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    1. ApocalypticaGM 10 yrs ago


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Voltaire said
Hey gaiz, sorry I haven't been very active. Real life hobbies have started getting in the way, but I'm gonna try and focus on setting aside time at night to write and hopefully post more often.

Were you planning on referring or actively partaking in the situation within my post? I've been looming in case you are, but if you aren't, then I'll go ahead and get a second post moving.
In Web Comics! 10 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Sherlock Holmes said
They were referencing the fact that I've done panels for that particular comic.

What an opportunity! I've been following them for years and went so far as contacting Alexius for advice when I was younger. Always loved the idea of meshing matte-painting with narrative photography for a cinematic-yet-still experience. I'll have to be on the lookout for your style within their archive.
In Web Comics! 10 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Dervish said
Awson beat me to it.It's almost like you had a personal stake in liking that comic, or something.

I'm definitely missing something here...

Anyway, love Romantically Apocalyptic, Gone with the Blastwave, and how about Zombie Hunters or Sprindrift?
@InkBlood: You're good to post and added to our list. Welcome again! I hope to see something from you soon.

@Zombie & Fallen: I'll post after Fallen has had her chance. Zombie, I don't want to say too much, but I have an idea that would link us up with Dani and the original plot Aweena and I had formed for Chico. In other words, I think we're all more than ready to finally see just what the hell made us want to start here. I'll try to gently push us in that direction, but please, do NOT feel forced. Do as you please.

@FreeFall: Let's connect. I don't mind splitting my posts between characters. We've talked a little about the what's to come with our people, but I want to know what I can do before I post for Joshua again.
In RPGN ver 5.23.14 10 yrs ago Forum: News
Brovo said
Err... Just goes to show how little you actually know Renalta.

Also like the double handed slap, that's amusing. Implicating the characters are too dumb to recognize trees that the GM has serious life problems.

Recommendation: While I don't mind because I have a thick skin, you probably shouldn't release a comic like this in the future if your idea of humour is to mock and deride the intelligence of the characters and laugh at the fact that the GM may or may not have life problems. Just saying, most probably wouldn't take it all that well.

I honestly hadn't thought this would be offending until shortly before submission when I also shot you a PM, even then, didn't think that likely. I understand there were some complications with it showing up, to which I apologize. I also apologize if this seemed targeting. I'll explain the thinking I described when pitching the idea a while ago and I understand, as with anything, some may not have come through as clearly. The idea is to highlight the crazy scenarios characters face in games/roleplays and the reactions we'd probably take if it were reality and we knew what was coming. The irony is of course that we often can see what GMs have done in the past and how amazing the obstacles they've come up with have been -- remarkable for their narrative and challenge, usually. Originally I'd meant to have the dwarf throw a reference to Elder Scrolls Vengeance of the Deep too, but the line wasn't forming very well. Renalta was chosen because it's a very known roleplay where people expect quality, unexpected challenges, and as you go, some amazing accomplishments. The first line about GMs in general is meant to be like an 'Oh My God' sort of statement, again, as if the characters were conscious this was a RP.

The dwarf + trees joke was in reference to Elder Scrolls lore where Dwemer had established underground and to Dragon Age.

This was absolutely and undeniably not a stab at any individual, more trying to recognize a roleplay that I, personally, see as a guild treasure. Just imagine if you knew that treasure came with so many traps and battles along the way! I hope that clears things up. Regardless of all this, we will absolutely keep in consideration how a thing may be read despite our intentions when it comes to these comics. Thick skinned or otherwise, we all have feelings, and it was not the intention to hurt anyone's.
mdk said
to play devil's advocate for a minute, I've watched the video of the Pussy Riot stunt that got them arrested. They looked like they *really*, *really* wanted to get arrested. . To be clear: I'm not calling Putin a hero, nor defending the concept of a church-state union. I'm just saying.... I mean..... they're acting like morons in the most intrusive and public way possible. Churches have a right to assemble as well (I assume, in Russia, I guess I don't really know what their constitution is all about).

Pussy Riot has a long, sorted past with Russia besides the incident that supposedly led to the arrest. The language used describing them has gotten as extreme as 'terrorists' and all too often they, and those like that, have been battered in response for their protesting. Many of the groups who push for recognition of women's rights will show up very exposed, literally topless, but the police habitually come armed to the tooth and brutal despite the clear lack of protection or weaponry. While short snippets of events can seem extreme, it's important to consider that oppression is not ended quietly. American activists for human rights do not quietly request those immediately around them to perhaps consider another mode of thought. You have to wake people up to see another perspective.
What were you expecting from a very conservative leader whose support lies heavily in the old, traditional, perhaps Christian values? Better yet, what were they expecting? Pussy Riot was detained for women's rights issues, metal often forces us to see expression and people outside the calming, sweet light and lazily dubbed Satanists. This should be no surprise!
I think the people who will have those links, Kaga, are also the ones who saved templates and portions of their IC/OOC. We have access to a majority of Apoca thru that and personal saves, but it totally defeats the purpose. You're right.

Great for reminiscing and to check first if you need something important. Definitely don't rely to in it.
Ink Blood said
I suppose I should start with my name. I’m Dante Ralston. I’m forty-six years old. My hair’s getting kinda long; it’s reaching past my ears a little now. It’s a chestnut brown and sort of untidy these days. I need a shave too, I got some thick stubble going on right now past my moustache and goatee, and those are getting thick and untidy too. I’m about five… nine, I think? Yeah, five, nine sounds about right. My eyes are a dark brown color too. Heh… my mom used to always joke and say I was full of shit… my wife would say that too. Ah well. They’re both gone now. Anyway, I used to be a gunsmith before this apocalypse happened. I made my own revolver actually, and I keep it strapped to my hip all the time. I’ve gotten to be a pretty good shot with it. I carry a scoped hunting rifle too, so I can take those things down at a distance, but I usually choose to get by ‘em without engaging. I guess I can blend in with a crowd pretty easily. I’m not too noticeable. I usually just wear plain black T-shirt with a chest pocket on them so I can keep my cigarillos handy. Other than that, I just wear plain jeans and my boots.Pretty plain, like I said. Anyway, back to me before this whole apocalypse thing. I used to be a gunsmith. I was married with two boys too. My wife and youngest son died when it first hit. My oldest enlisted with a guard regiment at the Chico haven. I decided to settle down there for a bit. At least my son’s flourishing in this new world and found some happiness with a girl he met. I’m not doing so well. I’m an easygoing guy, and I’ll talk to just about anyone, but I still have nightmares about my wife and youngest, and I hit the bottle a little too hard at times, but it’s not a big issue.- , 6/22/24

It's brief, but I'd say what it lacks in length it makes up for in quality. I get a good sense about Dante's mindset and a glimpse at his personality, a snack-sized portion, but enough.

Add two strengths and two weaknesses and I'll add you to the list. The Smithing definitely sounds like a strength and his sneaking? Let me know if you wrote them in and I'm just missing them.

Oh, and of course, welcome to the Pirate Crew. I'm sure Dante will fit right in.
Kaga said
No, it's been implied that regeneration can change a Time Lord's sex. I believe it was in the episode "The Doctor's Wife" when the Doctor was talking about a Time Lord he knew once and reminiscing about their adventures - he referred to them as "he" most of the time but at one point he said "or she, in one regeneration" or something similar. I don't remember the specifics but I'm certain it came up. Additionally, immediately after the Doctor regenerated into Eleven, he momentarily thought he might've become female after realizing how long his hair was. I don't know if it's a good idea for the Doctor himself to regenerate into a woman at some point, but it is canonically possible. If they do go that route, they'd probably add to the lore saying it's rare for a regeneration to do that, since it's never come up before except in those two instances (that I'm aware of). Now that I think about it, I wouldn't mind a female Doctor coming in similarly to how the War Doctor did - not taking up entire seasons but just one movie or special. That's probably the best dose at which to deliver something so different.

I remember this, it was whatever Time Lord was represented by the snake eating its own tail.

Personally, Moffat just seems too timid to push the Doctor into any light that break them off standard media image. Who is all about the potential of humanity and how we can push ourselves to be the best we could possibly be. I don't think a female Doctor should be considered so radical that it should be railroaded into an obviously brief appearance. I mean, really, does genitalia make any difference by this point? The Doctor has flirted with other male-bodied characters and had 'intimate contact', so, what could possibly be so radical about this?

I think a woman Doctor would make sense for the path the show is now taking. They talked about Twelve being a more paternal figure rather than the possible sexual tension thing that's happened since '05. That shows the want to do something a little new. Something a little different from the trend we've established thus far and I'd welcome a Doctor reminiscent of Melody in her second regeneration. Actually, Melody's most common regeneration is a fantastic example of what the Doctor could be too. I honestly don't see the difference sex would make for a show that's lasted the test of time and everyone knows may change the protagonist in as little as a year.
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