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Hello people and thanks for checking this out. This RP is from an old story I wrote when I was like 15 that I can't remember too well and can't find ANYWHERE!(kinda frustrated). Here are some terms for ya:

Zanas- The Apex inhabitants of Zanalry

Juka-Gem design embedded into skin unique to the Deity that is fused with a Zana

Zanalry- The home planet that is ten times the size of earth, and one of the most important places in the entire cosmos. Zanalry's people, Zanas, are human-like in appearance but have stronger, more durable bodies. Their life span is anywhere from 100-500. Then there are the few Zanas who are selected every few thousand years to recieve unto them one of the 13 deities that they all worship. Once chosen, the spirit fuses itself into the host, giving him/her a whole new existence as a Jukas and recieve the knowledge of their true purpose.

This RP will revolve around 9 young(ish) Zanas who are thrust into a devasting situation with close to no knowledge of their world and what to do with their future. There is much more information to put out but for this story, depending on which deity you choose, certain characters will have knowledge that is needed only for that role. For now I would just like to see if anyones interested. These are the 9 deities and I'm looking for 7 of them to be taken. Ofcourse, there are more Deities from Zanalry but information on them is classified. Now these children are actually the last remaining of their people from Zanarly(too superman-ish I know), but all they remember is of their current home Xelry:

This is a small planet with one big landmass surrounded by ocean. The children grew up here and have had someone normal lives, ofcourse only knowing that there is only 6 other people in all existence can kind of make life much simpler. But fate will be coming for these young Zanas and how they handle it all is up to you guys. Though there won't be much room for your Bios, you can still put down what role you played in the group and how your relation is to the others in the group. You all have to take care of yourselves so things like gathering food, making shelter, creating activities to keep the mind busy, entertaining each other, just your typical survival chores.


Rasvir- Deity of Fire: On Zanalry, Rasvir is praised for all that his flames have produced. His power is responsible for all the manufacturing of tools, weapons, machines, structures and many other products Zanas use. A Zana who has fused with Rasvir can summon his flames in ways that compliments the host's personality.

Kaw- Deity of Rage: Potentially the most powerful Deity is Kaw. Also the most dangerous to it's host. Kaw is feared by all Zanas for his random outbursts of all feral beings on Zanalry gone beserk. He is also respected for constantly absorbing all emotions relating to anger, allowing for all Zanas to never succumb to reckless subconscious acts of hatred. The Zana who receives this Deity draws Kaws power from rage, safer to use one's own anger but using that of others makes it harder to return to normal and using Kaws anger directly is the most dangerous of all though that is a very advance skill.

Ain- Deity of Life: Ain is the most worship Deity of them all. She grants life to those she deems worthy and appears in front of Zanas more often then the others. Ain did not create life on Zanalry but she is the sole reason behind the longevity of their life span. The Zana who recieves Ain always outlives the other Jukas accept for the one who recieves Xid. The Ain Jukas can heal others quite easily but though it's theoretically possible, no Jukas has ever been able to utilize Ain's ability to raise one from death. But a skilled Ain Jukas can give life to inanimate objects but the more powerful you make the object, the more self aware it becomes and leads to a possibly complicated discussion with said object.

Seresy- Deity of Electricity: Seresy is praised for his contributions to technology. Seresy has handed down many of the Zana's technological advances that require electrical power. Seresy is the most intelligent and fastest of all the Deities. The Seresy Jukas uses it's powers just like the Rasvir Jukas, catering to one's personality.

Leral- Deity of Water: Leral is second only to Ain in how much she is worship. Leral has constantly complimented Ain's gift of life with the thing all living beings need the most to live, water. Leral has created the vast oceans and grants fresh drinking water to worthy wanderers who lose their way in the deadly deserts. The Leral Jukas can manipulate water very easily but takes much skill produce water using Leral's power. Leral Jukas can drown anyone with the water in their opponents body but it takes a highly skilled Jukas and much power to possess water that belongs to another.

Vaxis- Deity of Void: Vaxis is the least known or understood Deity. He has been seen the least and has had little to no effect on Zanalry. Vaxis and Xid are the only two Deities that choose their hosts outside of the Grand Ceremony, where all the Deities gather for The Choosing every few thousand years. All that is known about the Vaxis Jukas is that he/she can traverse dimensions.

Ketu- Deity of Mind: Ketu is the wisest Deity but recieves very little praise as he does not share much knowledge. Ketu was responsible for giving consciousness to certain beings. The Ketu Jukas can easily read what someone is thinking at that specific moment. A skilled Ketu Jukas can create extremely realistic illusions in someone's mind to the point that they experience everything from pain to sex to tasting a delicious reeses peanut butter cup(cause I like Reeses!). At it's most powerful this Jukas can penetrate a mind and command certain body parts, in worst case stopping the heart. But this is a singular skill that takes much timed energy.

Xid- Deity of Death: Surprisingly Xid is not the most hated Deity. In fact thanks to Kaw, Zanas are able to see the importance of death and how it is a necessity for life. Xid also does not choose it's host at The Ceremony, actually the Xid Jukas is immortal. This Jukas can be killed, but will revive in 24 hours through Ain. It is only when Xid decides that he needs a new host, that the Xid Jukas dies. Or if the Ain Jukas were to die. Xid and Ain's powers are tied together. If one were to die, the other would too. The Xid Jukas can easily absorb the life energy of low level life(i.e. plants, tiny animals ect) and use that energy to enhance any attribute they please. At his/her most powerful the Xid Jukas can absorb the life of a powerful being and use it to summon an undead version of that being to do your bidding.

Jota- Deity of War: Jota is praised for his knowledge of war tacticts and weaponry. Though there is no fighting amongst themselves, Zanas have been in quite a few wars with invading beings from other planets. The Jota Jukas is very versatile in his/her fighting. Being able to summon any weapon, the amount of time and effort depends on the rarity and power of the weapon, this Jukas can choose any style to adapt to the situation. A skilled Jota Jukas can summon any world's legendary weapon. At his/her most powerful, can summon any of the other Deity's weapons.

There is more information for each Deity this is just a short version to catch any attention. Now you will 7 of these 9 Deities. Ketu and Vaxis I will be taking for plot reasons. Also you will be choosing the appearance of the deity you pick. This will be in the cs along the the deity's personality because they DO talk to their host, some more than others perhaps. And I will be PMing some background info to whoever chooses Seresy because you will be the oldest. Not old, and you can still choose your age but you will have to be older than the others by at the most 15 years. You characters would have aged normally up until around 18 years then the process slows down considerably. For Seresy you can't be older than 25. So let me know what you guys think, this is my first so I will probably like a little help with certain aspects of the setting but that can wait till I have some interest.
Okay, i agree
Yes seems we have some similar tastes. One question, do we need much knowledge of any major nations, governments or really any of the rest of the world? Or is Nesia really all we need and/or can we add other areas of significance ourselves?
I'm ready, let's do this.
Sounds fun. As for controversial characters, I've been told I'm a pretty well rounded racist.
I understand what you mean I just meant that it was not a fair comparison to use to prove that point. Though it's like you said, can't recreate something with data alone. I just can't see the pokeball in any way having the power source or materials needed for such a feat. For the modern rp I don't think pokeballs are necessary anyways, since we will probably only have one maybe two pokemon at most. Also since there aren't really any others (that we know of) or at least no wild ones (again that we know of) then capturing one would at most be a topic of theoretical conversation among the students.
I don't know if that's a fair comparison. One is converting mass-less information in one's mind into data while the other is transforming a physical entity into data.
You think this is a GAME!?
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