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done, sorry for taking some hours, family business
Heren swallowed, certainly he was so anxious in getting to the person in fear of the rage of his master that he didn't consider the implications of entering someone's house uninvited. Certainly, the door was open, but in his haste he should have considered to at least knock first


It took him some seconds until he stopped to stutter and then he talked quickly

My master is sir Alabistair Yeomsley, a noble from the court of Stoklech and he requires your services to retrieve something that he holds dear and was tolen.

Snap, he had slipped his tongue, he wasn't supposed to talk about the details of the mission, but to put it blunty, that girl had quite some good persuasion skills
Valen said "Well hello there stranger, is there of anything you need from me?"

Darfair thinks you should speak lower, we do not want to attract the attention of the guards no?

The khajit spoke calmly without really turning his attention to the breton and instead he fixed in the opening of the wall, a small passage to the sewers, big enough for someone to enter but closed with a padlock that, surprisingly, seemed to be quite new and sturdy. Upon a closer inspection a pair of small metal rods seemed to be inside the keyhole. The male khajit with fur akin to a snow panther spoke to Valer

My name is Darfair. I'm an honest citizen of this town of Daggerfall, and I work on the fields outside until it gets dark with hopes of arriving soon home to rest after a hard day in the fields, but despite having lived for such a long time the guards can't trust me. Just because Darfair is a khajit, racist people. And because of that I'm often obligated to navigate these sewers to reach my house. Imagine my surprise when I saw that today they had put a new padlock and I'm not going to be able to get to my home tonight.

He looked at the breton and took a pair of seconds of thinking the best words before speaking

Unless... Someone... Helps Darfair with the lock. I can feel you are a magician, and you probably could blast this thing with a spell. I'm not telling you to do such a thing for free, think of it as a partnership so both of us can survive the night
"We know there are no daedra here, we are looking for people who might have been in contact with them."

Just when Alfgore was about to leave one of the redguards came grabbing forcefully a girl by her wrist

"Captain, captain! This girl was trying to sneak through the back door when we entered."

Caoldi approached the girl with olive skin and green eyes with braided hair, probably no more than 15 years old and shouted

"Where were you trying to go? Were you alarmed by our presence and tried to run away?"
"I also found this on her, captain."

The knight handled a small symbol made out of dried rope, in the form of a simple triangle with a smaller triangle within. The redguard woman grabbed and said

"This clearly is proof enough of suspicion. We shall arrest this girl of being involved with daedric activities

The girl was crying and about to say something, but was promptly slapped and handcuffed. Caoldi then turned to the nord and said

"If you are a monk in a pilgrimage you should go to the town of Bibu then, they hold a temple in honor to Mara"
Open post done, I hope you guys don't mind that I took the freedom to locate your characters in their starting points as I saw fitting.

You guys can follow the course of action that you want. If it wasn't clear enough, you guys are not starting at the same time
A group of people are gathered around forming a circle, black robes covering their bodies and faces and only with a single dim candle illuminating the place, could it be a dungeon? A house? Or are they outisde in a night with no moon or stars? It is impossible to determinate, just like it is impossible to know who is the one who steps forward and, with a distorted voice shouts

"Brothers and sisters! The time for the reckoning is near, soon our wishes shall be fulfilled and the whole Illiac bay will fall to our feet and beg for mercy!"

The group felt into an unintelligible chanting of arcane words of praying and the one that talked stepped onto the candle, leaving the place in complete darkness.
In a certain port town in Anticlere, Charenvale, a bunch of Nords step out of their Knarr ship and having traveled around Tamriel for quite a long time. Their objetive is unkown, what could a crew of nord be planning in High Rock? Without caring about dragging attention with their golden hair and blue eyes, the men walked quickly through the streets and sheltered themselves inside the closest inn. Inside said inn a certain imperial girl who had arrived recently upon receiving a letter was having a rest as well and her looks, around the middle 20s, black hair and blue eyes, caught the attention of the nords. One of them, a one eyed barbarian with blonde hair called Jalfard approached the girl and asked

"Hello girl. What's a pretty young girl like you doing all alone here? Would you like some company?"
A certain member of the court of Stoklech was walking up and down inside his comfortable room in the palace nervous as a sane man could be. Books laying on the floor alongside broken vases and plates, signs of desperation and impatience. His assistant, a young lad with athletic complexion spoke

"How about the fighters guild?"
"No, this is something that requires force, but that much."
"And the knights of the Flame?"
"Idiot! Knights hold their honor too high for such a thing."

An uncomfortable silence followed until the assistant talked again

"Sir, I know of someone, a nord huntress who has been living and hunting around here for some time now. She is definitely strong, and as far as I know she isn't affiliated with any guild"
Yes! that would be perfect! Try to bring her here, as soon as possible."

The assistant left the room and grabbed a horse from the stables towards the house of said nord, finding the girl with black hair and blue eyes

"Are you Pisukisa? I'm Heren Tarkos My master requires your help."
The Sun was hitting hard in Hammerfell, and town of Cudajsia, in Dak'Fron was being punished by the unforgiving rays of the sun. A particular normal day, redguards were already customized to this heat, but not so much for a nord monk that happened to have arrived recently to the region. His clothes and long beard seemed unfitting for such weather, but the people of the place, despite not receiving visit from outsiders often, were open and gentle to him. In the inn of the Mouse and the Fawn there weren't much people there, but the monk had decided to stop there to rest from the sun, but suddenly the peace was disrupted by a group of knights who abruptly entered and their leader, a redguard woman shouted

"By imperial order all the people in this town are to be inspected suspicious of forbidden pagan rituals involving evil daedras."

The knights swiftly raided the place, looking behind counters, doors, tables and everything without warning. The captain, named Caoldi, approached the nord and with inquisitive tone she asked

"I see that you are a monk. If so, what Divine do you worship?"
A young Breton arrived at the doors of the capital of Daggerfall, conveniently named Daggerfall as well. What wasn't convenient was the time of his arrival, just fifteen minutes after the closure of the gates, and such he was about to be left outside in the middle of the night, prone to encounter packs of wolves, bears or even cursed skeletons. Not good, not good at all, and the guards at the door, atop the wall, weren't likely to be the ones who would yield so easily. He was about to ask the guards when he noticed a dum light in the distance alongside the wall, it was for a very brief moment, but he could swear that he saw someone in the darkness, and whoever it was, he was signaling the breton to get closer and approach him or her.
The vast Alik'r desert had been a test of endurance for many adventurers and explorers for centuries, and for one of them, an argonian, it seemed like it was about to be his end.His water provisions had ran dry, and his moist skin wasn't taking well the scorch, but at least his cape covered him enough to not suffer from the horrible burns that he had witnessed on the corpses that now and then he encountered in his path, death of initiation. His head grew heavy and his sight grew dim, he needed to stop for now. And answering his prayers he arrived at a place formed with just 4 small houses, not enclosed by any walls or fences, in the middle of the dessert and with a sign that simply said "Maurp manor." Certainly none of the houses seemed big enough to be considered a manor, but for now that's all he had in sight, four small chalets, and there was a posibility of someone living in them.
Don't worry vortex, you'll be able to leave for a while and continue whenever you want or can

Accepted grey, let me add your character to the cast and I'll get to writting the IC. Bard is great, and for the "use magic" you might want to know that you can re-use the scrolls (several times also) if you pay a member of the mages guild. And well, it seems a bit of cheating to put swimming likea racial skill, fair enough, but you'll be dissapointed to hear that argonians do not have poison and disease inmunity in Daggerfall, so you'll still have to watch yourself around spiders and snakes

Okay everyone give me some time and we will commence
Where did I heard that if you stick a lightbulb in a pptato you got a lamp?
Defacto said
Could I have an opportunity to change my skills? Was reviewing my skills and, I believe, that marksman would be better for an agent. But if not, no problem - ranged or melee does not change anything. And by the way, excuse my time away, university gave a tightness in my time.

I connected briefly to say that you still have time to change your CS
Good, too bad I'm about to go on a date and I won't be cappable of starting imediately
Not really, I'm about to go on a date
Indeed, but it is the only way to guarantee that everyne gets individual treatment
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