Avatar of Anorgos
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  • Old Guild Username: Anorgos
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  • Posts: 58 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Anorgos 10 yrs ago


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Yep that's right. Had fun with that Tundra. ^-^ Also just to let everyone know, I'm working on adding to my template a small section at the end, giving a small description on every creation/experiment that comes up in the RP that is responsible by Nomis. Got three done already, so half way right now, unless I find out I forgot one. ^^

~~~~~~Agrabah / Royal Street (Main path leading from Palace to City Gates)~~~~~~

The streets of Agrabah grew dense with crowds the further Nomis and his group headed towards the grand palace. The large cart being pulled by some of the groups members, creaked and groaned as it was pulled along the sand dusted streets of the city, The brief sounds of sloshing liquid from beneath the covering canvas, along with the whisper like hisses, managed to turn a few heads of the inhabitants as the group travelled by them. So many people seemed to fill such a small and confined city to breaking point, and yet the citizens seemed to be well used to the situation they grew up surrounded by.

Soon the great palace gates came into sight as the travelling group of Nomis passed through one of the streets many arches, and though it was still some distance before they could even physically touch it, the sheer size of the gates went hand in hand with the majestic sight of the palace looming over not just it, but the city and desert also.

"Uncle Nomis...?" The voice came from behind the walking man, his stance immediately freezing in place as he stopped in his tracks, the rest of the group moving onwards still, although slowly.

As Caleb appeared from the shadows of one of the market stalls, his uncle continued to keep his back the only thing facing his nephew, even as he began to ask the important question.

"Did you find out what we needed to know?"

"Yes…they’re in a place called the Basilisk Inn. It seems pretty ordinary, just like the rest of the buildings here. It would have taken too long if we just searched any old place." Caleb said as he stood facing his uncle’s back, though his eyes seemed to keep looking at anything but the silent unmoving posture of Nomis himself.

"And the three trackers? I trust you’ve already dealt with them before you went looking yourself?

Their bodies are being taken back to Arundhati right now, Uncle…

Very good, Caleb. Very good indeed. Now all that’s left is to reacquire the creature, and then we can return to my work." Finally starting to move once more, Nomis turned towards one of the masked figures that had arrived in Agrabah aboard the massive ship.

"Finish the preparations at the palace gates and begin immediately. I will return to Arundhati once finished myself and examine the data you send back from the experiment. Come along now, Caleb, show me this place."

~~~~~~Agrabah / Palace Gates~~~~~~

The sound of the bustling crowds passed the large palace gates could still be heard, even as the small group of robed figures were busy setting up their equipment. The more portable machines seemed to link together, creating the miniature monitors and tall metal coils, now surrounding the large cloth covered item that had been delivered via the cart.

As the mask wearing figure removed the small darkness filled glass from the confines of his robe, the cloth was busily being pulled free by one of the other figures, revealing the large glass cylindrical chamber full of the murkiest deep dark green water imaginable.

So still was the water, that at first glance one would believe it to be some kind of solid substance, but at the first brief sparks of electricity being caused by the metal coils surrounding the chamber, the once stillness of the water gave way to a sudden and very violent thrashing.

More and more of the generating lightning arched from the machine driven coils, immediately latching and linking onto the purposefully placed devices lining the glass chamber in the centre. Stepping directly up to the chamber itself, the masked figure uncorked the vial given to him by his Lord Clacverk before quickly pouring the concentrated darkness from Hollow Bastion’s own Factory core straight into the water. For a few seconds, the darkness added quickly dominated the green liquid before it soon faded and disappeared deeper into the depths of the water, returning everything to the original dark green.

Suddenly erupting from the opened hatch on the top of the cylinder, the creature that emerged was horrific to look at. The amount of tendrils hanging from not just its long, leech-like drooping face but in patches and growths along its body, was just one of the things that made the creature disturbing. The biggest thing being the actual sight of its form twisting and splitting as it seemed to evolve to its new environment.

"Lord Clacverk wants you to search out the creature with that scent. You can feed on it if it puts up resistance, but Lord Clacverk wants it returned to him alive, do you understand?" Said the masked figure as he began to step away from the chamber and the large abomination that hung over its side and stared at him.

The large purple eye that suddenly sprouted along the creature's blank face glanced around at everything surrounding it, its mind though simple, was more than intelligent enough to understand the task it was given. The darkness it fed on was strong, a familiar taste it hadn’t gotten the chance to have in a very long time. Just the small sample was more than enough to sway the monster to do what was being asked. Sliding out of the chamber and simply falling to the ground like a fish on dry land, the creature’s tapered lower half soon started to split and twist into an entirely new form.

The legs it now had were very distorted, as if the bones they were made of were clearly not natural, threatening to break through the skin at a sudden twist. And yet, the creature seemed content with the change to its body, its hulking form moving on all fours as its first course of action was to immediately charge towards the gates. Leading back out to the bustling streets of Agrabah, the sound of panicked screams from the crowds didn't seem to cause the massive parasite to take any particular notice, its focus solely on one thing, where the delicious source of darkness was hiding.

~~~~~~Agrabah / Palace Hallway~~~~~~

"At the factory in Hollow Bastion, I saw a woman claiming to be her. She was with father. She said that she was my mother, but that can't be true, right? She was just saying that. My mother, as you have told me, died when I was born." Caleb said, looking up to meet his uncle’s glaring eyes, the well-dressed man’s eyes seeming to flinch for a brief moment at hearing such a thing come from the young man’s own mouth. To think after nearly two decades the woman would risk showing herself again.

“Your mother is dead, Caleb. Whether physically or mentally, she’s been dead to you since the moment you were born. She was never by your side when growing up, and just as the way your own father left you, she clearly had no love for you, then or now.” Said Nomis as he placed his stiff fingered hand upon Caleb’s shoulder, the metal digits scrapping against one another as they moved with some amount of force to gain just a grip on the shoulder.

“They are both dead to you and I, in every way…Come along now, we must meet the others when they arrive. We have a lot of work to begin right away…” Taking the odd few seconds to remove his almost frozen like grip from Caleb’s shoulder, Nomis continued on his way down the hallway, the man seeming to have some trouble flexing his metal covered fingers as easily as he normally would. Though given time, it would be a problem controlled and mastered…just like the other times…

~~~~~~Agrabah / Royal Street (Main path leading from Palace to City Gates)~~~~~~

The appearance of the Empire in Agrabah had revealed the whole concept of other worlds the moment their ships had begun to invade the skies of not just Agrabah but all others that were now under their control. The sight of the massive ship, its metal shell covered in over a decade of marks and faded sweeps of dust and dirt from both space and other worlds, was nothing too surprising for the natives of the world.

The central street which led from the palace to the city’s large main gates made it easy for Nomis, Caleb, and the few hooded figures that were still inside the Factory at the time of the transfer, to make their way out and into the desert as the ship came in for landing. One of the largest of the ships hatches creaked open to reveal the gathering of masked figures, the group carefully pouring out into Agrabah’s hot climate with a covered type of cart.

The hand pulled creation seemed to carry some kind of tall and wide object, the sound of liquid sloshing around underneath the cloth being the only clue of what was there. What the little convoy carried seemed to be all Nomis needed or wanted, his own little group joining the new arrivals as they started their trip back into the city and towards the palace once more.

“That creature will need to be caught yet again! All thanks to that Ryoko…then work will have to start once more on reconstructing a new facility to house the creature, and that is if it’s deemed useful anymore…especially if it comes down to us having to use our sample here.” Nomis spoke offhandedly to Caleb by his side, the two walking with the gathering from the ship as they made their way through the main street of Agrabah, the crowds parting having been given no choice by the large cart and its contents being pulled through.

“Not only that, but clearly from the way you left those two back in the facility at Bastion, it’s very probable that they, along with those that managed to slip past the General’s watch, are here somewhere in this city. Have our messengers come and report any little piece of information about anyone not clearly from this city…I want fresh new subjects ready and on board before we leave.”

~~~~~~Hollow Bastion - Core Room~~~~~~

Blaring sirens from the core room itself was the only sound Nomis heard before the tsunami of darkness rushed out from its source. The steel walls, the floors upon floors of thick iron machines and constructs, built solely to harness the level of darkness they lay beneath them, nothing seemed to slow the sheer force of it, the darkness passing through everything and anyone, and clearly having some kind of effect on whoever they were. For Nomis, that effect was clearly not a good one. Clutching his chest, though not where his heart was, the older man fell to one knee, his cane still being held in his other hand as the darkness that had been released forced its way past and through him all at once.

The once blue eyes of his, the only part of him to show some kind of healthy state of being, had been replaced by a deep anger filled purple, the rage clearly present on his face seeming to force the man to try and stand once more and to finally move against the waves of darkness in order to gain a stronger footing towards the core room door. Even as the dark veins once more returned, spreading up from his neck to this time reach his cheeks, the man continued on, now determined by some deep force that the raging darkness had brought out. As the large metal door to the core was suddenly torn free by the grinning purple eyed man, the last thing he remembered was that of a bright light followed by flying splintered chunks of steel.

~~~~~~Unknown - Ten Years Ago~~~~~~

Darkness had ravaged a world, long silent and dead of any sign of light or life, not even a single person had stepped upon its surface for what must have been decades, the eroding environment covering everything in a layer of dull, bland dust. The massive ship descended down onto the world, parting through the black clouds and allowing just the faintest light to shine back onto the world, at least for the few moments it took for the dark masse to fill in the large gap. The ship’s design clearly showed it was new, the metal it was made of seemed to have no time to fade or wear with the passage of time like others, and as it finally landed and began to open its large doors to allow those inside to exit, it revealed a clean and pristine look inside as well.

Leading the group of masked figures onto and through the ankle depth level of dust, the glaring Nomis seemed to know exactly where he was going, the ship having landed near a large outcropping of spire like struts of metal. Whatever structure they had formed had clearly been destroyed in some kind of explosion, the warped steel bending outwards to the elements a clean sign of such an event at one point in the past. As the group slowly began to spread out and search through what remained of some of the structure’s rooms, Nomis seemed to stay more or less within the centre of the area, staring down at the dark markings blasted into the very tiled ground itself.

Crunching his foot down onto what could be described as the head of the markings, the man gritted his teeth in anger before he was brought to attention by the return of some of the group, each one holding a number of items in their arms. The large glass canister carried by one though was what caused Nomis to make his towards them, the three figures immediately stopping to allow the man to examine what they had found. Watching the once settled dark water inside the canister as it started to stir, had Nomis’ familiar grin return once more, especially as the large purple eye stared out towards him from inside the black liquid.

~~~~~~Agrabah - Royal Library~~~~~~

The sharp pain shooting through his chest was enough to startle Nomis awake, gritting his teeth as he sat up from his chair within the large palace library of Agrabah itself. The thoughts of what must have occurred back at the Factory slowly returned to the man, also were the images of him limping through the palace hallways to the library itself, in order to find some kind of place to rest from the ordeal.

Beginning to rise at the sound of other people speaking, at one other part of the room, Nomis only noticed the feeling of stiffness from his arm after trying to remove his grip from his cane’s handle. Clutching the arm along the bicep, the stiffness was felt even worse, especially as it seemed to travel all the way up his arm to his very shoulder. After a few seconds at trying to move, finally the arm seemed to regain its usual amount of movement, yet the statuesque stiffness of it still remained in feeling.

"Salforge, we have our work cut out for us." Ryoko voiced towards Salforge, the two having probably been discussing the recent events with the Emperor himself, something that could have ended very badly for the young General if it was anything worse.

“After your stupendous failure that has occurred, I should think you do.” Said Nomis as he walked around some of the scroll-shelves of the library, his usual grin gone and replaced by an annoyed glare.

“To think, a General no less, allowing a Factory to be invaded by an opposing force. Not just attempted invasion, but successful by reaching the very core itself and having an important experiment ruined. You should be grateful the Emperor has not taken your head for it.” Turning towards the library’s doors, Nomis pulled them open to reveal young Caleb already waiting in the hallway itself for his uncle to awaken.

“Let’s not have a repeated failure, and find the core before others do. I will be finding out what I can about this world, in the short time I am staying.” With a slam of the wooden doors behind him, the man soon was walking down the hallway swiftly, though his speed was nothing that Caleb wasn’t used to, the young man easily keeping up with his uncle the entire time.

“Uncle, I know this might not be the best time, but there’s something I need to ask you. What can you tell me about my mother?”

“Your Mother is long dead to you, as is your Father. Why do you ask such a stupid question?!" Nomis quickly replied, stopping sharply in the hallway to turn and glare his anger towards Caleb, only relaxing a tiny bit after a few seconds of silent glaring.

“Aren’t I the one who has taken care of you? Raised you? Made you stronger? It wasn’t your Father or Mother, it was me, wasn’t it? Haven’t I always done what is best for you?”

Age: 17 (By only 7 months compared to his step-brother Cerden)

Being around six when he moved to America, Nomis doesn’t remember much about Europe, or even Ireland particularly when growing up there. What remains could just be considered a faint Irish accent, though it’s enough to make him stand out when speaking, which is rarely. It was a few months coming up to his 7th birthday that he lost his parents in some kind of an accident he can now no longer remember, and having then been passed around his most faintest relatives for a number of years he used to find there was no point in speaking his mind much.

That all changed when he was sent to live with someone who was known to take in foster children, and is how he came to know Cerden. Though completely silent/mute compared to Cerden’s mostly outgoing and out-loud personality, the two became incredibly close, more like brothers than anything even as simple as just friends. Like his brother, Nomis found he was able to manipulate objects, though unlike Cerden who could control glass, it seemed to be metal was the substance for Nomis. Able to twist, shape and move the metal in a number of ways, the greater the quantity, size, or complexity, the longer his concentration is needed.

I'll write out the little temp for Nomis here, soon. ^^

~~~~~~Hollow Bastion / Factory - Core Room Nexus~~~~~~

Smoothly the machines throughout the room ran, both those that seemed to blend in with walls themselves like some sort of twisted architecture and the newer, more eye catching, dark steel growths from their hanging positions. Though clearly different, all seemed to easily work in unison, the mismatch of gears and pistons being constantly driven with little explosive puffs of steam every now and then.

The first few cases had begun to leave the room, the contents of which seemed to amount as nothing more than a single layer of very small, and very fragile, crystal-like vials. The black coloured liquid sloshing around within their small space with every sway and step the tiny batch of cloaked figures made as they left the room to bring the cases up to the surface. Still, even with the now smaller group consisting of Nomis, his nephew Caleb, one part of the duo of maids, along with the handful of remaining hooded figures and their Heartless transformed brethren, things seemed to continue to run well, almost without the need for any sort of interference, just like the rest of the Factory.

At least that was the case, before the sight of the large gears beginning to slow down caught Nomis’ attention almost immediately. A clear sign for any kind of facility, or even simply that of a machine, the sight was that of some kind of lose in power. Though again it may not have warranted much in any other type of facility or machine, to see such a thing here, in a Factory of the Empire itself, it was something that needed to be seen to right away, before it could get any chance to become worse.

“This will not do…” Nomis said quietly to himself, still watching the large gears turn even as they began to slow down ever so slightly, it was clear the problem was spreading as the large pistons by the gears sides soon started to have a bit of trouble with their duty.

“Continue watching for any changes, Caleb. I will return once I’ve found the problem…” Said the man, turning his gaze for a few moments up towards his nephew before striding off with one of the cloaked scientists by his side, the two clearly leaving the large room as the nephew, sole maid and few scientists were left to continue monitoring the machines they had brought.

~~~~~~Hollow Bastion / Factory - Core Room Descent~~~~~~

The minute it had taken for the large elevator to reach down a single floor, even if that floor was the largest to house the core of the Factory, was still too long for Nomis to travel. A small journey that should have taken less than half the time was doubled on account of the dimming power making more appearances. Every time one would happen the machine would suddenly stop before needing a few seconds just to build up energy to start the process again mid-descent.

The annoyance grew so much that Nomis had clutched the railing of the lift and had begun to concentrate, but that was suddenly no longer needed the moment the power seemed to last long enough for the occupants to finally reach the bottom floor of the core.

As the large metal framed door was suitably pulled up, like one would have seen in the mines of old, the glasses wearing man stood within the elevator even as the hooded scientist walked out passed him, clearly uninterested in the unconscious body of the soldier and even that of the clearly crushed piece of equipment by their side on the ground.

“Typical…clearly they’re becoming more of an annoyance than I thought…” Nomis thought to himself as he took his time to follow in the shadow of the cloaked scientist, its own thoughts seemingly focused as it turned the corner, away from the second but main elevator of the Factory, and towards the opened metal vault door that led into the core itself. Each silent almost floating step made by the figure being replaced by the clank of metal against metal as Nomis followed with his cane.

Made the slight edit in the last post, so now everything should fit together and make sense with Rika's plans too. I hope at least. lol ^^

SoleAccord said
Took longer because shit internet provider, but its up.Rika is going to the actual core room, not wherever Nomis is, just a heads up so no one gets this confused.

Nomis is in the Core room actually, it's the biggest, deepest room of the Factory, with nothing else beneath it but raw rock and darkness. The room could still be multi-floored so Rika doesn't have to just run into Nomis and the others if you'd like, but where Nomis is would be considered the ground floor of the Core room.

~~~~~~Hollow Bastion / Factory~~~~~~

Hallways that had been rather large and spacious the further one travelled higher through the structure, quickly shifted into tight fitting corridors once the visitor traversed deeper underground within the Factory. Worked on in time with the reconstruction of Bastion Castle itself, the foundations of the Factory were clearly much older than the top half led to believe. Pipes and vents lining the walls and ceiling of the small hallways gurgled with life, the puffs of steam only rarely appearing which the metal pipes, many of which criss-crossed and coiled around themselves in some places, seemed to constantly be busy, moving its liquid contents from one place to another.

The entire lower floors seemed to be one single machine, the pipe and vents working in time with the odd group of pistons and gears, further making the corridors even more claustrophobic. Though some of the pathways would veer and branch off, most likely to some other separate chambers throughout the numerous floors, for Nomis is seemed his focus was solely on a single, specific path, arriving on each new floor always ending with him taking another of the elevators down. With one of the more spacious, albeit oldest and most common looking, elevator reaching the bottom, the masked maids that stood waiting soon bowed their heads, before matching Nomis’ striding pace by his side.

“I trust my nephew has already begun?”

“Yes, Lord Nomis…the preparations are nearly complete…”

“Yes, Sir Clacverk…the preparations have been coming along well…”

It was at those words that the three figures left the main hallway, finally entering one of the lowest parts of the Factory, second only to the core room just beneath their feet. Though the machines that made up the room were clearly responsible for the processing of the Factory itself, the swirling dark colours just barely visibly through the single section of glass covered floor, revealed the pure chaotic force that was being kept in check underneath. As the core itself continued with its general operations below, the small team of cloaked figures were still ever busy, attaching large devices in various places throughout the room, all leading to a single small structure just above the ground where Nomis and a few others now stood.

“My Lord…preparations…completed…” Spoke one of the cloaked scientists, the slow shambling walk it gave as it made its way towards Nomis, was something all the others within the room shared, as was the laboured way they spoke, as if every word they said was just as difficult to get out as the last.

“Very well then. I will make the last changes needed. I do not want any mistakes.” The tone of Nomis’ voice was still that of an agitated rage, still slowly bubbling beneath the surface even after hours when it first appeared.

With the normal, tight grip on his cane, the man first glanced towards one of the large machines that hung off an edge along the second level railing. Reaching out with his free hand, the dark gears that made up the casing soon began to turn, building into a high speed and causing the small pistons to begin pumping pressure within it. It was only a matter of seconds until the other two devices, each one almost identical to the other, were quietly rumbling with the first machine, the pressure being built up inside them all soon reaching some kind of required level, as the tubes that connected the devices to the small structure in the middle soon started to force the thick dark liquid through it.

Soon the entire room was humming with the newly added machines, the structure which all seemed to lead into just as lively as the others, the central chamber spinning the see-through tubes it held, all while a new dark purple liquid was slowly being drip fed into them, the entire process taking a rather slow time to fill to completion. Though slow, the moment the first layer of tubes were filled and replaced by empty ones within the structure by the cloaked figures, it was one of the maids that immediately plucked one of the full vials from the others, offering it to Nomis who silently took and examined it.

Once compared side to side with the dark liquid that flowed through the pipes, that which now filled the tubes could easily be considered different if one didn’t see the entire process. Cracking the seal as the other maid returned to Nomis’ side with an ordinary looking bar of steel, the well-dressed man proceeded to pour the now hissing liquid along the shiny surface of the metal, watching it almost stick upon contact and slowly run down the sides like tar.

Clutching his hand as much as he could around the lump of steel and liquid that clung to it, it was only a matter of seconds for the metal to disappear in a small glowing display through the cracks of Nomis’ fingers. In the bar’s place, was now a long shard of metal, something that resembled the same substance of the gears that the man always created, though now with the same faint glow that the filled vials had.

Gently twisting it with his hand in order to see the jagged design it turned into, Nomis seemed to give no notice to his two maids that arrived with another of the cloaked scientists, his back soon revealed as the two masked women torn the cloak along his slumping back and showing the now paled skin and dark purple lines and growths that must have been growing beneath the skin for some time.

It wasn’t more than a couple seconds after this that Nomis suddenly jabbed the shard into the cloaked figure’s back, and though no sound of any kind of pain was heard, the figure did stumble away from Nomis and the others, although barely. The transformation was almost immediate. Growing to a clearly inhuman size, the once small hunched figure had been replaced by some kind of Heartless creature, its body covered in the familiar dark surface that all other pure versions had in common. With its long arms and torso it best resembled those of the Darkside variety, though a lot smaller in comparison. The biggest thing that made it rather unique though, was that of the wire-like frame that ran along its body, like that of an exo-skeleton of some sorts. The shard that was the cause of this rapid change was still present even afterwards, the dark metal frame eventually coiling around the creatures back before entangling itself around the shard like overgrowing vines.

Watching as the great beast hunched down towards himself, Nomis’ grip on the cane grew tighter as did his clenching teeth, showing this not having been the desired effect he wanted.

“Another failure…why must every attempt, never work?!!” Roared Nomis, the sheer rage coming from him causing the machines and those connected to them to shake and rumble, the vibrations running throughout multiple levels easily, all with that of the pain filled cries and whimpers of the newly created Heartless as it fell to its knees.
Glaring at the creature, Nomis’ anger seemed to lower at least for now, his gaze turning to the still running machines that continued to fill the new batches of vials.

“This can have some further use, I suppose…”
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