Avatar of Alex T Crossman
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 44 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Alex T Crossman 9 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current I know what its like to fall, and I have to say that I understand why some people give up. But we all a strength deep down that can help us get back up, you just have to dig deep and find it.
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8 yrs ago
I laugh when someone says money is the root of all evil. Then they ask me why its funny and i say: "If money is the root of all evil, then what is the root of all money?" Then i just walk away.
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8 yrs ago
I reached for someone in the darkness once, but they became lost and all I felt was the cold icy grasp. I tried so hard to save them but I could not. I am still reaching though.
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8 yrs ago
Its true there are winners and there are losers. But with the right attitude even a loss is a win, you just have to see it in your own eyes.


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Sheilo (Pronounced: SHAY-LOW)

Goron name:
Gororick (Pronounced: GORE-RICK)


Hylian / Goron


- Two handed weapons: Sheilo is a master of two handed weapons that usually require a lot of strength and precision to wield. He is deadly lethal with these weapons especially Scythes which is his specialty. Trained by special Goron protectors he is dedicated to his art, his will to protect his family his motivation. Given his size of his strength he is able to use these weapons faster then others making him a adversary to one who is not prepared to face him.

-Strength: Sheilo is what you might consider hell of a strong person, having spent his entire life among power houses who could lift rocks the size of a house with ease, naturally Sheilo inspired to become that strong and drove his dedication to gaining the same strength as the Gorons. While he has not reached that exact goal, his training and determination have improved his strength beyond most normal Hylians.

-Endurance: Like almost any Goron does, Sheilo has and abundance of endurance to back him up in any sort of situation. Training like a Goron is among the most extreme training methods in the world, and most are unable to keep up with the Gorons rock like endurance. Sheilo is able to keep going well after his limit if his or another life is on the line, and he is more then used to taking a hit and getting back up for more.

- Loving: While being a lover is not a skill it is worth mentioning being sort of a prerequisite for most Gorons, while there is always a little fighting here and there and some distrust to outsiders, Gorons are rather nice and peaceful people if not provoked and Sheilo has grown up learning this live himself. He cares little for wealth or for gratification for anything he does, he is simple in a lot of ways and just wants to protect those he loves.


- Speed: Where these is strength there is usually not much speed, like many of the Gorons Sheilo is rather slow having concentrated on his strength then how fast he could cover distance. While he has a rather rock hard defense given his strength his speed is a major upset when it comes to an opponent that is way faster then he is. Up until this point living with the Gorons he has not meant many who are fast either way, which makes it a bigger weakness for now.

- Wholehearted: Lets face it Sheilo had lived with a rather peace living race his whole life, being trained for combat to protect and ti witness it first hand are two different things when it comes down to it. While Sheilo is no stranger then protecting his Goron family from potential threats, his perceptions on evil intention people are severely lacking. Growing up with honest Gorons his whole life he prefers to see the best in others before the worst which can make his decisions conflicted. He does not wish to harm anyone, but if its to protect others he will.

- Impressionable: Sheilo is not and complete idiot however he does not know as much of the world outside his Goron family like others do. Again knowing something and seeing it for yourself are two different things, and in that respect Sheilo lacks any real world knowledge. Sheilo would probably be trusting enough to lend his weapon to a would be thief if it would help them and not realize the mistake. Again it all goes back to his trust in the better of people then the worst and his little experiences with the real world only makes it worse.

Sheilo does not know when he was born, sheilo does not know who his mother and father were or are, an most of all Sheilo does not know any other world then the Gorons philosophy and this suits him fine. After all one can hardly miss something they never truly knew or had. Sheilo was just a baby when he was found on the mountainside by an Goron Elder who was out for a stroll that particular night. From that moment on Sheilo was taken in by the Gorons and with a few hitches here and there and the realization that Hylian babies don't eat rocks, Sheilo grew up to be a fine young man in respects. He grew up believing in the beliefs of his Goron brothers, to love not to hate, to protect family with life and above all else to always be honorable. Sheilo never wished for anything in life and lived for the most part a simple life. From the moment he could understand he was fascinated by the Gorons and their ways, he strives so much to be like them and to become a loyal brother to them. He trained hard like no other Hylian could, he became a part of the Gorons family, by time he was becoming a man he was as much a Goron as any other Goron. Once a man he decided to become a Goron protector, so he began his training in the art of two handed weapons, a specialty of the Gorons due to their strength, in a few short years he had taken to the training extremely well and soon enough he was a gifted individual in the way of combat. By the age of twenty five he received the tattoos of the Gorons which was in reality a painful process but he now bares them with pride. Now at the age of thirty one it seems that dark times are ahead, the Goron Elders have felt an evil on the horizon, one that could spell doom, hearing the call of Queen Zelda's far up in the mountains Sheilo has decided to answer, the want and the need to protect his Goron family his motivations. He travels out into the world for the first time ever.
Love it ^^ Bio in the process got the perfect idea iv never done before.
I'll be posting later ^^ Sorry for the delay.

No problem was out and about today any who ^^
Sebastian saw the tip of the wand in his face, he had not really expected her to be so on edge within the walls however he made no attempt to reach for his own, he knew she would stop when she saw him. He almost did seem to forget that not everyone was used to nearly being murdered by a murdering lunatic dark wizard. For an Auror that was sort of the life every single day, you sort of walked day to day with your guard constantly up waiting for that one spell to come aiming at your body. He could admit that when he first became and official Auror he wasn't too keen on wands being raised at him, in fact his first instinct was to stun fast and hard and take them down before they took him down. Now though after only a couple years he was so used to it, you couldn't imagine just how many bad Witches and Wizards were truly out there in the world trying to harm innocent people, and would think nothing of taking your life to protect their own ways of life. Sebastian followed behind Lystra after she had gave him the cold shoulder and kept on towards the school, he kept a short distance behind her just in case so if any attack did occur he had opportunity to stop it. However he truly did not feel like one was coming, at least not at this point, whoever was doing these brutal murders was not going to be so brash to attack now. To do so within boundaries of Hogwarts would take careful planning and if this person had proven one thing, they were smart enough to allude capture.

"You seem a bit on edge Lystra is anything wrong? Are you expecting some students to try and play a prank on your or something?"

Sebastian kept playing stupid about the whole situation as he followed behind her.
By the by I always like to ask once a roleplay gets going, are you liking the direction and content so far? I always like to know if improvements are needed ^^

Also feel free to lead my character in your posts so we don't have 200 posts just getting some place lol
Happy New years ^^
I'll be writing a post soon :)

What's the next step plot wise?

The Tri-Wizard tourney intro will be next, after were settled in and whatnot then will be the introduction of the other competing schools. Before that will be the first night dinner of course and the Headmasters usual new year speech and of course the sorting hat. Altho im sure we can just say how uninteresting the sorting was and skip to the speech lol.
Sebastian kept an eye on the train entrances but it was hard to spot a specific person in the midst of so many other students at the same time, so he waited time seemed to tick by slowly as carriage and boats a like started to ride towards the castle. But still there was no Lystra and that was worrisome. Sebastian was getting a tad antsy now considering the train was now empty from the looks of it, but there were still a lot of kids he was probably just missing her... when the sudden sharp crack came he jumped off the side of the carriage and went towards the direction of the sound. When he got there a couple of the remaining new years were looking in astonishment at a piece of walkway, walking up to them Sebastian spoke:

"Hey guys Welcome to Hogwarts, you guys already seeing some good magic?"

As soon as he said that the two boys excitedly talked about how an older girl disappeared with a loud bang from the spot before they were collected onto the last of the boats. Blasted he already knew she had apparated out of the crowd, in fact he should have known she would do it given she probably didn't have a love of crowded area's. But the question was where she evaporated to, his guess would be to the main entrance but there was no use in taking unnecessary chances. Sebastian silently walked past the remaining students to the a small spot that was out of the way and covered by a small piece of wall. Reaching into his pocket he removed what appeared to be an old chunk of parchment.

"Time to see if this thing actually works... I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

The moment he uttered the words the parchment in his hand began to carve its own inked lines as it quickly turned into a complete blueprint for the school including people inside and locations. Well well Harry was a sneaky student apparently, with a map like this he could have done tons of after hour things and never got caught. Sebastian shuffled through the large map, eventually finding Lystra's name, she was standing idol at the entrance to the school. Yeah he should have guessed that's where she was waiting, looking around the map near her he saw no such intruders anywhere nearby. Sebastian was about to close the map when he heard a voice from behind him:

"Well well well what have we here, I think I see a rather intriguing map that if I am not mistaken was a big trouble maker many years ago."

Sebastian rolled his eye's that was no doubt the voice of the caretaker for the castle Frank Filch, grandson of the previous caretaker Mr.Filch. From what Sebastian had heard from Harry over the years he found it hard to imagine Filch having any children let alone grandchildren but that was far too disturbing to think about. Turning around Sebastian faced the all to knowing smile that indicated someone got caught.

Sebastian just gave a roll of his eye's alerting Mr.Filch to who he was so he could return to his other duties however the man walked forward holding out his hand towards Sebastian.

"I will relieve you of that map, this year won't be the return of that infernal thing. My grandfather rest his soul got driven crazy by the young hooligans that used it."

Sebastian sighed heavily as he knew that going to that meeting with the entire Hogwarts staff two days earlier was a massive waste of time, for it seemed that already one of them forgot who he really was. Howeve he did not have time for this, he had to catch up with Lystra so he smiled and spoke:

"Mischievous managed... Mr.Filch while I do enjoy seeing that all to familiar smile I am a very busy man as you have forgotten so I must be taking my leave."

Before Filch could utter a word there was a sharp crack and Sebastian was already appearing on the front walk that ended in the main entrance. Placing the map securely in his robes he started up the remainder of the path and saw Lystra right where the map had put her. Walking across the ancient stone bridge he smiled and waved to Lystra as he approached her and spoke reaching her:

"I guess we both had the same idea to avoid the crowds, go figure."

Sebastian gave a fake but real enough sounding laugh as he felt that awkward tinge in the pit of his stomach again, but at least it wasn't as bad as it was on the train.
I mean, have you met Lystra? She doesn't do people.

I can't wait until I get to reveal the big plans I have for her though. ^^ it's gonna be awesome

Whelp looks like my sis getting sick changed the plans so dinner will be gotten later so I can work on my next post! An I can't wait either! To see yours and to reveal mine! Iv been thinking about this roleplay for what seems like forever.
All this character development it making me hungry again lol

Lol I actually have to go to the store and get something for dinner, if I wait until later I will have to deal with the New Year drunks, they do tend to get going early around here. An really you JUST apparated to the entrance Lol. Way to bypass that squishy ride to the main doors.
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