Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zmerr took one more look around before setting his plasma rifle on a log and kicking his worn boot off. He stepped into the stream, letting the cold water run over his toes before submerging his whole foot. It sent a chill through him. The warmest part of the year had passed weeks ago. Fall was settling in and blowing its cool breath through the flame-colored trees. Leaves just beginning to carpet the forest floor.

He waded a little further into the water before he removed the makeshift fishing pole from his pack. He strung it and baited the hook. He cast the hook out into the deepest part of the stream, keeping a close eye on the cork he used for a bobber. The current carried the hook downstream a few feet and Zmerr reeled it back in. He cast it again and missed.

The hook hit a bush on the other bank and something moved behind it. A quick fleeing motion. Zmerr carefully and quickly grabbed his rifle and aimed it at the bush. He focused most of his attention on the spot where something had been. what he didn't spend there, he used to listen for sounds around him. His pointed floppy ears stood straight to enhance hearing and his eyes dilated to detect any change in light.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Unknowingly Fox steps out of the bussh doodiling away in a notebook. Sudenly he looks up into Zmerr's eyes, who sees a black iris with red pupils that seem to change shape...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bearsworth


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Meanwhile, not too far away...

"INTERFERING WHORE!" Shax roared as, mere seconds before, she stumbled out of a portal and into an unfamiliar location, turning back just in time to see the last glimmer of the vortex vanishing into nothingness. Now she stood in some sort of jungle, clearly countless miles from the urban streets she'd been in no more than a minute ago, and she was not pleased. The non-human who sent her here was nowhere to be seen, nor were the two-dozen humans she'd been about to cleave through with her immense blade.

Twisting this way, turning that way, the Demoness scanned her surroundings furiously as flickers of fire sparked off of her terrifying form, sizzling quietly against everything they fell upon. With no clear indication of where she was, and no living things to take her rage out on, Shax roared again, wordlessly, and swung her immense sword at the closest tree, cleaving all the way through the thick trunk. The tree fell noisily to the right of the Demoness, branches snapping and cracking as it crashed through the canopy and slammed down into the dirt, making the ground briefly shudder.

Seething the intimidating creature slammed the top of her sword down at her feet, easily burying it several inches, and attempted to calm herself. While decapitating the tree had helped, she was far from what classified as 'calm', though Shax's version was probably far different from a human's version. About a minute of heavy breathing and suppressing further destruction later she felt... Better. Not great, but better. With an effortless heave she wrenched her sword from the ground, spinning and then slamming it down again in a random direction. Apparently this was her version of picking a direction to go in, as a second later she shouldered her sword and started walking that way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zmerr watched the strange person reveal himself from the bushes. His eyes were disconcerting but the Asura kept his gaze. He parted his lips, revealing two rows of white pointed teeth, and held his gun tighter. His ears began searching the woods around them to make sure this person was here alone.

Zmerr kept a steady stare as he backed out of the stream and reached behind himself for his pack. He found it and slung it over his back, grabbed his boots and bolted into the shelter of the trees. His years in the jungle had taught him how to run silently, but the drying leaves on the ground made it much more difficult. His little feet pattered against them and sent them flying behind him.

He put his rifle in its holder on his pack and drew the pistol he kept at his side. He held at chest height and rested a finger in a ready-to-shoot position. His ears remained up, listening for the sounds of pursuing footsteps. His large eyes darting back and forth.

He wasn't afraid of this person. He knew he wasn't the only Non-human to survive, but he didn't want to have to share with the ones who did. He'd spent long enough by himself to know that other people are only dangerous and harder to survive with in this particular situation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gogojakeo


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tomas was in his hut, reading a combat book, when he heard the scream. "What the..." he said to himself, whilst getting out from his chair. He went out his back door and into his farm to find the source of the scream. The heat was nigh on unbearable, but Tomas had adjusted slightly to this year's summer. He walked for a minute or two, hoping he couls get out of the heat soon, before he found it.
There was a massive sword in the ground, and walking up to it, a woman, or, what he thought was a woman, with horns, black hair, and red skin. What more, was that she was as tall, and as muscular as him. Tomas didn't let this distract him, amd got straight to the point, "Oi!" he shouted, "What do you think you're doing on my land?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bearsworth


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Shax heard the man before she saw him, hearing his approaching footsteps as he walked on twigs and fallen leaves. Her gaze immediately swung in the direction he was coming from, watching as a humanoid as large as she was stepped out from the foliage of the woods and stopped. A human? Ah, good! So she was still in a place with life, that was very, very good indeed. The human didn't appear cowed by the Demoness' appearance, even going on to shout at her, asking why she was on 'his land'.

In response Shax merely grinned, shark-like teeth on display.

"I see no signs, nor would I pay them any heed were there any," She replied, her voice deep but still very distinctly feminine. Her immense sword remained shouldered, clutched by only one hand with no sign of struggling to hold it on the part of the Demoness. She kept her gaze fixed upon the human, grin seeming to grow even wider. "Now raise your fists Human, and provide me with sport!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Fox's pupils dilate into the shape of slenderman's eye things and he starts to slowly walk over to Zmerr. "Hi, what are you? I was thinking I should meet another. So I drew a compass, thanks for waiting!" Fox spins the notebook around to show that theirs a drawing of a compass, which seemed to swivel to point at Zmerr. "Look, I realize you don't want me around right now, I can deal, but can you tell me where I hell I am? I was wandering through the dreams of some Hollywood big shot, must have been Charlie Sheen ug, and then suddenly I was around here. So, I drew this to find a friendly face. I probably should have said something more specific, you have a freindly face but not much more!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Doused


Member Offline since relaunch

Abo was doing his best not to move, but after almost an hour he was starting to feel antsy. He had pushed together as many leaves as he could find from the forest floor into a pile and was now hiding inside. It was a silly way to catch his food for the day but if he was going to hunt, he might as well have some fun. His discomfort was suddenly erased as his nose twitched, smelling a familiar scent. Something was approaching and he couldn't help but grin to himself in anticipation. Lunch. Despite his excitement, Abo's heart seemed to slow down and his ears perked, listening to the sound of the creature coming closer. Twenty feet away. Four legs. Ten. Hoofed. Five. A scrape of the ground. Silence. It stopped moving just a few feet from the leaves, but wasn't spooked. Abo didn't wait a second longer.

Without warning, he pushed off the ground and pounced out from the leaves. His claws and teeth sunk into the deer's neck before it had a chance to react. He secured his hold like that of a tiger with one hand digging into its shoulder and the other in the side of the stomach. The animal tried to bolt forward, but Abo held fast with his bare chest against the deer's thrashing body and his black tail wrapping around one of the legs. He plunged his sharp teeth deeper into the deer's neck causing it to let out a cry of desperation. It's struggle was short and it crumpled to the ground with Abo still attached. He took a second, savoring the taste of its flesh in his mouth before letting go of the deer's throat. Abo took a step back to look upon his kill. The deer now lay on a bed of blood spattered leaves, its eyes wide with fear. The moment was interrupted abruptly with a rumbling growl from Abo's stomach. He couldn't help but chuckle since it had been a few days since his last meal.

He knelt down beside the deer, bared his teeth, and plunged into the deer's abdomen, devouring as much flesh as he could. It took less than a half hour to finish most of the deer. Normally that would have been too much food, but winter would be here soon and Abo knew how difficult chasing down rabbits could be in a foot of snow. His mouth and hands were covered in blood from gorging himself. Abo found his way to a nearby pond, stripped off his pants, and jumped in naked. It was cold, but it beat being lethargic and dirty all day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AliceZaru


Member Seen 11 mos ago


She was on her clans, dead island. Still a vibrant world, yet so quiet. Looking around as she frowns not wanting to leave her home she stayed in for 200 hundred years and so on. She inhaled and exhaled tugging onto her backpack. Tightning her grip onto her Maryua-Weapon she was currently at the lake dock of the dead island. There were a few switches at the end of the dock to the world of Terra. Shaking, trying to keep herself together she slowly walked towards the end of the dock, resitingly grabbing on the lever and then pushing it down and thus the center of the lake began rising into the air, water intfront of the dock, also rising creating stairs that were solid for only a few minutes. She nodded, walking onto the water-like stairs, pondering of what the Terra-world was like. She entered the world, slightly feeling the cold substance of the manipulated water, though she didn't get wet.

She entered the world of which was unknown to her mind. Curious fled her mind as she saw the similarities of the world she stepped into. The memories that flowed through her mind calmed her down. Her cat like senses, sensing the sounds of others on this island. She shrugged, currently calm, her fingers skimming through her hair, worried of animals that were near even IF she had cat-like senses.

She soon morphed into a butterfly-kokkuri, bright blue wings forming on her back. She didn't want to get near the noises in the deep forest so she accelerated into the air smoothly, seeing a lake looking-thing at the end of the island. She squinted as she flew near the lake...or..was it? She grabbed some books from the forbidden library and she had discovered this lake-looking substance was actually an ocean. The humans were so mysterious~ She sat on the sand, grabbing out her green-blue backpack and forcefully pouring at the things of what was inside.

She looked through the things that were on the sand..first was a object-like box (shoe box sized) remembering it was from the camping store. Smiling seeing the memory of which her and her friends went camping. She sighed, trying not to think of the past and instead look to the blurry future. She grabbed the box removing its lid as light emits from the box and soon a large tent had appeared. 'Memories!' she though, smiling as she stood up grabbing the hand full of things she had and soon entered.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gogojakeo


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tomas was surprised that this woman had called him a human. He hadn't seen a human for years, not that he would want to, with hem all being extreme xenophobes. Thomas could handle one or two of them, but in a group he would be worried. Thankfully they never worked out his weak spots, and he didn't need to worry about them piercing his skin with their weapons.

"You think that I am a human‽" Tomas asked the woman, "I'd like to see a human as tall and strong as me! And as for you, you are clearly not a human, may I ask what you are?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Vala'keer wearily, tiredly, swam up to shore of an island. Mysterious, it was, for being way out in the ocean, but he only noticed it until the ground came up from underneath him. Cramped and exhausted, he debated on whether or not to just stay on the island for a little bit, and very shortly, he pulled himself up on a beach.

His equipment weighed on him like his thoughts, dragging him down and threatening to drown him under its burden. He forced himself as far as he could, making it only a hundred meters from the edge of the vast, clear, salt swamp, otherwise known as the ocean. Tired to the bone and ready to fall into the darkness of sleep, Vala'keer turned his body, flipping himself over so that he could see the sky. He carefully, painfully, stretched his limbs and sat up, just now noticing how cold it was. Had he been in his right state, he would've seen a little tent only a hundred feet to his left, all quiet.

As it was, he tried to roar, shedding his sorrows. Dissappointingly, it turned into a croak, and he fell into a deep sleep, right on the beach. Too tired to do anything else, he slept, regaining strength.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bearsworth


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

True, the man was perhaps the tallest human Shax had ever come across, and certainly appeared to be strong, but otherwise he appeared to be entirely human. The Demoness, however, didn't truly care if he was a human or not, disregarding his question without so much as paying it a moment of thought. Her blood was still boiling with the fires of battle-lust, having been taken from her last fight before it could even truly begin, so her adrenaline (or whatever it was a Demon had pumping through its veins) was still rushing free throughout her body. This man, human or not, had appeared before her so soon after her fight was interrupted and had the appearance of one who might provide entertainment to the chaos-loving creature.

"Your time to prepare has passed, not-human! Defend yourself!" Shax exclaimed with a tone that could only be described as giddy, her shark-like grin not wavering for even a second as she gripped her mighty sword's handle in both hands and broke into a full-on charge. Her weight stomped across the forest floor heavily, moving far quicker than one would assume a large creature in heavy armour could move, making a dead-line straight for Tomas.

Clearly talking was no longer an option on the table.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gogojakeo


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tomas was surprised to see that the woman was charging at him so quickly, however, considering his own stature, it was not much of a surprise. Thankfully, Tomas' years of training had prepared him for a moment just like this. Tomas didn't have any armour, he didn't need any with his thick skin. Tomas wasn't going to argue with the woman, she was clearly not of the talking type.

Tomas waited for the woman to be near him, and did a running jump and swung on a tree branch, kicking the woman to the ground, and knocking her sword out of her hand.

"How's this for defending myself?" he asked her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bearsworth


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

If Tomas believed taking on Shax would be as easy as grabbing a branch and kicking her, he had another thing coming. Mostly because while he'd had his years of training, the Demoness had been fighting for her life since she was an infant in a world more hostile than this one, and had a good few centuries on him. His leap hardly went unnoticed, giving her more than ample time to move her sword from her shoulder across in front of herself, the foot wide blade, held by such powerful hands, taking the kicks without so much as a dent. The impact slowed Shax's momentum considerably, quickly bringing her charge to a stop, but the Demoness wasn't trying to move forwards anymore. After all, Tomas was now right there in front of her.

Bellowing with deep laughter she thrust her left elbow at the man's head, releasing her immense sword with the hand in the process, though her remaining hand kept it clutched tightly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gogojakeo


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tomas thought that this would have been a relatively easy, what with the woman only being his size, and Tomas having fought creatures in excess of eight feet before.
However, the sheer, sudden force of the woman elbowing him in the nose was enough to break it, and there was blood pouring out of his nose.
Tomas began to shout, "YOU," but the blood began dribbling into his mouth, and he found it making it harder to speak.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bearsworth


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The satisfying CRACK of the man's nose breaking sent a shiver of delight down the Demoness' spine, the sight of blood pouring down his face so very amusing to the twisted creature. As he spluttered from the blood leaking down into his mouth a few droplets sprayed onto Shax, bringing a momentary pause as she pulled in her free hand and wiped the stain of red from her armour, bringing it to her lips and licking it away with her unusually long tongue. A low growl emanated from her throat, one that sounded more pleasurable than it did hateful, and suddenly her gaze was focused intently upon Tomas once again with a ferocity he'd probably never seen in the eyes of his past enemies.

"YES, ME!" The Demoness laughed joyously, hefting her sword before swinging it around in a wide horizontal slash, using just the one hand. Even if the blade didn't cut through the man like tissue as it would most normal people the heavy impacting blunt force would no doubt send him flying, and possibly damage his insides. That is, if it even hit in the first place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AliceZaru


Member Seen 11 mos ago


She sighed, seeing the pictures of her friends and her parents, hanging onto the curved walls. She smiled looking to her right seeing a chest they had put there for her friends next camping trip. She sighed her hand rising to rub her cat ears then she crawled towards the white chest. The chest itself had eches on it that had her signature and a few others on it, it also had a large black spot at the center-top. She pressed the black button as a GUI appeared, though she looked around when she heard a roar near the tents..our her hearings vicinity. She stood up exiting the tent as she looked around her surroundings.

She gulped, human? She asked herself pondering over the many possibilites of what was the roar. But...it seemed very unnatural- alien, the sound didn't seem to be common with her. It wasn't even close to a tigers roar or any large feline cat. 'So..what is it?' she asked herself, pouting as she quickly ran inside the tent to grab her Maryua-weapon and then went back outside. The girl looked around trying to sense were the sound came from. She nodded kneeling down, touching the sand and then she dashed away, accelerating at high speeds, faster than the average cheetah. As she dashed away from the tent a trail of sand rose behind her. Jumping into the air going far from the tent, though she had jumped too far from the..lizard man? As she was landing she quickly changed hybrids and into a butterfly, quickly hovering in the air, stopping leaving a circular mark in the sand.

She, looked around hovering in the air, spotting the lizard-man on the sand and thus she had flew over there in a jiff. She stared at the man for only a few seconds, curiosity flew over her mind she'd never seena specimen like this before. She smiled her wings fading away and thus appeared bunny ears and a tail. She sighed her tails hanging over her shoulders. Attempting top pick up the man, though all of her hybrid strengths didn't seem to pick up the man. So...she sat there and waited.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gogojakeo


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The massive blade appeared to strike Tomas out of nowhere. If he had been human, it would most likely have killed him, but thankfully, due to his strong skin and bones, it didn't do too much. However, it still hit him quite hard. The blade smashed into his ribs, and he felt one or two breaking. He flew, what must have been at least ten feet, before he hit a tree. The tree let out a large CRACK before toppling down behind Tomas. The force of hitting the tree broke another one of Tomas' ribs, but thankfully, due to his thick skin, he hadn't gotten any cuts. He sensed he would need medicine, though.

Tomas stood up, wanting to stop this fight before he got killed, "I don't want a fight!" he shouted over to the woman, "Why don't we just go our separate ways‽"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sighing, realising that he's just been foolishly talking to the air, Fox starts to run quickly after the fleetfooted non-human. He uses his Magic and the drawings in his book to create a magic sword. With the sword he is posesed by the weilder of that sword and can run fast enough to catch the little thing, yeling the same things again and again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
Avatar of Zmerr

Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zmerr caught the sound of fast-approaching footsteps. This person could really run! He turned his head back to see if he could catch sight of his pursuer. Suddenly, the ground dropped out from beneath him and he tumbled into a tree. He sat up, dazed a little. The tree then moved. He looked up to realize that it wasn't a tree at all! It was a man. A huge man.

At the sight of a human, Zmerr jumped to his feet and tried to run again, but this time, his legs wouldn't work. A searing pain shot through his left leg and he crashed to the ground again with a loud yelp. He looked at his leg. It was already swelling. Undoubtedly broken.

He looked up at the man with pleading eyes, hoping he wouldn't kill him. Then he noticed the other being. A tall, equally large woman-like figure with red skin and a blood-thirsty grin on her face. Another wave of fear coursed through his body and he began to shiver. This was not looking good for him. Ten minutes ago, he was the only one on the island that he knew of and now he was the weakest. He reached for his plasma rifle as he had dropped the pistol when he fell.

He couldn't find the rifle! He looked around him and saw the mass that was his pack -- including his rifle -- hanging in the low branches of an ancient evergreen. It was a good ten steps away from him and a completely hopeless distance to cover in his condition. He was completely at the mercy of these three beings.
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