Avatar of AcetheKidd
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Ace the Kid
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2345 (0.62 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. AcetheKidd 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current "It’s a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake If the way is hazy You gotta do the cooking by the book You know you can’t be lazy"
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7 yrs ago
So umm..any BNHA rps?
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7 yrs ago
On rpnation, same username.hmu on there ;)
7 yrs ago
8 yrs ago
come on and slam and welcome to the jam


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I like the title, thank you ramoose :p

Now, my lazy butt need to get the thread ~

"You want to help me?" Hikari needed time to process this through her head,taking a step back." Wait a second, no one actually helps me. I normally get stood up by others. Last time someone offered to help me, things didn't turn out well." The girl had sonw trust issues. It wasn't her fault, people where just mean for no reason..to her. Maybe it was because she wasn't nothing like her family? Maybe because she was an easy target

Oh yeah, a title..:/
How so?

Maybe just a normal causal?

Sorry for the delay, I'll try to have the thread tonight

Hikari jumped when a newcomer had came over towards her. She had to clam her self down before she released another jolt. She could feel her self getting abit sluggish already. Anyway, she listen to him talk, standing still in her hiding spot. She didn't say anything for a moment after he was done talking,thinking to her self."I-I'm sorry about your parents. I-I wish things could had turn out better for them." Her father was worst then any villian in her eyes. He was strict, mean an such an ass to her." Whenever my emotions get out of hand, i tend to use my powers by mistake. Once I can keep them under control, then I should be ok..but,it's hard. I-I can't control my emotions at the m-moment. A-Anyway thank you for the tips, I'll keep it in mind. " she wasn't sure if she coukd turely open up to him." Iit's hard when the world view you as a worthless and weak...I mean umm..don't pay attention to that! I'm just fine~"

The other students where amazing displaying their quirks like this. She really did envy everyone here. Again, her smile had turn into a frown, looking at her hands. She had the same power's as her father, but he didn't need to absorb electric..so why was she unable to display them? Was it because she scared? or she didn't want to. The timid girl went to a hiding spot and watched the others. She couldn't bring herself to use her powers, terrible memories started to come back to her. Just thinking about it her upset.

Electric begin to surge through her body, which caused sparks to dance around the spot she was standing. The more she thought about her past, the stronger her eletric grew. Once Hikari noticed, She became spooked and sent a jolt of electric towards the lights of the gym. They sparked, and started to flickr. "O-oh.." her cheeks here red and hid her self more
Maybe the four of us will be enough?
Yeah, one digiman it is :)
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