Avatar of AlanBernard
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    1. AlanBernard 6 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Come join a Detective RP where you can catch the killer using Logic and Evidence: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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"Fine, yet, there's still a problem with that. You claim that I had a way of drugging him, but I'm not a magician. I couldn't be in possession of both bottles at once and if there is some way that I used to drug him, you better hurry up and show it to me. Not only that, if we simply drank from the bottles of vodka, we'd just be a bit tipsy, that's all, so how did I manage to drug him without drugging myself, while only using one bottle of vodka? As for the sword, when was my opportunity to swipe the weapon? After all, it was under the watch of Kate Murphy and all of the casino-goers for the entire night." His next two points had more to do with getting the weapon and finishing up how he managed to drug the victim, but this was certainly the apex of his defense. If Charles managed to take this down, Harry would have to fall back onto another point.
"Hmph, fine. I'll accept that your motive carries some merit, yet, it's impossible for me to have done the murder. Don't you remember Kate Murphy's testimony? She stated that we ordered a bottle of vodka and then drank from it. Now, if we really did drink from our shot glasses, as she testified, which came from that blue and drugged bottle of vodka, then tell me, how exactly was I able to murder him?" Jones seemed a little confused before coming to a conclusion. "Oh, so you're saying that it's impossible for you to have killed him, since you would have been under the effects of those depressants?" he concluded, realizing that the supposed killer had a good point. "But of course, men like me never make mistakes. And that's why it's impossible for me to have avoided ingesting the barbiturates in that vodka bottle so that I could kill him. Ask Kate if you like, she saw both of us drink and she shall maintain that point if she doesn't want to commit perjury. Of course, she didn't drink anything, so I think it's more plausible that she's the killer, wouldn't you agree?"
"Well, you certainly have a reasonable point, but it's possible that Alden may have been lying after all. He could have entered the place and ripped the contract in half, after all, no? Those are the facts as I see them and since you'd need a Class-2 key card to access that room, can you prove that Alden didn't destroy the contract and show how I managed to enter a Class-2 room if I was the ripper?" Samuel certainly didn't seem to be giving up any time soon, as he was still attacking the motive placed upon him without even getting close as to how he managed to commit the crime.
Harry Krane would take all of this information in before planning his initial attack, planting himself into the ground before preparing his initial counterattack. "Well, I'm the villain now, hmm? I have several objections to what you've just claimed, but let's begin with the most obvious one. Although it may be possible that I had such a motive, can you prove that I would have known about that job search, when Greene supposedly only watched from an application? Not only that, I'll admit to the bet that we made, but $10,000 is chump change compared to the millions that I have! And with those millions, can you really prove that I would have cared about becoming Greene's stockholder, when I already have millions on me in various bonds and stocks?" The battle was certainly going to get heated and Jones stepped back to let Charles argue his points.
With that type of logic in mind in Jones' head, Jones called over a nearby taxi with Zeus inside and the two officers hopped in, before they went to the stock market, the taxi guzzling gas and smoke behind them as it encroached upon several traffic lights. "Ahaha, you have no idea who I just took for a drive. Apparently Scott Greene, one of Greene's sons, actually needed to use Zeus' taxi once in a while! This is the kind of advertising that'll push me to the top, I'll buy a taxi emporium at this rate!" he chuckled out, believing in his fantasies as they approached the stock market, Zeus' taxi slowing down to left the officers leave. James was still keeping watch over Harry Krane inside of the stock market as he tapped his foot, seeing that the officers were probably about to question him once more. He looked over his shoulder before going back to minding his own business. "It looks like he hardly suspects that we're about to accuse him of the crime," Jones responded, carefully approaching the stock market as he swiped his ID Card, preparing himself for the fight against the smartly-dressed stock trader.
"Those requests? I've piled them over to Jones, they should be visible on your police PDA," Ramirez nodded, as he gave out a yawn before passing the paper over to Jones and Charles, with carbon powder sprinkled all over the note. This powder would fit within the grooves of the note and with a quick brush, the message was revealed for all to see. "Bet 10,000 dollars at the Stock Exchange: We will see who's better", read the note and just below it, two signatures were detected, the signatures of Sam and Harry. "As for the names on the list, I can absolutely promise you that none of them were falsified or made up. Now, as for the sword..." Ramirez would pause, before checking his notebook and telling Charles the information, "We found more traces of face cream on the handle, but we tried to get some fingerprints from it and the only thing we could find were some plain old glove-prints that belong to a set of cotton gloves. However, Nathan compared the sword marks on the victim to your weapon and I can tell you that this is your murder weapon! Finally, as for the stock market, the front doors are locked during the night." "So, you think Harry's our guy?" Jones would ask, as he walked over to the phone. "Should I call him into the police station or do you want to go to the stock market to handle him? I'm in the same boat as you here, but what led to you thinking that he was our killer?"

Objective 16C: "Find a way to see the message on the notepad paper." is complete!
Objective 19: "Indict the true killer of this case." has been added!
Greene respected the man's pushiness, but understood that withholding some evidence from Charles didn't help that much, although his businesses would consider to prosper, after all. The stock ticker on his right reported a 0.2% increase in all of Greene's stocks for the day as he watched Charles with the utmost amount of care as he went down the elevator, keeping a note of him in his notebook. If they were to ever meet again in the future, he predicted that Charles would be quite the interesting interrogator. As for Jones, he had already taken note of Charles' message and sped over to the police station in order to discuss about who the killer was. He hoped that Ramirez had taken care of their requests and if he had, he was ready to work with Charles and discover who the killer of Samuel Rye really was.

Objective 17A: "Crack the 8-digit code protecting the smartphone." is complete!
Objective 18A: "Confront Greene about Samuel's contract." is complete!
Jones tried a few codes out on the smartphone as he thought over any possible combinations, before trying to input Samuel Rye's ID Card number into the phone, seeing that it worked. From there, he had complete access to the vicitm's smartphone, scrolling through his text messages and photos to try to find something. The text messages were rather simplistic and basic, but as he scrolled up, Jones found some more interesting posts, such as several text messages from Alden Greene to two people, one of them being the victim and the other one being a random mess of letters and numbers, possibly someone who was trying to protect their identity. Jones pocketed this information as he continued to scroll through the phone's memory, finding no other leads. He could only wait until Charles descended from Greene's office and with their investigation complete, there was only one thing left to accomplish.

Charles had already pushed through the doors as Greene offered him another plate of drinks while Charles continued his tirade of questions against Alden Greene. "Well, you see..." Greene began after Charles was done speaking, "I apologize for not telling you, but these kinds of deals need to stay secret, otherwise I could risk losing big money. I needed a new stock trader, as that contract states and this stock trader was rather important, as they were going to manage the entirety of my business' stocks. In the end, it came down to Samuel Rye and Harry Krane, but I had to pick Sam, as he was by far the best. We were going to sign the contract today..." he continued, pulling out a copy of the contract from his desk, "but obviously things didn't go according to plan with Sam. I used a small program on my computer to monitor their progress and when I was done, I picked Sam because he made the most money." He took a sip from a glass of whiskey before setting it back down onto a specially made coaster.
The document was fairly easy to fix, as the two pieces came together to reveal a rather important document, showing that Samuel Rye was actually about to sign a large document with Greene. The contract below the document showed a long list of legal jargon that Jones couldn't quite figure out, but it looked like Alden Greene hadn't signed it yet. As Jones searched through the other documents, he would find that the victim wasn't the only one who had a contract like this, as Harry Krane also had a document reserved just for him, featuring the same information save for his name being on the folder. "It sounds like Samuel was on the cusp of signing Greene as his client! This is HUGE! Alden said he wanted to see us because of the casino. BULLSHIT! He just wanted to keep track of the case to protect himself!" Jones exclaimed as he leafed through the other folder, before picking up the phone, which was locked with a 8 digit pass-code. "Eh, this seems to be a company phone, but do you think you could unlock it, Charles?"

Objective 16A: Search the Stock Market’s Dealing Room using Greene’s Keycard." is complete!
Objective 17A: "Crack the code of the company smartphone." has been added!
Objective 18A: "Confront Greene about Samuel Rye's contract." has been added!
"Uh...actually, I've got some information for you!" Ramirez piped up, getting ready to give Charles a huge spiel of content. "First off, we actually checked the needles, but all we got were a bunch of random stock traders and no one else. The vodka bottles that we found are a match with what Kate claimed to have sold at the stock market and the ID Card has the victim's prints and a set of glove prints on it. What's interesting is that although one bottle contains some barbiturates, the other one doesn't. According to what Grace is telling me, the barbiturates are a fast acting depressant that would have lowered the activity in anyone's body at a very fast pace, while the powder that you found sprinkled on the trash can is a form of powdered barbiturate that would have done the trick. As for your paper...I think we have some carbon powder over in the back, so all we need to do is just sprinkle some on top and give it a blow." With that out of the way, a very tired Ramirez waved Charles on and let him leave the department, as Charles drove up to the stock market to search the dealing room.

With the sword safely deposited in the PD, Jones took a look at the dealing room, which had a large grey meeting table and some folders laid out upon the table. There was a company cellphone lying on one of the chairs alongside a folder that was ripped in half, while a few small stock tickers for Greene Corp lined the walls to help dealers understand how well the company was doing. When Charles reached this room, it looked like he would have quite an investigation ahead of him, but Jones started his own investigation by looking to see if there was any trace evidence left over before focusing on the bigger picture.
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