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  • Posts: 22 (0.01 / day)
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    1. AntoniaT 8 yrs ago


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This is the same info I posted in my New Members introduction. I will add to it and clarify some things when time allows.

Don't really know what to say, but here goes...

Age: 20.
Home: Eugene, Oregon.
Role play experience: Some.
Role play likes:
--- Simplified D&D style fantasy.
--- Fugitive/Crime.
--- Apocalyptic Survival (particularly movie-based).
Role play style:
--- Short posts.
--- Good spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
--- Mistakes are forgivable. Not looking for them before posting is not.
--- My phone doesn't spell check in forums, but I do.
--- BTW, I play exclusively on my phone, thus the short posts and a lack of fancy formating. (What you see IS fancy from me.)
--- I don't mind a slight romantic or sexual element (within the site's guidelines), but I am NOT looking for a sexually based role play.
--- I have a short attention span, so keep it interesting.
My RP goals:
--- 2-3 active RPs at any one time.
--- 1x1s only, though multiple characters are welcome.
--- 5 or more replies per RP per week.
--- More replies if we are posting 1 and 2 liner, action-packed scenes.

Most Recent Posts

Lana hadn't meant to camouflage herself when the agent looked away. She was in the mode. She was acting on instinct as he had been. Of course, this was only a recently discovered instinct. So, did that make it instinct? Or learned behavior? Did it matter? Did it matter right now. Her existence right this moment was nothing but fear and uncertainty. All that mattered right now was that this man with the gun got her out of here.

He laid out his demands for helping her. Then he asked, "Who are they? And what do they want from you?"

She suddenly appeared again. The agent flinched, reaching for but not grasping his weapon. He was becoming comfortable with her, Lana thought. Hoped. No one had been entirely comfortable with Lana in a very long time. Just thinking it made her lips widen a bit in a pleased smile, despite the current situation. "They are people I can't hide from, like I can you. They are people who want to know how I do it. They are people who will not give me a choice as to whether or not I want to tell them how I do it."

She gave the agent a moment to consider what she was telling him. She asked, "What's your name?"

After he answered, she asked simply, "Can we leave? Please?"

Deleted. Not writing this.
(OOC: I'm god moding you just a tiny bit below.)

Lana couldn't believe what she was hearing. The FBI agent had figured it out, her enhanced ability. He'd referred to it as possibly being magic, invisibility, or a super power. Lana had always thought of it as camouflage. If she only held perfectly still, those around her couldn't see her. Unless, of course, she wanted them to. Sometimes she revealed herself to a single individual, engaging them in conversation. When others neared, she went quiet. Her conversation partner then looked like he or she was talking to no one at all. It was fun.

Lana had never employed her camouflage in the presence of a non-human animal before tonight, though. She'd been sure that the dog handler was going to discover her. Good to know, she'd thought after her panic dissipated.

And now here was this agent revealing that he'd figured her secret out. No biggie, she thought. He's not certain. Just chill for five minutes. He'll leave. You'll disappear, permanently. It'll be fine.

While the agent had been ushering out the last of the cops, Lana had moved closer to the balcony's French doors. Now, out of the corner of her eye, she saw three familiar dark SUVs pull up to the curb across the street. In only seconds, a dozen Men In Black-looking men had emerged and were heading for her home's lobby entrance. Some were carrying shotguns, while others carried electronic gear. Lana knew very well what the strange objects were: infrared and microwave detectors.

The agent sitting across the room hadn't been the first one to figure out Lana's secret. He'd only been the first one to identify her, too. She moved a step forward. With a panicked voice, she got his attention. "Get me out of here."

The agent hopped up, pulling his weapon instinctively.

Lana could see the amazement in his eyes. Carefully, she swept an extended finger toward the French doors. "You get me out of here before they get here. And I'll answer all your questions. But. You have get me out of here. Now!"

The agent moved closer to the glass and peeked out again. Lana did, too. Two more SUVs had pulled up and more Men In Black were spreading around the perimeter.

She continued, "If they get me, you'll never see me again. No one will. Ever! They'll throw me in a dark hole in the ground. And you'll never get your answers."
Males and Females both are invited to partipate in the story ideas below unless otherwise specified.

First Offering: My female criminal, your (M/F?) Cop:

Afrer discovering your weakness or misdeed, my character blackmails your character into doing her a favor. Then another. Then another. Each favor is a little more demanding while also offering greater reward and/or threat of public exposure of your earlier misdeeds.

Along the way, the sexual tension rises. Eventually, a relationship begins. Could be love, but most likely will be lust.

Whether the sexual content remains here in the thread as acceptable fade to black or goes to PM for something a bit more graphic should be hashed out before we begin. But remember that this is a story about crime and unexpected partnerships first with only a minor smidge of sexual content included.

The story will likely end badly. My character will have her fill of yours and disappear; or yours will arrest or kill mine. Or, maybe, they'll live happily ever after. Let's see what happens.

Second Offering: My Female Crime Lord and your (M/F?) DEA Agent or local drugs and/or gangs task force detective:

My character is the new leader of a powerful, scary, urban gang. Yours is described in the title.

Our paths cross professionally. They merge personally. (Same sexual content disclaimer as above.)

After we have become involved in a personal relationship, I drop a bombshell about the future of my gang and community. (No, I'm not telling you what it is. I like twists.)

Third Offering: Two humans on an alien planet. You are male only.

In the distant future, your deep space traveler spends two centuries in cryogenic sleep before arriving at an alien world. He is expecting to find only alien life. He makes a major and seriously unexpected discovery when he finds human life there as well. There is, of course, more to the story than that. But why ruin all of the surprise, right?

Lana knew the authorities would identify her. She had little doubt about that. It wasn't like she was a nobody.

Even before she'd reached her teens, Lana had been nationally recognized (and sometimes nationally or internationally ranked) in academics, athletics, extreme activities, and more. She'd been featured on the Wheaties box cover after her free dive set records for depth and time both, beating even the men's records. She was the youngest person ever to have climbed the Seven Summits, the highest peaks on all seven continents.

And, of course, she had had famous parents. Lana's father had been an Army Colonel decorated for bravery in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. Later, he became a powerful US Senator and was being talked about as a Presidential candidate. And her mother had been an Academy Award winning actress who became a powerful force in philanthropy.

Lana suffered what could only be called a fall from grace following her parents' death. She initially hid herself away. She fell out of the public eye, with the exception of the occasional and inevitable paparazzi stories. She lost herself (as the old saying went) in sex, drugs, and rock and roll.

And yet, Lana knew her identity would be easily discovered, either by facial recognition software or good old fashion human investigation. Of course, she hadn't expected a visit from the authorities so quickly. She was still packing a bag and making travel arrangements when she heard them via her enhanced hearing. A dozen or more pair of boots were hurrying her way, down the hallway and up the stairwell of her condominium.

There was no escape.

Of course, Lana didn't need to escape, did she?

(OOC: Saw the changes. I like them.)

After she'd dropped the one they would call Scar (who now had new ones, too), Lana didn't turn to look at any of the hostages. With any luck, the others (who were supposed to be staring at the floor) wouldn't have seen enough of her to identify her to the authorities, who inevitably were going to arrive. She'd headed for the exit, only to see the impassable lock holding the two doors tightly together. She only mumbled, "Well, fuck."

Still not showing her face to the others, Lana looked about her for a place to hide. She'd only recently learned that although she could hide from people by simply holding perfectly still, her image still showed up on recording devices. She had to find a place to chill until the cops got the door open. Then, she could slip out with the others and make a break for it.

Spotting a hall that led back to the bathrooms and other doors, she kept her head turned toward the bank's front and moved that way. There was a little alcove with a water fountain in it. That was where she was hiding when the cops arrived.

There was no breach, per se. Lana couldn't see what was happening out in the lobby, but what happened was fairly calm. One of the bank employees had witnessed Chief pocket the key for the lock. He simply retrieved it, opened the door, and let the cops in. By that point, others inside the bank had used tape and extension cords to truss up the wanna-be thieves.

Once the hostages (short term as they were such) were being escorted out of the bank, Lana simply melted in with them. Once gathered outside for statements, she simply stepped back and sat on the bumper of a vehicle. As the others were being interviewed, she was simply ignored, like a fly on the wall. She stood at one point when no eyes seemed to be on her and moved a bit farther away. Then again. Then again. And, finally, turned and walked into the thickening crowd of onlookers.

She'd gotten away. The problem now was that her face was all over the security footage. And Lana Reed wasn't exactly unknown.

I posted the IC thread. Please do not post to it without being accepted. Thanks.

It's called "I am NOT a Super Hero".
CLOSED: FOUND MY PARTNER. Feel free to read, however. I'd be interested in whether or not you like it.

I am not a super hero...

I am not even a regular hero!

I am just a person ... a bystander.

Lana Reed repeated variations of those statements mantra-like as she watched the events before her unfold. The four masked gunmen had burst into the bank and employed the very successful shock and awe method to take total control of the institution in under 30 seconds.

The customers and staff were face down on the cold floor under threat of brutal consequences should they resist. The leader (who would be called Chief by one of his cohorts and, later, the police) reminded the hostages, "It's NOT your money! And it's insured by your wonderful Federal Government. Don't get yourself killed for no reason."

The two crooks (who the authorities would call Blondie and Scar until positive IDs were made) immediately began cleaning out the tellers' drawers. Chief and a big guy (who the cops would call the Brawny one) held down the fort. Blondie and Scar finished the tills and headed for the vault.

Chief leaped up on top of the counter for a better view. He was continuing to scare those on the floor with a promise of violence when he caught sight of the impending stupidity that Brawny was up to. The biggest of the crooks was using the barrel of his rifle to lift the short skirt of a young, shapely customer. His lips spread wide at the view of her tight, full buttocks, well displayed by the thong barely apparent from her backside.

Chief showed his angered dismay, "What the fuck are ya doin?"

Brawny leaned down and patted one of the woman's firm butt cheeks. He ignored his boss's continuing chastising and asked, "Do you see this ass, Chief? Unbelievable!"

He ignored the customer's fearful sobs as he groped a handful of ass. He asked, "Feel good, baby? It's why you dress this way, right? So a real man'll take notice."

Chief continued to order his underling to pay attention but to no avail. Brawny lifted the now crying woman to her feet by a harshly clutched elbow. He directed her to a nearby desk and (with a shove) bent her over it. He again groped her ass (talking dirty to her) as he slung his rifle over his shoulder. As he began undoing his belt, his intentions quickly became obvious.

Chief walked over the top of the front counter to get closer to the wayward bank robber. "What the fuck are you doing? We're robbing a bank!"

Brawny only continued to ignore his boss, knowing that the man couldn't take his eyes, attention, and gun off the other hostages to stop him. As he whipped out his smaller (but just as scary) gun and ripped the now pleading woman's thong down off her buttocks, Brawny reassured Chief, "Don't worry, it's been a while, so this won't take long."

As the woman struggled to get away, Brawny used his strength and position to easily hold her down. He reassured her, "Relax, baby! You're gonna love this. It's just what you've been looking for."

Lana had successfully continued her mantra to this point. She'd thought the impending rape would be halted before it began. That obviously wasn't going to happen. She took the two steps necessary to reach Brawny, reached an arm up across her chest, then brought it down in a sweeping motion. Her sharp elbow slammed down on Brawny's spine at the small of his back. Despite the man easily being twice her weight, half a foot taller, and built like a brick shit house, Lana easily severed the wannabe rapist's spinal cord.

Chief's eyes and mouth fell open in shock. He hadn't noticed Lana until the moment she rendered his cohort irrelevant. He watched as the big man slipped away from the sobbing woman to fall to the floor like a giant bag of potatoes. Chief swung his weapon and leveled it at Lana, hollering, "Down, bitch! On the--"

Before he could finish, Lana dove behind a half high sectioning wall. He lost sight of Lana as he continued to holler at her. Chief leaped down from the counter, hollering to his men, "Get out here! Now!"

He hurried to a spot where he should have been able to see Lana. But she was no where to be seen. He carefully moved about the desks, sweeping his shotgun as he searched. Still, no sign of the woman.

Then just as suddenly she'd was there before him. Before Chief could react, Lana slammed something into his forehead. His knees gave out and he fell to the ground in a thud. (Later, the cops would find part a portion of the Employee of the Month statuette's engraved praise imprinted into the skin of his forehead like some kind of brand.)

Gunfire erupted as Blondie, then Scar, emerged from the vault and realized their leader was under attack. They, too, lost sight of Lana as she ducked behind the wall. And they, too, would each find themselves being attacked by the woman who they had lost sight of until it was too late.


Lana Reed

  • 20 years old.
  • 5'8", 135#; athletic build.
  • 34C-22-34
  • Long, straight hair of black and gray.
  • Pale hazel eyes.


1996: Born

  • Her parents came from "old money", yet sought lives outside the country club set.

    • Father was a decorated Army Colonel who would later become a powerful US Senator.
    • Mother was an Academy Award winning actress who became a powerful force in philanthropy.
  • Lana never wanted for anything.
  • However, she was never overly spoiled nor did she feel spoiled.

Early Life:

  • Lana showed great intelligence and athletic skill at a young age.
  • She excelled both academically and physically to a degree.

2010: Age 14

  • Lana's parents were killed in plane crash.
  • Her parent's were her world, thus it began to collapse around her.
  • She and her beloved Grandmother, Della Rey, moved onto a comfortable country estate away from the public eye.
  • Being a minor, Lana had no hand in or control over her parents' estate.
  • The family lawyer, Mark Carlson, became executor of the estate.
  • Carlson put Lana on a generous allowance and established a trust fund that would become available to her in thirds at ages 18, 21, and 25.

2012: Age 16

  • With the death of her grandmother, Lana despair deepens.
  • She begins partying in Capital City.
  • Soon after, she buys a downtown loft.
  • She loses herself, as generations before her had, in sex, drugs, and rock and roll.
  • Needing more money, she inadvertently gives over full control of her trust fund to Carlson.

2014: Age 18

  • Lana learned that Carlson had disappeared with her trust fund.
  • Without money, she can no longer party.
  • She begins to recognize that the advanced skills she'd been developing since a young age are "super human".
  • She begins using them to make money a new way: crime.

2016: Age 20

  • Our Role Play begins.
  • While in a bank, Lana is taken hostage.
  • And here we go...

1996: Lana Reed is born. (See her profile page for more on her.)

2010: At age 14, Lana's parents were killed in a plane crash. She moves to a country estate with her grandmother.

2012: At age 16, with the death of her grandmother, Lana moves to Capital City. She loses herself in sex, drugs, and rock and roll.

2014: At age 18 and expecting millions from her trust fund, Lana learns that the Family Lawyer has disappeared with all of her money. She is broke, but at the same time she is learning that her advanced intelligence, physical abilities, and skills are "super human". She finds a new way to earn money: Crime!

2016: Today:
  • Our Role Play begins.
  • While in a bank, Lana is taken hostage (sort of).
  • And here we go...
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