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Totally relevant:

Archmage MC said The big drug companies found a cure already but wont sell it due to treatments just being so good, hence all those cure for cancer drives where good natured indie companies have to put their work into researching a cure.

That sounds like a pretty big conspiracy theory to me. :P
Also capitalism is inherently faster at producing new things than socialism. I.e. cures.
Finally settled on a third character.

Name: Hye Su Mun
Codename: Neon
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: Seoul, South Korea

Affiliations: SMPA, Chicago Police Department
Occupation: Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency Officer

Powers: Hardlight
Hye Sun has the power to generate masses of "solidified light", that is, light waves that have been condensed so heavily that their otherwise weightless form becomes a rigid and tangible structure. Depending on the effort put into them, hardlight structures can be any sort of sturdiness, from as brittle as glass to as tough as a steel I-beam. Regardless of their "weight", Hye Sun can telekinetically manipulate them from afar. Producing them first requires light in the first place, and so she must steal it from other sources. Due to the fact that hardlight emanates light itself (causing a glowing effect), these structures slowly lose their size and mass. Molding them into ultra-thin shapes, Hye Sun can create cutting weapons, or turn them into temporary shields. Hye Sun can gather light into a mass and bring it with her into dark places, using it as a mobile source of light. Though less sturdy than other creations, Hye Sun can create a flurry of hardlight projectiles which cause heat-based damage moreso than kinetic damage. The hardlight masses are indeed quite hot, able to melt metals slowly within its vicinity (about an inch away).

Her options are nearly limitless, and her powers have been witnessed serving as a bridge across the roofs of buildings, ramps for cars, suits of armor, vibrant "light clones" of herself, as well as welding tools, among many other things. The hardlight masses take on a coloration determined by the light source they were taken from; due to her nighttime shifts on the streets utilizing this power, her heroic name became "Neon" for the wide range of colors it sported.

Hye Sun is a trained police officer, and thus sports the numerous skills they have instilled within her. She is an adept marksman, though certainly not as skilled as certain heroes focused on gunplay specifically. Hye Sun can drive exceptionally well, needing such a skill to carry out vehicular chases, and is a fairly competent martial artist, though once again, nowhere near as masterful as certain individuals who have likely trained for much of their lives.

A five-barrel revolver which Hye Sun has dubbed, "Red Light."
Owns a police car given to her by the CPD to retain her recognition as an officer within the League.
Connections to the CPD allow Hye Sun a direct glimpse into the decision-making of the CPD; where they intend to go, what they intend to do, and how they plan on doing it.

Hye Sun can only utilize her powers given a light source, and a substantial one at that; things like the light of the moon's reflection are too dim to produce any significant mass quickly. Small candles too are quite small for her, among other sources like notification lights on machines or starlight. Often times, regardless of the source of light, the hardlight masses created are smaller than expected; no bigger than her own torso. Thus, the smaller the light source, the smaller the object created. Hye Sun cannot "add" to already fabricated hardlight objects, only make new ones. Thus, the problem of degeneration is an issue for her creations; all hardlight objects slowly dwindle in size and so can be utilized only briefly before being discarded.

For obvious reasons, Hye Sun is especially susceptible to darkness-based powers. She cannot create light, and so is subject to the whimsy of umbramancy dangerously so.

Psychological Profile:
Hye Sun is the type of person one could consider just a single magnitude below "loose cannon cop". She'll obey directives, but if something is glaringly necessary, she will carry out what her gut tells her is right at the time. In a sense, she is extremely practical, weighing her options well before deciding to do something crazy that might end up getting her reprimanded; getting fired or jailed is a danger too, after all. Through her training, Hye Sun has come to be an especially lenient and patient person, holding her lethal force options until absolutely necessary. She has never killed a single person, but she has certainly raised her weapon more than once.

Hye Sun uses her powers copiously, but at the same time she retains a strange disdain for them that few understand. As a member of the force with a certain rank, she feels beholden to performing just as well as her comrades, no more and no less than what is expected. Hye Sun feels like her powers make her a target of jealousy amidst her peers, but nevertheless uses them considering their usefulness. This is partly the reason she joined the League in the first place, though she now feels she has committed a sort of betrayal by leaving the force.

Despite her professionalism, Hye Sun has always valued flashiness since her powers set in, hence her rather... different costume choices. Many have noted her for being a particularly flirtatious woman as well, though has never actually seemed to end up in a relationship with anyone; the rumors abounding, thus, have opted to believe Hye Sun seeks subtle attention more than anything else.

Hye Sun was born in South Korea, growing up a fairly 'rough and tough' girl, lending well to her future decision to join the police academy. Her first and so far only profession has since been the protection of citizens as an officer. Initially part of the Seoul Police Department, Hye Sun opted to move to America, joining the Chicago Police Department a few years before the Awakening occurred.

When the event finally happened upon humanity, Hye Sun, jumped on the carnage that ensued on the streets to show off two things; her powers for one, and secondly her ability to use them for the good of justice and peace. Many were worried in the wake of the Awakening that many individuals would utilize their new found abilities for more nefarious purposes, especially the police given they were the ones who would inevitably have to deal with the issues caused by villainous souls. Hye Sun remained a well-liked member of the force, continuing on for a good time as an "superhero officer".

Eventually the League was founded within her very own city, and seeing the opportunity and wonder of the organization, "left" the CPD to work out of the newly founded superhuman force. Due to her circumstance in this increasingly miraculous world dominated by the activities of superhuman individuals, the CPD still considers her an honorary member, and allow her access to the headquarters and information they obtain willingly.
So much retconning with vampires.
It'd certainly act as a mystic cutting force rather than a mundane iron blade.
Polyphemus said
Judges 1:19.

It seems more like the people of god could not defeat their enemies due to technological divides. It wasn't, "Iron was their weakness," but rather, "They had iron chariots, and we didn't, so we got wrecked."
Wha? Okay I understand but how is God driven back by anything, let alone iron chariots? xD
Angels are weak to iron? News to me.
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