers and physical form by the capabilities of the seal, The Hunter was forced to take the form of a shriveled old man full of dangerously grandiose potential capable of destroying the entire world should he ever escape.

Releasing they would soon perish as a result of the grave injuries sustained from the battle against The Hunter, Herrance and Horrace wanted to ensure their prisoner could no longer hurt their people, and, fearing another great catastrophe, decided to create a spirit to be bound to their enshrined gifts that could their chosen heroes on their journeys in the future. Once they had finished that, they summoned four guardian dragons to watch over the lands of Trylia, with each dragon entrusted with a fragment of a spell that would ensure the return of the two gods when needed, with each individual fragment being passed on to their respective heroes one day. Finally, with their last breaths, the gods created a gate to the underworld, sealed away within an ancient dungeon, that would be instrumental in the eventual banishing of The Hunter. With that, Herrance and Horrace left Trylia, hoping they'd ensured its protection for millenniums to come.


(I realize the layout of the streets is very modern for a medieval-esque town.)

Being both the most populated and only true in all of Trylia, Eltherria can easily be considered one of the world's busiest locations. This renowned centre of trade and commerce, although home to mere 18,000 Trylians, is filled with enough shops and side quests to overwhelm even the quickest of adventurers. And, thanks to its large army and single drawbridge, it rarely, if ever, undergoes any sort of conflict, much less an invasion.

Throughout the adventures of the chosen heroes, Eltherria becomes an important location, garnering multiple visits, whether it be for equipment or story progression, so I recommend you familiarize yourself with its many notable places. The Town Square (green), for example, is the city's busiest site. Standing in front of the Trylian Castle (red), a fountain bearing an image of the infamous Hur Sword sits in the square's center, flanked on each side by market stalls and crowds. A small establishment, the Horrace Head Tavern, lies directly to the west, and is the home of much of the town's gossip and quest-giving. Numerous buskers stand out front, and will often garner the attention of guards, which can be used to your advantage. Besides that there's lengthy Bluhound Avenue (green street), which leads to the town drawbridge, where you can visit the blacksmith. There's also busy Monroe Street (blue street), where most of Eltherria's residents live and where you can stock up on health at the numerous food vendors, or visit the fortune teller, who can aid you on your adventures. And, finally, there's South Street (red street), one of the town's quieter areas, where you can stop by the local clinic in times of need.

Law & Order

Acting as the peacekeepers of Eltherria and the protectors of the royal family, Eltherrian guards are fervent workers with incredible loyalty to their king. They usually don very light armor consisting of little more than chain mail covered by a tunic and leather gauntlets, all of which is accompanied by a sword, making them quite vulnerable and weak.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brink_
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[hider=Adrian Meriwether]
Name: Adrian Meriwether

Age: 36


Equipment: Custom rifle capable of firing bursts of concentrated particle beams supplied by a replaceable power pack. These intense, high-impact beams can, depending on the setting, either kill or paralyze their target after two to three shots to the torso.
Repair kit used solely for ship repairs.
Personal vessel

Former/Current Occupation: Mechanic


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Decided against the whole destroyer thing. Other stuff is a WIP.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brink_
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Aboard the ANS Orpheus, Captain Natshuk T'Zakiel sat gallantly at the center of the bridge, surrounded by a ring of computers, screens and crewmen. Wires, lights and cables all hung overhead in a somewhat orderly fashion, swaying with each barrage of Thresh missiles. A large window, crowded with holographic numbers and charts, seemed like a door to another dimension, especially when compared to the dark, drab gray interior of the Orpheus. Immense battleships floated by, firing volley after volley of particle beams, while comparatively tiny interceptors whizzed past.

As officers and crewmen alike ran back and forth between the bridge and their respective stations, all the while shouting orders and readying their equipment, Lieutenant Fel Roals approached the command chair, tablet in hand. "Sir, we're approaching a number of medium-sized Thresh spacecraft. If my men's calculations are correct, the nearest Alliance ships won't stand a chance. We recommend you circle back."

T'Zakiel contemplated the recommendation, curiously shifting in his seat, but soon came up with a rebuttal. "Lieutenant, do you not understand that we are headed for the moon? We have Alliance men stranded out there, and I will not let a few Thresh stand in my way. You now damn well the capabilities of this ship, and though I respect the decisions of your department, it seems as though the failed to take into account the sheer strength of our vessel. Continue moving forwards, and have our astrogation officers plan the easiest landing."

"Yes, sir."

However, just as Roals was leaving the bridge, an unprecedented volley of Thresh bolts violently rocked the ship, severely damaging its hull. All of the vessel's emergency lights turned a bright red, and an alarm resounded throughout the ship: "This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill. Report to your appropriate stations and prepare to engage. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill." A number of officers hastily rushed to T'Zakiel, all waving their navigational tablets, vying for attention.

"Calm down, men," the captain ordered, the green tendrils poking out of his head shaking with every word. "It seems as though we've come into contact with what I presume to be medium-class Thresh craft. As part of Alliance regulation, I want you all to get to your stations, ready the point-defense lasers, and charge the turbo-lasers. Do you understand?"

Each and everyone of the surrounding men quickly nodded and rushed down the nearest corridors. As the nearby Alliance battleships exploded, bright yellow light filled the room every few seconds, signifying heavy losses at that end of the battlefield. T'Zakiel grew worried, and brought the intercom-linked bracelet he wore up to his lips.

"This is your captain speaking. Prepare to fire once the Thresh are less than a kilometer away. Have the ion cannons at the ready, and if we are to take more damage, swerve the ship so as to charge them head-on and reduce any further damage to our hull." With that, the captain adjusted himself, crossed his legs, and brought his right arm up to his chin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brink_
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(Can be whatever you want within reasonable constraints. Try not to get to crazy or unbalanced)

Form of Government

Current Leader(s)

Notable Figures

Total Population
(No china blobs please. I may allow one, but in general, try to keep it under 160 million roughly)

Nation's Location:

Nation's Geography:
(See the Biome map to get a general sense of what your nation is like. Feel free to build onto that by adding notable forests or mountains and such to better enhance the setting of your nation. The Biome map is just something to help you along)

(What does your nation like to import/export? Remember, your nation can't just home grow all the things it needs. Also its a good excuse for war! :D)
(Oh! And I am also allowing fantasy materials, like Float Stone or whatever to allow big machines or flying contraptions. Have fun with it, be creative!)

Technology Overview
(Does your nation favor progress over tradition? And if so, what fields is your nation focusing on? This is just a fun bit where you can describe whatever unique focus your nation has in terms of technology. Also, if you decide to make some sort of traditionalist nation that remains further behind others, that's great! Don't worry about being smited off the face of the planet right off the bat. Remember, we are here to have fun with a creative nation building roleplay, so we can play it out in more ways than just realistic scenario.)

Military Overview
(If your nation is hardcore military, it can't be more than 7%, if not, 5%)
Army Overview
Navy Overview
Air Force Overview
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brink_
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Ethereal Conviction

The skies of Sofia blaze with war. The artificial daylight spread by the surrounding region's orbital mirrors is sliced by intersecting flames of ion drives and punctuated by starburst explosions; contrails of debris raining into the atmosphere become tangled ribbons of cloud. The nightside sky is an infinite lattice of shining hairlines that interlock planetoids and track the erratic spirals of glowing gnats. People watching from the former Bulgarian capital's endless cityscape might even find it beautiful. From the inside, however, it's much different. The gnats are drive-glows of star-fighters. The shining hairlines are light-scatter from turbo-laser bolts powerful enough to vaporize a small town. The planetoids are capital ships.

The battle from the inside is a storm of confusion and panic, of galvened particle beams flashing past your star-fighter so closely that your cockpit rings like a broken annunciator, of the boot-sole shock of concussion missiles that blast into your cruiser, killing beings you have trained with and eaten with and played and laughed and bickered with. From the inside, the battle is desperation and terror and the stomach-churning certainty that the entire planet is trying to kill you. Across the remnants of the Federation, stunned crowds watch in horror as the battle unfolds live on their hologram projectors. Everyone knows the war has been going badly. Everyone knows that more Slavs are killed or captured everyday, that the Grand Army of the Slavic Federation has been pushed out of territory after territory, but this...

A strike at the very heart of the Federation? An invasion of Bulgaria itself? How can this happen? It's a nightmare, and no one can wake up.

Live via hologram, people watch in horror as the Franco-Iberian Coalition's cyborg army flood the government district. The coverage is filled with images of overmatched Slavic soldiers cut down my remorselessly powerful destroyer robots in the heart of the Slavic Council itself. Suddenly, a gasp of relief breaks out throughout the planet: the defending soldiers seem to beat back the attack. There are hugs and even some quiet cheers in living rooms across the world as the Coalition's forces retreat to their drop-ships and take off. "We won," families tell each other. "We held them off."

But then the news reports trickle in - only rumors at first - that the attack wasn't an invasion at all. That the Coalition wasn't trying to take Bulgaria. That this was a lightning rate on the Council itself. Then the nightmare gets worse: the Supreme Emperor is missing. Ivan Dimitrov, the most admired man in all of eastern Europe, whose unmatched political skills have held the Federation together. Whose personal integrity and courage prove that the Franco-Iberian propaganda of corruption in the Council is nothing but lies. Whose charismatic leadership gives the entire Slavic people the will to fight on. Dimitrov is more than respected; he is love. Even the rumor of his disappearance strikes a dagger to the heart of every friend to the Federation. Everyone of them knows it in her heart, in his bones, in their very bones, that without Dimitrov, the Federation will fall. And now confirmation comes through, and the news is worse than anyone could have imagined. Emperor Dimitrov has been captured by the Coalition, and not just the Coalition - he's in the hands of General Francis Alonso.

Alonso is not like other leaders of the Coalition. Ignatius Xavier is treacherous and venal, but he is the former Spanish king's grandson;
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BrodZ11711
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BrodZ11711 Master of the New Age

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I really like this XD
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