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    1. akela 10 yrs ago


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Okay I'm having the HARDEST time writing a response, and I have no idea why. Maybe because I'm having trouble picturing where they're at, or I can't think of anything in particular to add to the story and help it move along...I"m getting on it, sorry :(
It was actually pleasant waking up within the carriage beside Nicholas, though he’d been asleep much longer than she. He needed it, though. Claire was surprised he was still going; it was his first day out, and by the way she’d seen him previously acting she thought he would need to be home by now.

She was relieved he’d gotten them tickets for the ferry so quickly, as she wasn’t feeling very patient. He was taking her on an actual date, their first real date. Better yet, Nick didn’t even seem as put out as she’d expected. Perhaps France was in their future, one day. “Thank you,” she grinned when he kindly let her lead the way, acting like the perfect gentleman. Instead of taking this to be an act she tried to honestly believe he was wanting to treat her like a princess. If it was true, then Claire may have just married the perfect man.

“It’s been a while since I’ve gotten to sail the seas,” she joked, putting a hand on the railing as the ferry started. The breeze felt wonderful against her face after being so hot during their picnic. Claire was quiet for a moment, glancing at the others laughing together, having quiet conversation in groups of two, sometimes three. Not many of them were dressed as nicely as them. There were even a few children, tugging on their mothers’ dresses and asking for fathers to hold them so they could see the water below at a better angle. “Where does the money from our business go?” she asked suddenly, still watching the thin crowd. “I realize it goes to you and your father, but do you give any of it away?” Claire grinned, realizing how silly she must sound. “I mean charity. I always made Father give to the home the church runs for children without a place to go. Could we do that? If you have money to spare?” she asked, glancing at him before turning her attention to the destination in the distance. He probably thought her silly, but seeing the people around her had reminded her of it. What did he think?

When they arrived she put her hand in his, stepping onto the dock with excitement. “Are we almost there? Are you sure they’ll let us in…I’m starting to have doubts…”
I'm posting tonight! sorry its been so long.
Claire immediately wrinkled her nose at the thought of shopping. Besides, she supposedly already got fitted for a custom dress this morning. “No, I don’t enjoy shopping,” she admitted, watching a servant pick up their picnic supplies before turning to step into the carriage. “Except for hats…I don’t think I could ever get enough of those. But as a general rule, I try and get out of the shops as quickly as possible.” Something about the frustration of finding exactly what you were looking for and spending time on something so monotonous didn’t interest her. “Besides, if you want to know what I fancy, just look in the closet. Simple as that.”

She communicated to the driver that they wanted to visit the Royal Observatory before settling into her seat, this time a little closer to her husband. “I’ve never actually been, though I’ve been told it’s beautiful. I love looking up at the night sky. It makes all my worries seem so small, every time,” she told him, timidly taking her hat off, placing it in her lap, and gently laying her head on his shoulder. “How are you feeling? Your side. Tell me if you need to go home, I wouldn’t mind,” Claire added, tilting her head to kiss his neck before resting on him again. He needed love and care shown just as much as she, and Claire was willing to give it, to go all in. If that was what it took to make this work, making herself vulnerable, then so be it.

Claire reached for his hand, turning it palm up within her own. “Your hands,” she murmured, “they’re a little rougher than I would have expected in your line of work.” It was a tiny comment as she ran the tips of her fingers over his, one by one. “Don’t worry, I like it. Gives you a very masculine feel.” It was said with a hint of mischievousness, but she meant it all the same.

Again she changed the subject quickly, seeming to do so when her mood was light and uplifted. “I don’t think you should show me what you’re wearing to the masquerade. Surprise me,” his wife encouraged, letting out a soft sigh at the simple thought of her ballroom dance. “Our eyes meet from across the room, faces shrouded in mask and shadow. Despite the attention from both of us being unforgivably striking to everyone who lays eyes on us, we have no desire for conversation with any of them. A dance starts, and hold out your hand without a word, as if we are made for one another. Then we dance, and the people are quick to make room for people with such graceful feet. Afterwards,” she continued, clearly caught up in her own story, “you steal me away, not bothering to say goodbye to a single guest. There are so many people there, nobody will notice its hosts missing for the remainder of the night.”

Claire laughed, letting out yet another dreamy sigh. Apparently she was hiding quite the romantic imagination. “Yes. I want your suit of choice to be a surprise. Will your cousin still be around by then, Timothy? He seems very kind, he should stay long enough to attend. Perhaps we could find him a dancing partner,” she grinned, looking up at him.
I was thinking he'd come home, yes. ;)

And I know! Yeah thats a good idea, looking for her. Ill definitely need help on making it exciting, im ready for action too
Bump....so bored out of my mind... :(
I get disappearing or flaking. What I DON'T get is when we talk it all out and nothing happens. Like, they disappear before they even post. Or maybe after one.

Cause like you said, sometimes it just doesn't work out. I know people that are great writers, but our styles just wouldn't work. For example, I've tried a few awesome action filled rps, and I WANT to love it, that's why I start it, but then I end up having to quit because I suck at all action, no thoughts and drama. I get quitting...but not RIGHT when we finally worked all the boring details out :(
Oh my I thought it was just me!! This has happened to me on the last about 5 rps I've tried to start. I put up a post and they disappear. Not just from me but the entire site, I never see them post anywhere and they never respond. It's the strangest thing, I've never had it happen to me so frequently. Ever.

It's incredibly frustrating because I go through so much trouble with a stupid into for nothing. And I hate doing intos. Anyway it makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong...I know I'm not the best writer but come on, this frequent?
24. I'm terrified of getting older and still roleplaying to get away from the stress of job and future kids, but looking like a 35 yr old weirdo lol nothing wrong with still making time to write, I think! I just won't tell my age, I suppose lol ....I already feel odd being 24, out of school and rping. It's just a shame people as they get older because your skill and imagination can only grow if you keep up writing.

I think that's why I enjoy writing with people that are adult adults. You know what i mean ;) they seem more mature in their writing, realistic when needed, and have more ideas from experience. Not to say younger is bad, but ya know.
Still looking, completely changed what's up there (for good or bad, though it's a bit empty right now!)
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