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duck55223 said

No problems I hope?
Neat. App incoming.

Edit: Oh, meant to ask: Are there a lot of factions? And what kind of galactic events are happening?
Hi, new guy here, possibly interested. Just a few things I wanted to ask.

What's the 'average' tech levels of the major powers?

Starting sizes/numbers? I wouldn't want to start writing the app and realize I'm bigger than I should be.

General things to do and not to do.
RIP Raeche
Dacyira, Outer Gravity Well, Colony Fleet D-3, C.S.S. Redemption

Before the Storm

Travel the galaxy, they said. See new worlds, they said. Defend Humanity, they said. That was what the poster said when he signed up for Earth Force, a young man fresh out of college with a head full of ideas and a dream of captaining his own starship. Ten years later, Alfonso Giovanni finally got his wish, just not in the way he expected. He recalled the meeting four years prior, but what probably felt like only one thanks to the cryosleep. Offered a position of “steering humanities future” and protecting commanding not only a ship, but a fleet was too enticing. Thankfully the Warsaw was in dry-dock from a skirmish with pirates at the time, so he didn’t leave Laskowski in the lurch.

As per regulations, the command staff was the first to awaken before arrival, followed by enlisted and support staff, and Alfonso still felt like he was swimming through gel. Briefly remembering the feeling of awaking in the cool goo, the Captain shivered slightly. Taking count of his bridge crew, the man counted his blessings. Due to the special nature of this assignment, he had been allowed to select his own command staff, all of them selected for their experience in colonial protection, initial landings or in the case of Communications Officer DeFranco, First Contact. It was a rare talent that Alfonso was sure would be sorely needed on this planet. Aggressive natives, probably rightly so from the initial reports he had received, the planet was a disaster of inter-colonial warfare and what could be considered genocide of the natives. All in all, far from the original pitch Admiral Farang had won him over with during that meeting four years ago.

Alfonso was lost in his thoughts when the Sensors Officer spoke up. “Sir, we’ve got several contacts coming up. It appears to be an Earth Taskforce, along with an unknown vessel. Earth Taskforce is led by… U.E.S. Clinton.”

“What? Something must have happened, they weren't scheduled to be here when we launched. Can we get a line up to them?” The Captain asked, going over the data streaming in.

DeFranco paused, looking at her screen in confusion. “Negative, Captain, there’s too many signals coming from the planet; the Redemption can’t handle all the incoming requests.”

Alfonso turned his chair towards her, annoyed. Damn low-budget requirements. “Wait, what do you mean incoming requests? What the hell is going on down there?”
“We’ve got more than a dozen requests for assistance, appears to be mass rioting in New Earth city. Rioters are well armed. New Berlin is unaffected.” DeFranco told him, though she appeared worried.

“Well that’s something to be happy about. Situation with the Taskforce?” Alfonso swiveled towards the Sensor Officer, wondering what the hell was going on.

“Captain, some of the Taskforce have opened fire on unknown Cruiser… No direct hits.” He replied, bring up tactical displays and showing the ‘battle’ on the main screen.

“Some of the Taskforce? Why didn’t they all open fire?” Now Alfonso was really worried, and his training under Laskowski kicked in. “DeFranco, keep trying to get comms up with the Warsaw or the Clinton. I want a status report.”

Just as he mentioned it, the Sensor Officer spoke up again. “Sir, four of the vessels in the Task Force are turning towards the other half. Weapons appear to charging… Taskforce ships are locking onto each other.” The man seemed horrified at what he was looking at. Just before he could continue, DeFranco spoke up again.

“Captain, message being broadcast over all channels, drowning everything out… Oh my God. Sir, Magistrate building is under attack by heavily armed forces, Code Omega-221.” She paused, turning to the captain. “Sir, that’s the code for a military coup. That would mean-Shit, my ears!“ She shouted, throwing off her earpiece. “We’re being jammed!”

“Unknown ship identified! It’s the I.C.S. Defiant!” The Sensors Officer almost shouted, turning to the captain. “Putting on screen now. Sir, Taskforce is opening fire on each other.”

The bridge fell silent as the fight began on their view screen. Too far to do anything but watch the destruction unfold before them, the screen dimming during nuclear flashes, though they were safe from the effects. The fight didn’t last long, and soon the only thing the only thing left of the Taskforce was the burning hulks and debris of what was once eight of Earth’s finest ships. The crew turned to their captain, awaiting orders.

Alfonso had seen some action before, but never something as terrible as a close range firefight. “Sensors, any survivors?” He asked, knowing the chances were slim but there might be a few escape pods. Who they were from wouldn’t matter at this point, as a naval officer Alfonso felt no one, not even traitors, deserved to die in the cold vacuum.

“… Most of the Taskforce was destroyed, Captain. Warsaw included but we’ve got escape pods… Clinton active but still taking fire from Yamamoto and Defiant, and the Cape Town has no directional control.”

“DeFranco, open comms, try to get past the jammers.” Alfonso shouted. Then he activated his comm unit, which was hopefully broadcasting to the ships in combat. “Attention, Earth Taskforce and Separatist Ship in combat. This is Captain Alfonso Giovanni of the C.S.S. Redemption and Fleet D-3. I am ordering all ships to cease firing immediately, on the authority of the Interstellar Colonial Peace Council. All of your ships are badly damaged or destroyed; your crews are injured or dying. You all know no one is going to win this fight. Stop firing and maybe you can live, if not your crews will get to live. As commanding officers, you have a duty to protect your crew. Please, stop this madness.” The captain broadcast the message, hoping beyond hope that is could make it past the jammers, and maybe to the ears of the people who need to hear it. He switched the comms to the rest of the fleet now. "Fleet D-3, change course towards the Taskforce. Deploy gunships and activate defense grids. God help us if we have to use them." Somehow, Alfonso knew they might.
Just a question, are you gonna change the "open warfare" thing in your app like we discussed?
Double post, sorry!

Alien Bastard, it seems we're neighbors! I had a few questions I wanted to ask you when you aren't busy.
Sure, the mIRC right?
"I didn't ask for this"

Whoa, I didn't think I'd be enemies with someone right away, jeez. My only real qualm is that the Raeche colony would still be just arriving/setting up.
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