Avatar of Alkeni Synair
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Alkeni Synair
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 137 (0.04 / day)
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    1. Alkeni Synair 10 yrs ago


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Current Being Sick - 0/10 would not recommend.
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To never die and conquer all - that is winning.
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I am back. Word to the wise, never buy an HP Chromebook. It never ends well.
8 yrs ago
I have a new computer and am dealing with some RL related stuff with it (transfering important files, etc), so I will probably not be able to get any roleplaying done this weekend.
8 yrs ago
Being wrong Isn't a Democracy!


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We could skip the fight scene, but if you would like to drop, we can. It happens - busy, and loss of interest.
And indeed, no suck Luck. The Death Knight put his helmet on as he walked after her, his steps surprisingly quiet and unobtrusive - relatively speaking - for all the armor that he was wearing. He followed her out of the castle, keeping a respectful distance, but if Amara was paying the least bit of attention, she'd notice him nearby. That she didn't want the protection was hardly the point. It was his duty to ensure her safety, and he took that duty seriously. If she didn't like it...well, then the arrogant little prissy princess could just swallow it and deal with it.

Kyran took a breath. He really shouldn't be thinking like that. This was likely to be his future ruler. Well, maybe not his, given that he was likely to be long dead by the time Lyrus 'died' and Amara took the throne. If Lyrus ever did. His ability to keep the nobility terrified of him and unable to plot successfully to take over was impressive, all things said and done.

From the servants exit she used, Amara was out into the dark alleys around the Palace in the Necropolis, the largest city in the Kingdom of the Necromancers, with some 21,000 living residents and some 3,000 self-aware undead residents. Then another 10,000 undead that had no self-awareness, skeletons and zombies serving as the defenders of the city, heavy labor gangs, firefighters, etc, under the direction of necromancers, deathpriests and others of such power.
The Death Knight looked at her through the helmet. After a moment, he seemed to decide that arguing the point with his charge wasn't worth the effort. She was the princess, after all, and as long as her father was Archnecromancer, he was sworn to protect and obey her - though the first took precedence over the second. That said, removing his helmet did not infringe on his ability to protect her, in a noncombat situation such as this. Not that his guard was even remotely down.

Reaching up his hands, he removed his helmet, tucking it under one arm. His face, as could be expected of someone who lived in the Kingdom, was pale, his eyes black - constantly moving, looking around, searching for escape routes and searching for danger with every second. His hair was a rather bland brown, and cut short to best accommodate his helmet. He had a scar running along the left side of his face.

"Captain Sir Kyran ith Neshkar. At your service."
"Very unheard." He agreed. They made their way through the stone hallways of the palace, bare of decoration and life. There were few living servants in the palace, most duties performed by skeleton and zombie servants, or higher forms of undead. Mostly just the cooking was done by the living, as that wasn't a task you could really assign to the undead and still want to eat the product. And art wasn't a priority in the palace, under her father's reign. Not that he didn't have an appreciation for art, and he did have a gallery in the palace with some of the best examples of Golden Age Necrotic Art left intact in the world, but he considered lining hallways with decorations to be garish and gauche.

Finally, they reached the Grand Hall. There was a man standing there, waiting. He wore black armor, full plate, but not overly bulky either - perfectly fit to provide maximum protection without impeding maneuverability or increasing the target size. Rather than being made of steel, the plate armor was made of mithril, an expensive extravagance, but one that her father had no issues paying.

The man had a black cape hanging from the shoulders of the armor, and a bland, featureless helmet on his head, covering his face - in the ranks of battle, identity didn't matter, only the uniformity of attack. He was standing stock straight.

"Amara, your new guard." Lyrus gestured to the Death Knight, then turned and left the hall.
Shit happens. Its fine. :)

It does matter to the plot and like I said, we can discuss the exact nature you want for her fiendish heiritage.
"Well, its been a week since your last bodyguard was promoted. Did you really think I wasn't going to see to a replacement?" He arched an eyebrow at her. He didn't really give her time for a response, because he answered his own question, "No, of course not. Come with me. Its time for your new bodyguard." He turned around and made his way out of the room, expecting her to follow him.
Shit happens. Its fine. :)

It does matter to the plot and like I said, we can discuss the exact nature you want for her fiendish heiritage.
The doors to her rooms opened before she could open to go out. It was her father - wearing, as always, black robes over a black silk shirt and black pants - and belt and boots made of black dragonhide. He wasn't wearing gloves, but when he bothered to wear those as well, they were black. He was...monochromatic, in his clothing interests. Not just because the Archnecromancer was expected to wear black - he was - but because...well, he liked the color. His daughter's penchant for occasionally wearing clothing with actual color was something he'd stopped fighting her on ages ago, but it still struck him as just odd. He'd say it was her mothers influence, but Kasya hadn't been a fan of anything other than black too, so where the hell did she get it from?

"Going somewhere, Amara?"

(That's roughly what her father looks like.)
We can work something out that allows us to incorporate your ideas into the rp and setting - this is not just me dictating everything down.
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