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  • Old Guild Username: Agent57
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 40 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Agent57 10 yrs ago


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Name: Izzy Miuena (Ikkime Miu)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Supernatural feature: Half Fox Demon
Bio: The days numbered when Ikkime was born, counting down slowly until the fateful day of her birth. The Miu knew full well the consequence of the girls birth but they could not let them kill her. So when the daughter was born, they traveled great distances but found what they were looking for. None other then her father, the Fox demon who had impregnated the mother who had been captured and killed for giving birth to Ikkime. He was reluctant at first but after a conversation with the village elder he understood and took the baby far far far away from the village. They left the village behind and he began to try to teach her the ability to hide her ears and tails, being a half fox demon she could be a human when needed so she had a better chance of survival then him. After a while he began to send her into the human's environment and she had begun to fit in as one of them. Going under the name Izzy Miuena she went to private school learning humans ethics and then came home to her father in the woods to be taught the laws of Half demons and so on and so fourth. (TBC, stopped her since something really dramatic happens but have not quite gotten it out in my mind yet.)
interested as well ^-^
Name: Soverath
Height: 550 Ft
Gender: Female
Side: Good
"Void of the Darkness"-Allows Soverath to reach into the depths of the void her and her sister came from and pull pure dark energy from it. She can turn into a giant shadow to cover distance 10xs faster, but can not hurt anyone in this mode. She can form a beam of dark void magic, that can split off into smaller beams that split the beams power equally. She can also go into the very void herself to escape anymore damage but most stay there for 3 post if this happens. She also can change the area around her in a 500 ft radius into pure darkness to amply her powers during the day, once she uses this move if she steps out the radius of darkness she will no longer be able to use the moves previously stated above and must retreat.
Weakness: Can only use her powers when some type of shadow's are nearby. Also her power is much much stronger at night time.

Height: 550 Ft
Gender: Female
Side: Good
"Void of the Divine Light"- Much like her sister, Siverath, she to can pull from the void, but instead of pure dark energy she harnesses light energy bleeding from the void and the real world. She can teleport anywhere around here in a 1 mile radius to dodge attacks and to chase after opponents. She can also much like her sister shoot off beams of Light energy which in turn can split into smaller beams that are equal in power. When she is in a pickle she can draw from the light of the sun or moon, flying high into the air, and charging a giant ball of Light power, and then release it downwards into her opponent that he or she will either have to somehow clear 500 meters in seconds or block the move completely and take the heat of 2000F
Weakness: She can only use her power when light is clearly shining, this also means she can use her powers during the night but if the moon is blocked out she will either have to fly up high and fight from a distance or fight till the clouds clear.

Joint History: This is an old story in a village now long long gone of a boy who came across these two magnificent eggs. One a deep deep black and one a beautiful gold, they complemented each other and whenever the eggs touched they would make a shaking motions. No one knew what the eggs were until a person tried to crack the egg open only to have it blast the person back and make them fly back. It was then determined that whatever the eggs were they came from a heaven unknown to any of the villagers. The eggs hatched when the village was in trouble from attacking bandits who began to kill the villagers one by one, then the boy that found the eggs were up. Somehow sensing he was in trouble, the eggs hatched and two baby dragons were born, flying from the shattered remains and tearing the executor to shreds, then began cleaning up the other bandits. After that the boy took the two dragons away from the village into a "sanctuary" of sorts where he trained the two the values of life, how to know when someone was bad and someone was good. At first he had no luck, since they had no way of communicating until the babies began to talk, but they didn't move their mouths. They were so strong mentally wise that they could project their voice into reality from their mind. With this they had begun to understand each other, teaching the boy dragons tongue and him teaching them humans values. Something that followed also made the boy realize, the two were complete opposites and it seemed they were meant to counter each other in the event of a fight, this meant if one chose the path of darkness the other would be able to keep her at bay. With that in mind the boy tried his best to teach them the values of both evil and good for them to chose. After many years the boy died of old age but by that time the dragons had become fully grown and had to take refuge in caves they carved out for themselves hiding from humanity in hopes that they would not be needed to help out with threats. From this day on this myth has been passed down to certain families and some might say it's stupid, but there is one man, one man that knows of the dragons and will tell them when humanity needs them.
Name: Soverath
Height: 550 Ft
Gender: Female
Side: Good
"Void of the Darkness"-Allows Soverath to reach into the depths of the void her and her sister came from and pull pure dark energy from it. She can turn into a giant shadow to cover distance 10xs faster, but can not hurt anyone in this mode. She can form a beam of dark void magic, that can split off into smaller beams that split the beams power equally. She can also go into the very void herself to escape anymore damage but most stay there for 3 post if this happens. She also can change the area around her in a 500 ft radius into pure darkness to amply her powers during the day, once she uses this move if she steps out the radius of darkness she will no longer be able to use the moves previously stated above and must retreat.
Weakness: Can only use her powers when some type of shadow's are nearby. Also her power is much much stronger at night time.

Height: 550 Ft
Gender: Female
Side: Good
"Void of the Divine Light"- Much like her sister, Siverath, she to can pull from the void, but instead of pure dark energy she harnesses light energy bleeding from the void and the real world. She can teleport anywhere around here in a 1 mile radius to dodge attacks and to chase after opponents. She can also much like her sister shoot off beams of Light energy which in turn can split into smaller beams that are equal in power. When she is in a pickle she can draw from the light of the sun or moon, flying high into the air, and charging a giant ball of Light power, and then release it downwards into her opponent that he or she will either have to somehow clear 500 meters in seconds or block the move completely and take the heat of 2000F
Weakness: She can only use her power when light is clearly shining, this also means she can use her powers during the night but if the moon is blocked out she will either have to fly up high and fight from a distance or fight till the clouds clear.

Joint History: This is an old story in a village now long long gone of a boy who came across these two magnificent eggs. One a deep deep black and one a beautiful gold, they complemented each other and whenever the eggs touched they would make a shaking motions. No one knew what the eggs were until a person tried to crack the egg open only to have it blast the person back and make them fly back. It was then determined that whatever the eggs were they came from a heaven unknown to any of the villagers. The eggs hatched when the village was in trouble from attacking bandits who began to kill the villagers one by one, then the boy that found the eggs were up. Somehow sensing he was in trouble, the eggs hatched and two baby dragons were born, flying from the shattered remains and tearing the executor to shreds, then began cleaning up the other bandits. After that the boy took the two dragons away from the village into a "sanctuary" of sorts where he trained the two the values of life, how to know when someone was bad and someone was good. At first he had no luck, since they had no way of communicating until the babies began to talk, but they didn't move their mouths. They were so strong mentally wise that they could project their voice into reality from their mind. With this they had begun to understand each other, teaching the boy dragons tongue and him teaching them humans values. Something that followed also made the boy realize, the two were complete opposites and it seemed they were meant to counter each other in the event of a fight, this meant if one chose the path of darkness the other would be able to keep her at bay. With that in mind the boy tried his best to teach them the values of both evil and good for them to chose. After many years the boy died of old age but by that time the dragons had become fully grown and had to take refuge in caves they carved out for themselves hiding from humanity in hopes that they would not be needed to help out with threats. From this day on this myth has been passed down to certain families and some might say it's stupid, but there is one man, one man that knows of the dragons and will tell them when humanity needs them.
may I join, I found this pretty interesting though i do have a question or to, if you dont mind me asking, they can be here or on skype or in a PM
Im interested as well ^-^ woudl eb an honor if I could join
Shinkō Akamatsu

Team 6 Genin

Shinkō looked up suddenly out of a trance and blushed "Oh my god, im sorry Im just so happy to meet my team since i became a ninja in the middle of what happened last year. it is very nice to meet you all and maybe after training we can talk about me, not much to know but I guess it's like Hiroshi Sensai said it'll lead to more team work" she walked up and grabbed on of the boards before going back to Hiroshi and bowing "Im sorry, I was kind of happy for one of the first times to be in a team, forgive me" she whispered so only he could hear. She looked up and slightly bowed again before quickly tying the rope around her waist and breathing slowly. Then she motioned for the other two to come and connect the ropes to hers. She looked and the uchiha and could already feel the amount of energy he head, no doubt he would be most likely a troublesome kid but a lot of compassion to make up for it so if they failed she would not entirely blame him only tell him to try harder and try again. Suzumi also seemed to be as or even more experienced as her so she did not worry about her.
Shinkō Akamatsu

"Lost on the way to the Squad meeting!"

(Takes place 2 hours before Akira's Post, Sorry didn't realize Hiroshi had a post)
Shinkō woke up next to Akira and looked at the time, she smiled down at Akira before silently getting out and creeping into the bathroom "Today is going to be a good day, lets not mess this up okay?" she nodded and took a shower, before getting out and brushing her teeth and walking out with her towel on and into her dresser drawers "Shiki, what are you doing it's like early in the morning..." Akira said through a sleepy voice and barely opened eyes, Shinkō smiled "Well i have to go to the Hokage monument so im getting a head start, as well as something to eat. You should really consider waking up to silly" she kissed her forehead and Akira fell back and went to sleep again. Shinkō giggled and got changed, putting on her glasses and putting up her hair with a ribbon and grabbed her back. She looked back at Akira sighing "This girl is going to run me into the ground if I keep looking after her" she pulled out Akira's pack and put everything inside then sorted out her clothes so that when she woke up late, which she knew she would, she wouldn't have to run around. The small things she does for love better go a long way later else Shinkō will be angry at the love gods.

She quickly put on her shoes and put Akira's shoes out for when she had to run, then she grabbed her head band and put it around her neck, tying it around her neck then moved to the door. She walked outside, locking the door behind her and walked quickly down the stairs onto the road, she looked up and it seemed to be early in the morning. She stretched quickly and quickly walked on her path to the hokage monument. She stopped at a restaurant quickly, getting a sandwich to eat and she ate it in silence as the morning began to get brighter and brighter. She sat there while eating thinking about what this was going to be like, thanks to Akira, she wasn't shy anymore, but her voice was always so small and quite. She had grown a backbone through thankfully to the fights that had happened in the year past, she had grown some attitude and looked forward to fighting with the others. She finished and payed for the meal then moved on again towards the Hokage monument, making it there after another thirty minutes, she climbed the stairs in the hurry and made it to the top to see Hiroshi, her sensai and it seemed she was the first. She tapped him on the shoulder and cleared her throat in an attempt to make her voice sound a little louder "Hello Hiroshi-San, it's a pleasure to have you as my leader and I look forward to being on squad 6. Oh silly me i forgot, my name is Shinkō Akamatsu, pleasure to meet you" she bowed and looked up holding her hands behind her back looking around for the others.
Akira Hasewaga

"Late to the Fields!"

Akira woke up to the sound of her alarm and the house empty, making her look at the clock and go wide eye'd "Fuck, fuck, fuck im late!" she rushed into the bathroom and got ready, looking at the note saying "Meet at the practice field 13, don't be late!" she sighed and quickly put on her clothes before tripping and hurting her hand "Oww..." she forced herself up and went into her closet getting her pack and scythe and she put on her shoes, kicking them on and running out the door. She jumped over the hand railing onto the road and quickly began running through the city, screaming sorry as she pushed past people. She was excited ever since her and Shinko moved in she was happier and happier, and now she was finally getting a team to be stuck on. She stopped suddenly as her stomach growled and looked quickly at a sushi bar that was serving ramen, she looked at the clock in the restaurant then back outside. Deciding that later she would come back but for now she was already late.

She speeding rushed, finally getting to the field and seeing both Kensuke and a another ninja, who appeared to be a hyuuga boy, running she slid to a stop and was breathing hard "Sorry...for being....late...for....give...me" she stabbed her Scythe into the ground and squatted trying to catch her breath. She looked at the two before fixing her headband tied to her arm and bowing to Kensuke before extending out her hand towards the boy "It's very nice to meet you, my name is Akira Hasewaga" she smiled and looked at him.
Kamiko Uchiha-Jun

Heading Off to the Wolf Country

Kamiko leaned against a bar on top of a roof overlooking the other buildings and she was just simply enjoying the view. She knew she was going to get missions soon, so she made sure to leave a letter for Satoshi, just saying the usual "I love you, take care of Alice, I'm going to head on a missions. Please make sure to at least get her a baby sitter while you go to work or ask Nariko when he is free if he can take care of her, though he will most likely be busy, in any event you know where the money is if you're low on food and stuff, PLEASE REMEMBER to pay the bills, see you soon, Love your wife" she stood with her flak jacket on over her mesh shirt and her black bandages protecting her mid section. She wore her black trench coat with rolled up sleeves and fingerless gloves. She sported black fitted pants and her packs at her back, she didn't bring her scythe along on the mission, just her tanto and her mask, she wore it to the side, grabbing her shoulder she touched her curse mark on her shoulder blade and sighed [color=red]"Guess im going to be busy for awhile...fun fun fun"[/color] she turned around and waited for the messenger to come find her. A couple of minutes later the chunnin appeared kneeling "Kamiko-San, Takeru-Sensai has given you a mission "she is needed in the country of Wolf. I want to have a report of there are any activities that can or may undermine expansion as offering the country our protection and co-operation. That would be all. For now'' those are his exact words" Kamiko gave a slight bow and the Chunnin jumped off leaving her to think for a moment.

She picked up her pack and slung it over her shoulder "I pray for safe passage and nothing happen to my family while I'm gone, and to me as well" she gave a small prayer before sliding her mask on and hood over her head. A thought went through Kamiko's mind but she shook it off and focused on the missions she received. She jumped off and made her way towards the gate. She stopped at the gate to check her supplies and money, as well as her basic supplies and assortments of writing utensils. She checked everything, gave a quick nod to the gate guards and stretched. Then she slipped the backpack on and quickly jumped off again ready to start her mission and get it over with so that she could return to her beautiful daughter and home.
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