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somewhere in shanghai

"Where the hell is this place?" Lance asked himself while looking around after waking up in the middle of the crowded city "Captain,doesn't that wormhole look like a jawbreaker? we should check it out she says.It's fucking round, so it must be a Jawbreaker.The shittiest logic I have ever come across. Dumb bitch. When I get back she's going up for auction." Lance said shaking his fist in anger

."Where the hell is the rest of the crew? why the hell am I the only one here?, ah it doesn't matter, I'll just have to have a look around".

A bypasser bumps into Lance while he's monologing to himself. The stranger turns and shouts at Lance in a language unknown to him. Lance doesn't know why, but he feels insulted by what the man says even though he can't understand it.

In that instant Lance believed the man, no, the people around him needed to be taught a lesson. The man who had walked on, almost 10 meters away was now wondering why everyone around him was so much taller. He looked down and realized he was missing his legs. Before the stranger could scream Lance had come up behind him.

"You little shit. You dare disrespect me? Do you know who I am? fools like you need to be taught a lesson in manners. Maybe some refreshment will sweeten you up." On the side of Lance appeared a hose. Lance covered the mans nose and as the man struggled for breath opening his mouth,

Lance shoved the hose down his throat."How are you enjoying it? pretty sweet huh? you want more? I'll give you all you want" Lance shouted as he began to cackle.

The mans face had began to turn blue, even so, Lance didn't stop. He turned the pressure on the hose up even higher. After a few second purple fluid began to leak from the mans ears,nose and eyes. "3.2.1 aaaand there" Lance said letting the man go as he fell to the ground dead.

"That should be enough to last you through this life and the next. Now who else wants some?" The people around looked at the scene and continued about there daily lives as if it didn't happen.

Lance was befuddled. Normally when someone was killed in front of others the people freaked out and ran scared. "I think I might like this place" he said with a smirk.
Since muh last one died


Name: Lance Blood-Storm (Sugar storm)
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Height: 5'11
Weight: 180 pounds

Special: Alien/machine hybrid
Rank: Drug Lord, Kingpin, criminal outlaw

Bio: Lance was once part of galactic special forces. However, bored with his military duties he defected. Using his Charisma and charm he persuaded 3/4 of the galactic special forces to come with him taking all of the equipment and resources with him. Using these resources he started his own criminal empire and within 3 years moved to the top of the most wanted list. His crimes range from Drug and human trafficking to mass genocide, him and his forces having been responsible for wiping out more than 3 different species of alien. His own prowess in battle earned him the name Blood-Storm.One day during a raid Lance came across a mysterious temple. Decided to raid it for treasure he stumbled on to a mech. Not knowing what it was he approached it.

In response to his presence it awoke and bonded itself to his soul. Not realizing what had happened and having believed he had been hallucinating Lance left the planet. It wasn't until one day Lance woke up and found the ship he was on had been ripped in half and that he was once again in the presence of the mech that it had somehow followed him and after trying to communicate with it learned it was bonded to his soul. Not being able to discern anything else from the mech Lance decided he'd keep traveling until he found answers. For the past 3 years Lance has mastered control of his mech and has vowed to use it to spread his criminal empire.

Lance has an almost irresistible urge to consume large amounts of sugary drinks and has contracted diabetes. His friends and associate took the liberty of naming his empire the Kool-Aid brigade vowing that together, they would give the whole universe diabetes


Name: Anima Superiore

Dimensions: 50 meters

Weight: 400 metric tons


Strength: 80

Armor: 20

Firepower: 60

Performance: 30

Mobility: 30

Energy Output: 70

Sensors: 10

Description: Anima is bound to Lance' soul. As such he can summon the mech anytime he wants and using varying amounts of energy he can summon parts of Anima or it's weapons and tech in varying sizes and with variable output. He can even summon multiple parts at the same time. Doing so uses up a lot of his own energy, but as it is part of his soul, when the return to him his energy is restored. Should he choose to he can even pilot the mech himself. Because of the nature of his mech Lance can even use it to augment his own abilities and strengths, however, should his mech receive damage the pain transfers over to Lance. To much damage would cripple Lance and cause him to be unable to fight

Weapons: 4 60 meter long retractable lances in it's belt. Each blade is capable of breaking atomic cohesion. The lances are dubbed, "Gryphons" . Two Charged particle Ion beams dubbed the "Brionic spears". Countless miniature spikes capable of being shot in any direction and exploding at the tiniest vibrations causing massive damage dubbed, "Tathlums".

Also equipped with a kool aid beam as well as a variety of other sugary drinks

Abilities: Anima is capable of launching countless nanomachines and using them to control and refract light, being able to focus them to create lasers or optical illusions. Dubbed "The Eye of Balor". Anima also possesses shields capable of withstanding attacks below magnitude 7 but can only be sustained for a limited time

battle theme

Guy of Z said
An Hour later Mr. Z received message the package was deliveredHe hit a communications device on his desk and spoke aloud"Although Mr. Feuer has been useful so far, I fear he may be a liability if he is traced to us. Make it look like an accident Mr. K."As Feuer rested in his Hotel he was completely unaware of flying Steel Beams heading to his rooms direction from afar.

Feuer having delivered the package to its destination had gone to the hotel room provided for him. Exhausted he contemplated going to straight to bed. On his way to his room however Feuer had met his new prey and quicky sprung into action. As Feuer's last prey had nearly cost him his life the connection between them all but disappeared. Without him being in love with her sacrificing her for anything other than an instant energy replenish which was useless outside of combat would be worthless. Months of work down the drain,Feuer was slightly peeved, but lucky for him his ability to form irrational love attachments helped him acquire new prey near instantly. Also. lucky for him, the new woman he set his sights on had recently gone through a difficult breakup. He found that they tend to resist at first but as he works his magic he's able to form some of the strongest bonds with them.

It wasn't long before Feuer had her right where he wanted her in her room. But before he could finish the set up a loud crash and rumbling was heard. It had rocked the entire building surprising and waking everyone. Feuer had left his prey to see what was going on. He as surprised to find his room which was down the hall had been completely destroyed? "What the hell?" Feuer said as he raced to the end of the hall. "Steel beams? what is going on?" Feuer looked around into the sky using his enhanced version he was able to spot mr.K fleeing the scene. "Huh, I should have known. Not like it's the first time an employer has double crossed me." Even if Feuer hadn't seen mr K. the only ones to know of his presence there were the men he'd formed a contract with. Feuer contemplated chasing after the man but decided that with the authorities on the way, they' want to question him. Besides the fact that he had already been payed Feuer took the attempt on his life with a grain of salt. Leaving behind the new woman, Feuer decided he'd just have to find another and departed from the hotel.
Guy of Z said
On the communications Mr. Z showed up"Ah Mr. Feuer you are successful! Drop the package off at a Dump in New Jersey on the outskirts of Manhattan and go to the 5 star Hotel we've given to you in the city."

"Copy that I'll have it delivered within the hour" Feuer said exhausted. Using the sleath mode had drained him mentally and physically. He couldn't wait to be done with this mission and go to bed
Guy of Z said
A squads of Valsione's were ineffectively attacking the Ark's defenders"Attack Los Betas! We must free this mountain from the oppression of the Autobots! " Exclaimed Mirage still sporting a Black Eye "But sir it's a volcano not a mountain!" A Betas pilot said over comms"It doesn't matter! I must save all landforms for my Fuji!"Weeljack rushed outside to witness an incredibly one sided battle "Who the heck are these clowns?" Wheeljack asked "Thy're Los Betas! A bunch of idiots who attacked Autobot City a couple months ago!" Pipes said "Man who fights with Robots that look like Human Females?" Beachbomber asked" Losers that's who!" Cliffjumper answered

Taking advantage of the commotion Feuer summoned Di Morte to his location. "As thankful as I am for the distraction, who the hell fights with machines that look like chicks?" he said disgusted. "If you were gonna use something like that they should at least be cute". Di Morte arrived in a minute and with it, they took the Matter Duplicator and started to head off
Guy of Z said
Wheeljack heard the phone"Hmm did I leave something on?"Suddenly he was interrupted by a alarm "What? We're under attack?"

"What the hell is happening, whatever it is it doesn't sound good" Feuer pondered what was happening. "Damn it what the hell was the point in stealth if some jackass was going to set off the alarm. Whatever, this may just be the distraction I need"
Guy of Z said
Wheeljack rummaged trough his plethora of failed inventions he kept in the room oblivious to the intruder.

"Come on hurry up and leave you fucker I don't have all day" Feuer said to himself frustrated at his current situation. Unfortunately for Feuer, the universe wasn't on his side. As it seemed the the large transformer was about to leave, Feuer's cellphone rang. It was his current prey calling him about their up coming date. Feuer managed to silence the phone in an instant and couldn't believe he, a veteran had made an amateur mistake by not silencing his cellphone. As he kept to his hiding spot he hoped that his presence wasn't noticed
Guy of Z said
Outside of the room Feuer occupied Wheeljack was visiting his old laboratory lsearching"Now where did I leave that my notes at?" He said aloud

"Oh shit" Feuer said as he heard he voice as outside of the room. "Just what I fucking need", Feuer quickly hid behind the machine
Several hours later Aboard the Ark

Feuer had managed to sneak into the ark undetected. Or so he believed. He hadn't managed to draw any attention toward himself or his presence. He had decided to leave Di Morte in a secluded location near by and figured trying to enter the Ark with a 70 meter tall machine wouldn't exactly be the brightest idea when it comes to stealth. He was already surprised he'd managed to find a hiding spot for it. Feuer hadn't really needed the "present" given to him by his new employers. That said being cautious he brought it with him anyway Feuer himself had activated a pseudo camouflage system built into his cyber brain.

The camouflage worked by essentially masking any vital signs he had, things such as body heat while a special electromagnetic pulse emitted from his brain rendered detection by all but the highest end cameras impossible.He could still be seen physically though so he needed to stay out of sight. However the strain on his body and mind made it harder for him to move the way he wanted and to much time spent using the stealth mode could cause permanent damage to his body.

The system had never been perfected. It was designed for stealth missions but his planet was wiped out long before they ever got the chance to study the adverse effects of the system and with the creators of it gone, Feuer had to learn through trial and error the limits of the system. A few hours was all he could spend in this mode before he body would shut down and he'd need to eat and sleep to recover his energy.Having been using his eyes to scan the layout of the ark he wasted no time getting to the Matter Duplicator. Having located the device, Feuer now had one problem. How was he going to get it out of there. Feuer couldn't exactly fit it in his pocket. He could take it if he used Di Morte but that would be asking for hs presence to be given away.

Whatever Feuer was going to do, he needed to do it now because time was running out
Guy of Z said
"Their base lies in a inactive Volcano in the American southwest. I'm sure you've heard of the famous Autobot Spaceship that brought them here. It was all over the Ancient Aliens Channel." Mr K said

"Alright that's all I needed to know. I'll contact you in 48 hours" Feuer said as he proceeded to leave
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