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    1. ArchangelUriel 10 yrs ago


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Oh, TRUST ME. It's nothing I haven't heard.
"You sure about this?" the smooth voice came from beneath a heavy hood, drawn low. As he spoke, two long canines became apparent. "There's been no other place like this that we've seen."

"Exactly," another voice, feminine and soothing, "They say all mages are welcomed. Even those like you, Nhane. Come, do not stop. We are almost there."

As the figure began again down the road, he responded, "I still think this road ends somewhere very dark." He looked forward to the bounding figure ahead of him, appearing to the figure of an animal, a she-wolf. She ignored his comment. Her answer to that remained the same, and obviously intent enough to have dragged her 'master' along. More and more the title felt like a pleasantry extended by the one really in charge. "Shala, do not get so far ahead. Eagerness has never gotten us anywhere pleasant."

The she wolf stopped, looking back, though instead of bright lively eyes, inanimate eyes fixed on Nhane. Stone covered the golem from head to tail, inlayed with ivory in the face, chest and paws to resemble the natural pattern of her living counterparts. Three jewels set in the wolf, two small diamonds in place of irises, and sapphire upon her breast. Intricate carvings covered her form, resembling that of elvish sacramental burial markings, because they were. Shala existed as a statue of a fallen friend, before being animated in Nhane's rage and grief.

"Is something the matter, Nhane?" she asked, bringing the man to focus again on her.

"Aside from the obvious," he said coldly. "No, I'm fine. How much further?"

"Not much. Look, that is it on the horizon," she flicked her nose in the direction of a sharp structure appearing over the hill. With a deep exhale, Nhane quickened his pace.
"It's bigger than I'd pictured," Nhane's head up turned to the tip of the massive structure. The she-wolf padded off through the gates, "Hey, wait. We should-"

"Come, do not be afraid, master," with a grown the hooded figured went after her.

"SHALA," he barked, "Since when do we run blindly into daunting holds." This merited a simple chuckle from the she wolf, mocking the word 'daunting'. "Yeah, laugh. Wait until I send you on a swim," he said under his breath.

"What was that, master?"


A few students lingered around the area. "Oh my, what are those," the wolf bounded off.

"Shala, wait. Are you serious?" he ran after her. She seemed to be leading him to a few foreign, rather reptilian, creatures. A winged one stode before two serpentine. Shala padded to the side of the winged one.

"They are beautiful creatures. I've not seen anything like them," the wolf marveled.
Yeah, it's a pain. Unfortunately, I'm the beast at it, so when ever I'm around, they designate me sausage guy.
I actually work in a meat shop myself, so I've had to do a bit of that myself. By a little I mean like hundreds of pounds a week. I was just curious.
You know how to make sausages, lucius?
Fallenreaper said
*cough* *cough* Khan is free, and looking nervous at the scene unraveling among 2 Naga lock in collab currently. :P

Oooo...okay. I can work with that.
So... I was hoping someone would be able to give me a place to jump in? I still have a little time.
Right, in case that's unclear. In life, you're human. In death is where the soul is reflected.
Well, looks like we were thinking the same thing. :)
A ring filled the air as a brilliant coin shimmered, spinning upwards before retuning to the hand of it's Drell owner. Facing the large window of the starboard observation deck, Mionos Kryn let out a reverberated sigh and placed the coin back in his coal pocket. He'd not been able to sleep well on the humid Palemacia since boarding a few days past. It showed in the way he stood; where he would stand full upright, almost imposingly so, the Drell slouched with a rather dull look in his eyes. He knew a mission would suffer from such an unfocused state of being, and this mission couldn't go south. He could loose too much, more than ever before. The thoughts raced as he tensed ever more, placing a thumb upon his chin and giving into the whirlwind of thoughts in his head.

The city bellow captivated him, momentarily setting Kyrn at ease. His eyes followed the passing lights of the crafts that zoomed through the constructs. His senses dulled, drawing him into the seen. Just as that happened a voice broke through, "Operative Kyrn, you are needed on the Briefing Room," noticing the Drell fliched at the suden lack of silence, the AI continued, "My apologies. I did not mean to frighten you."

"You didn't. Why am I going to the Briefing Room?" Mionos took a deep breath to relax and focus.

"To be briefed, mister Kryn."

"Right, of course. I'll be there in a minute," his tone didn't betray his momentary frustration. As the AI quieted, Mionos turned toward the door, rubbing his jaw in hopes to ease the tightened muscles. Hardly noticing other crew members, Mionos quickly became drawn to the repetitive clacking of his boots on the metal bellow. Eyes fixed on the floor. Something touched his shoulder. A dark shadow casts down the alley. A man, but not, the size of a Krogan. He brings a heavy metal beam down with incredible force. Murder in his eyes. The Drell spun on his heels pinning the man behind him to the nearest wall with pistol shoved up his nostril.

"Whoa, Mionos," The human man had his hands raised. Kryn dropped his weapon slowly, releasing the man. "Are you okay, man?" The crew man gave a sincerely concerned look.

"Of course," he turned away, "Shouldn't you be calibrating something?" he said, leaving the man befuddled.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity, the drell strode into the Briefing room. "Good evening," he chimed. "Sounds like the vacuum. Not very talkative ones, it seems?" he said scanning those that had made it so far. An asari, a human, and to his slight discomfort a couple geth. None of them seemed too social. He crossed his arms, with a quizzical glance. More silence, this isn't going as enjoyable as I'd hoped. He thought, hoping they'd not notice how tensed his muscles were becoming. Tahiro, give me strength.
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