Avatar of Annasiel
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 65 (0.02 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Annasiel 9 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Sometimes it feels like something that I don't believe in happening next week for the reason of my hope that it resolves itself.
5 yrs ago
Just Married
5 yrs ago
Existence, not exist. I blame the penny.
5 yrs ago
I existence once more to rain terror on the masses. Oh, look, a penny!
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Most Recent Posts

A fan of cyberpunk here wanting in. I'll have my CS up as soon as I can.
Thank you for that kind greeting. I can see you're no stranger to site migration as well. I'm happy to say quite a few users are growing fed up with my previous haunt, and are or have already began to scout out here. As for real life's importance, aye, but that doesn't necessarily guarantee its pleasantness.


My time is always here to give, and warm, welcoming posts such as your own will never waste it. Thank you again, and I'll dive into the site proper as soon as I get the chance.
Addendum: Sorry if that makes no sense. I'm running on fumes at the moment. If your only fault is the oozing melodrama, however... I have no apology for that.

Not exactly the best way to start an introduction, I know. It could be fancier, or better thought out, or ring with more poetry than a single, common word. But as with any tool, it suits its purpose. I don't know any of you but save a few, and I want to change that.

My name is Serenity Williams, but you can call me anything you want, as long as I know to answer to it. I hail from Texas in the mystical country of the United States, and roleplaying is one of my greatest passions. I find it an easy escape from the dreary confines of life and a way to become someone you can only wish to actually be. It realizes my dreams, and gives me a sense of belonging in my otherwise meaningless life.

As the title implies, I journeyed from another website dedicated to this purpose. My previous place of refuge was fine while it lasted, but needless decisions, petty drama, and inactivity slowly made it more stress than it was worth. My salvation came when a friend from that site showed me this wonderful place.

At first, I couldn't believe my eyes. Advanced sections filled with veritable mountains of posts, users flitting about to nurture their stories in good time, rules that don't stem from arbitrary and personal agendas... it seemed impossible. But now I am here, standing on a digital stage spouting out a story, hoping I too can join these ranks. Hoping I can live the lives I want to live of these countless threads, share in imagination with others, and most importantly, make friendships with you all.

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