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"So...you're a martial artist with that kind of ability?! That's really the only kind of person I could imagine with the reflexes to pull off such things..." Kanoko gawked, staring at the inside of Shining Gundam's cockpit. There was almost nothing there save the Mobile Trace receptors and the Trace suit rig; compared to her Gundam, the Shining was far and away the more impressive suit! A motion-tracker, able to translate a person's moves inside the cockpit directly to the Gundam, and able to utilize the raw skill and physical power of the pilot...

"You guys must've had older mobile suits though! Ones that had sticks and pedals like we do! The Gundam's OS has a preprogrammed list of maneuvers which is really quite expansive and activated by certain gestures in the cockpit, but this? This is insane! If I could put this system into the RX-78, who knows what I'd be able to do!" She stammered on, wholly impressed by Neo Japan's second most advanced mobile suit. She didn't dare step a foot in lest she activate it by accident, although Kanoko figured that Sarah probably had an activation code or key of sorts to boot the system.
Kanoko looked at Jess and Barbatos worriedly before her attention snapped to Cassandra, frowning a bit. "Oh, you cannot be serious. THIS shouldn't be normal for anyone! Even if the Battle System is as close to realizing the shows as possible and the abilities, that's just absurd actually sacrificing your health for a single battle! Geez, what kind of damage do you think it could do, permanent brain damage? Even I know not to push myself too much..."

Letting out an exasperated sigh, she looked to where Jess was pointing, watching as three staff members strode up to the battle arena. Something was familiar about them as their faces came to light, Kanoko narrowing her eyes a little to get a good glimpse before they jolted open. "No, it can't be!"

Standing up, the weightlifter stared at the three staff, who were looking very familiar now. "Hey! You three were the top runners in that Gunpla Battle Race I participated in! I came in fourth behind you! Don't tell me that you're running this place, you absurd battle monsters!"
Kanoko just stared at the massive battle which had just occurred, and the weirdness that had engulfed Jess's match. The Gunpla's movements were savage and visceral, nearly throwing the pilot around in the holographic cubicle. Not only that, but the system itself was acting far more violent than normal, the mobile armor and Char's Zaku ripping at the Gunpla in a way that surpassed the damage her own Hi-Nu had received.

As the match ended with Jess claiming the one mobile armor victory, Kanoko stared at her as she descended from the exam platform, joining the medic as he rushed over to check on the Gunpla fighter. "Hey, are you okay? That's not normal for this sort of thing, is it? It's...just like Mikazuki..."

Keeping out of the medic's way while he attempted to administer some aid, the carrot-top put her arm around Jess' shoulder, starting to steer her towards a seat. "C'mon, sit down. Get some water and relax."
Kanoko waited for her head to stop spinning. The initial crash into whatever place she existed in now had done a number, and as the adrenaline died down she was starting to feel lightheaded again. Checking the bandage and feeling that the gauze was secure, she unbuckled the harness and launched herself out of the Gundam's cockpit. It didn't take long for her to drop down to the deck with Sarah and Ray, Captain Read standing next to the Mobile Fighter.

She put a hand up in greeting toward Sarah, glad that everyone was pretty much safe and sound from their sortie. "I see you made it back. How'd you get your Gundam to move like that? I've never seen any of those preprogrammed into the computer."

Her eyes traveled over to the good captain's flamboyant, pirate-themed outfit and she was floored by how brazenly fantastical it was, raising her eyebrows a little before giving him a crisp salute. "Welcome aboard, sir. I take it your get your inspiration from 18th-century Earth?"
"Wha! Shoot, I've got to change the encryptions..." Kanoko grumbled a little as she engaged her thrusters, rolling the suit over and motioning for Ray to follow her in. "C'mon, buddy. Let's get you docked and recharged."

The RX-78 jetted towards the Apollo Burning Star, initiating the docking procedures once more and following the guidance array into the hangar. Kanoko glanced around at the exterior of the transport ship, noting the complete lack of damage to the hull; the Zondo Geis were completely unable to pierce the nanolaminate skin of the ship, a detail that went far in describing how powerful the ship was in comparison to anything Federation-made. Whistling slightly, she anchored the Gundam in the dock and allowed the system to move it to a free port, pulling her helmet off and shaking her head to straighten her head out. "I've docked, Elizabeth."

"I'm next, eh? Wasn't a bad idea to wait and see what everyone else had to deal with...Why did this school invite me again?" Kanoko mentioned nervously. Everyone else had some experience with gunpla battling, and the two prodigies completely ripped through their tests, even if they didn't quite succeed in the end. Even Justin's Xamel did incredibly well, making her anxious as she made her way towards the hex arena. "Well...wish me luck!"

Kanoko's Exam


“Kanoko Tanegashi, sortieing in the Hi-Nu Gundam!” She announced before igniting her unit’s boosters, flying out of the gate. Her eyes were wide with awe as her Gundam entered the habitat area of the Anaheim Electronics space colony, easily identifiable from Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn. Blinking a little, she kept her hands ready, the mobile suit’s head panning around. “Alright...so what do you have in store for me?”

Things were very quiet. There was little to no life in the dark colony. Only the blinking of some lights were about and a couple of the clouds drifting in the open space of the colony. Something seemed erie and off about the colony’s quietness.

The Hi-Nu drifted a bit further in, and she quickly dropped the altitude to near-building level. A quick run of her sensors didn’t show much, but that didn’t deter her. Still, the empty colony made her shudder a little, thinking back on some of the other series she had seen. She dropped the RX-93 down to the streets. It was cramped, but more defensible so long as she kept her guard up.

It wasn’t a long time before the girl triggered something, a trap exploding on her right, making the large building that once was a home to someone, exploding out with tremendous force. This trip mine along with the apparent lack of enemy ms showing that it was a definite spec ops team of some sort.

“Gh!” Kanoko’s breath caught as she quickly brought up her shield, trying to boost enough to get out of the way. Unfortunately for her, it didn’t pan out quite as well as she expected; huge chunks of rebar and superstructure pounded against the shield and sent her staggering across the street, nearly smashing into another building. Her sensor suite still didn’t pick up anything, although now that the trap was triggered, she could see the setup used among the ruins. “So the other two get full frontal assaults with a bunch of mooks and a mobile armor, while I deal with a spec-ops unit inside of a space colony? Hooo boy…”

As if waiting for her to finish the line the building she landed in exploded as well triggering the traps within the building. Making it explode causing debris and shrapnel to fly out due to the force of the explosion. Causing the suit to get caught up in the explosion caused by the trap to send her careening into another building.

“Oh balls-!” was all she could get out before the chained eruptions sent her careening through the air, smashing into another residential complex. The suit was damaged, but only minorly; she was currently laying face down on the Hi-Nu’s shield, but unfortunately it had only protected her front from the third impact. The second blast trap had done quite a number on her funnels, as only three were functioning properly and could undock from their charging ports. “Oookay...so the entire town is rigged. I only have three funnels left...it’s enough to produce a funnel shield, unless I can get a fourth one working. But first!” Scrambling to get the RX-93 standing, Kanoko boosted it back onto the streets, checking left and right. “A park? Not ideal but…”

Throttling up, the blue and white mobile suit burned along the street towards the nearest park.

As it was charging forward one of the suits hidden within the building took steady aim with its Long cannon and let loose a burst of three shots all aiming towards the remaining fin funnels on the hi nu. Beyond that two more let out shots trying to force it back into the three incoming shots should it try to dodge them.

Kanoko quickly brought the shield up on her Hi-Nu as she heard the alarms go off, but knew only one thing: she had to protect the remaining funnels. They were the Hi-Nu’s greatest strength. The straighta way she was in was almost devoid of exits on either side. Just as she heard shots rang out across the colony and she detected the faintest hint of their tracers, she put the large shield up again and rapidly changed the booster’s direction, diving into an alleyway just barely large enough for the advanced MS to scrape by without ripping the funnel racks off. She glanced over with her pulse throbbing in her neck, eyes bulging as she maneuvered the Gundam out of the way. “That was way too close…”

She entered an area that looked like an alley loading dock not long after, sequestered between buildings and out of what she could tell was line of sight for her stalkers. The Hi-Nu’s shield was damaged fairly heavily; impact marks scuffed the front, but she counted herself lucky that the missiles didn’t explode. Checking the status of her other weapons systems and mobility, she breathed softly, cracking her knuckles. “Alright then, how about I make some noise instead?”

Before she could do anything a barrage of missiles came raining from above. As one Loto’s came out one firing their long cannons at the damaged hi nu aiming at the shield and some at the back towards the fin funnels. Till before long the suit was surrounded by at least eight lotos each firing their long cannons at the hi nu while a few a bit way back was firing the missiles towards the hi nu but out of the sight from it.

The integrity of the suit was falling quickly as Kanoko felt the piloting station being shaken underneath the vicious onslaught of firepower, the shield close to collapsing despite its initial strength. Gritting her teeth, she thumbed over to the fin funnels, clenching the controls as hard as she could. “Alright then! You asked for it! Deploy!”

A green glow emitted from the Hi-Nu’s eyes before it stood up underneath the withering fire, the remaining fin funnels detaching from their recharging ports and zooming upwards at a high speed. Raising what was left of her shield, Kanoko launched the missiles at the Loto suits in front of her, the explosion enough to blind the mobile suits left in that area. Turning her attention around, she whipped the right forearm of the RX-93 around, the 90mm Gatling peeking out from its casing. “EAT LEAD!”

Spinning the suit around using her boosters, she ripped into the remaining Lotos visible to her with a hailstorm of heavy automatic fire, launching herself into the air not long afterwards. The missile barrages continued, but from on high, Kanoko could detect their launches as the missiles screamed towards her. Keying the funnels again, she had them soar in front of her and form a triangular pinpoint defense shield, using the limited number she had to her advantage. Her vulcan defense guns along with the wrist gatling roared as she destroyed as many of the seekers as she could, eyes tracking the artillery Lotos and locking on. “Gotcha.”

Beaten and scarred, the Hi-Nu raised its hand up before directing the funnels once more, the shield disappearing and Kanoko diving at one of the artillery locations. Reaching for her Gundam’s left forearm, she ripped the saber from its socket and gutted the Lotos next to her, the Gundam’s eyes blazing as it toppled before her. The others were still functional; she had no idea how many of them were left. The funnels blasted two of the other artillery zones, Kanoko attempting to drive them away so she could recoup. “Guerilla warfare is not my thing...they had over sixteen of those damn things! I know they’re not as strong as a full-sized mobile suit, but the exam system is crafty!”

It wasn’t long before a large shaking was heard in the distance the captiol building broke asunder as if a large figure was breaking out of a shell. Than it emerged a large purplish figure emergerd from the building gliding slowly towards the the location of the damaged hi nu. Either way it barreled through building ignoring everything as it slowly made its way towards it destination. Upon arriving it unfurled from its fortress mode and revealed itself in its glory the large gundam shaped figure slowly stood its large shield on its arm snapping together. Before long it stood at it’s full height towering over the building and the hi nu below it.

The rattling stunned her as the entire colony quaked underneath the might of whatever it was rising from the abyss of ruins, its shadow casting over the whole interior and darkening it even further beneath its monolithic figure. She turned around slowly, eyes trailing up its massive stature before the Hi-Nu’s eyes met with the titan’s gaze, her jaw dropping open. “NAAAANI?! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING?!”

Without a single warning it did a large sweep with its arm knocking the hi nu while it was off balanced before launching its many beam cannons at it. Seeing the hi nu dazed it ejected arms forming a monumental sized beam sword and started to swing it downward at the dazed suit.

“Gaaaaaah!” Kanoko seethed as the Hi-Nu was subject to a massive barrage of beam cannons which ripped into the colony around the Psyco Gundam Mk 2, trying her best to reorient her Gundam before she could be attacked again by the gargantuan mobile armor. Retrieving the funnels, she quickly activated the shield barrier again, blocking them from directly hitting her unit but failing to save her from- “Agh, dammit!”

The impossibly huge beam sword swept toward her as a towering pillar of megaparticle light, descending upon her like a guillotine. Eyes wide, she quickly tried to draw as much of her mobile suit in under the umbrella of her funnel shield with the remains of her ballistic shield up in an attempt to stave off the attack. “Fuck-!”

A huge explosion rippled at the impact point, collapsing several blocks’ worth of buildings with a thunderous roar as the gigantic beam sword impacted the Hi-Nu’s barely-existent shields. Smoke engulfed the battlefield, suffusing both of the mobile weapons from view momentarily. There was still time as the counter ticked down on her HUD, the only item visible as her console had dimmed horribly in the aftermath. “Gh...wait, the timer’s not down, but I can’t see anything…”

Raising the sword once more it prepared for a downward sweep once again. It was about to swing downward towards the hi nu that was knocked down. Placing part the foot downward in attempt to prevent fleeing. It started once more to swing its beam sword downward.

The Hi-Nu was badly damaged as the dust cleared and she could see the state of her poor mobile suit. It was seconds away from shutting down, its Plavsky particle count dangerously low. She barely had enough to get the unit to move, let alone try and dodge! None of the funnels worked anymore, smashed and overloaded as they were by the assault of the Psyco Gundam. The left arm was gone, the legs crumpled by the mighty steps of the mobile armor. Thumbing through her weapons quickly to see if anything was left, her eyes bulged.

The Beam Rifle the Hi-Nu had was a magnitude lower than the hyper mega launcher, but the one mounted with the RX-93-v2 was known to have the firepower of a battleship’s megaparticle beam cannons. She had enough Plavsky particles left for one shot.

Scrabbling with the good hand, she reached for the weapon just as the Psyco began its execution, raising the massive rifle in defiance. She dumped the remaining Plavsky particles into the weapon, the vents glowing crimson on the sides before the trigger was pulled, unleashing a massive stream of beam energy which illuminated everything around in a crimson glow, just as the mobile armor’s beam sword fell.


Kanoko yelped as she fell backwards, unused to the Gunpla piloting cubicle disappearing quite yet, especially after such an intense moment. Landing on her backside, she wiped the cold sweat that had built up on her forehead, breathing shallowly. “So...that’s a Gunpla battle? Or at least one type? How did they manage against so many?”

Standing up, she noticed the Hi-Nu, dirtied a little but without much heavy damage in comparison to what she saw it go through. She breathed a sigh of relief; nothing a bit of R&R and some cleanup couldn’t fix. Taking the Gunpla off of the stage, she moved back to the group, rubbing the back of her head. “Bad showing, right? Eheh…”
"Lieutenant Kanoko Tanegashi, Moore Brotherhood at Side 4. Special operations, but not Londo Bell," She joked a little, lowering the shield and beam rifle. She looked over at the GM Sniper and smiled, glad to have someone she knew was friendly by her side. "Pilot of the redesigned RX-78EVA for the liberation of the Thunderbolt Sector. Pardon the suspicion. We've all been...uh...introduced to some very strange circumstances only a few hours ago. Weird suits abound, none of us have had any luck with unfamiliar faces."

Keying off the comm and switching to the Feddie frequencies that MS teams normally used, she addressed Ray privately. "Libot Colony at Side 6? I always wanted to go there before I got drafted! Unfortuantely the Moore Brotherhood fleet didn't dock too far from the Shoal Zone most of the time...they were loathe to leave it at all."

She turned a bit serious as she looked back at the Little Gray, its rogueish visage illuminating the black void behind it. "So...what do you think of Mr. Pirate here? I mean, the Jupiter colonies always were a bit pompous thanks to them supplying all the helium the Federation and Zeon needed. If Captain Read is who he says he is and is trying to stop them, should we give him the benefit of the doubt?"
"I've never heard of the Crossbone Vanguard, although...where I'm from, and I'm sure where that GM Sniper is from, he's referencing the Jupiter sector itself. It's basically where most of the Earth Federation's resources come from. If the war between Zeon and the EFSF didn't end well, I could imagine Jupiter might rise as the dominant power in the solar system if we weren't careful," Kanoko mused, cowed by the recent development. Keeping the shield up with her beam rifle out, she boosted up towards the GM Sniper, taking point by his side. "Just in case that piddling rifle doesn't punch its hull. These suits didn't look very impressive, but who knows what that thing holds..."

The frigate-esque space vessel wasn't wholly intimidating; to be honest, especially compared to the Thunderbolt Sector, it was toyish and almost cute. The RX-78 turned its head towards the friendly mobile suit as the pilot of the samurai-themed Gundam called out to the Crossbone Vanguard, yellow eyes looking at the high-mag sensors of the GM Sniper II. "Hey, what unit are you from? I'm from the fleet assigned to Side 4."
She shrugged a little, watching as Cassandra moved up to the counter where Mr. Gunpla was hanging out. "To each their own. I honestly can't stand half of SEED's designs, and a number of them are just remodeled knockoffs of UC suits. I will admit some special types of kits are a bit too much, like GM customs and the like, but at the same time, you can't expect all GMs to function alike. IBO has its own flavor with the modularity; it's one of the things I like about the series!"

Her mental image of Mr. Gunpla imploded as he went from the over-the-top 80's man to a cool cat in a span of half a second, her jaw nearly dropping to the floor as she listened in on his and Cassandra's conversation, or at least what she could hear of it. The goofy sponsor was gone, and in its place was a man obviously dedicated and into the craft of Gunpla and Gunpla battling. Unfolding her arms, she could feel a bit of shame burning up on her cheeks, Kanoko chuckling nervously as Cassandra came back. "Uh-HUH! Y-yeah...I guess what they say is true; never judge a book by its cover..."

It was Kanoko's turn. She stepped up to the counter nervously, now unsure of what to think of the sponsor. "U-uh, hey there..."

"What is up Buff Buildah!" Said the man as he threw up a flex on his right arm, ofcourse it looking pathetic. "How can i help!" He said excitedly.

She managed a short chuckle at his attempt, the buff builder comment making her blush the tiniest bit. "That noticeable, huh? Well...I'm looking for a Sinanju Stein and an EZ-8, if you have them."

The man sat back and thought for a minute, stroking his goatee in thought. He snapped his fingers and walked off, coming back with the shinaju stein and EZ-8.
"Hi-NU, Shinah... juuu And the Greight, Eazy Eight!" He sorta beat boxed out.
"Tell me Buff Buildah, why do you tango with only tha YOU CEE suits?" He asked her, still jiggin and jivin.

"To be fair? It's the series I grew up with. SEED has good suits but never really interested me, and while I appreciated 00, only UC and IBO have really kept my interests. Everything else has just gotten space colony-vaporizing weapon after weapon even mounted to mobile suits. Besides, who doesn't like having a nice brawl with some real, grounded suits?"

The male leaned down and dropped his glasses a bit to see eye to eye with her. "With Iron Blooded orphans, you'll find more people into that, but still doesnt mean you get to ignore the other suits. Trans-am, phase shift armor, dragoon, exam system, zero system, hyper mode, learn your enemies tricks. A lot of them got good with those tricks; so learn them. Brawn will get you places, brains does the other half, but since you're here, you must have both." He said and smirked. "With building, as i see parts of your Hi New sitting over there, you find a natural flow to progressing, but following an order. You set a routine for your workouts, but only did what your body could naturally with its flow. Fighting is the same. You have your own flow, but you put your mind to the test when knowing when to apply the motions, info and tactics you learned." He explained sitting up. "Even those with beams over long distances can crush those fond of orphans woth tactics and jnfo."

She swallowed a bit, taken aback by his words. He acted quite a buffoon, but in reality she had quite underestimated him. Taking her kits, she bowed a little, straightening back up after a minute. "Thanks for the good advice. You should always look for a weakness, rght?"

He flicked the glasses up and smiled now. "Even in you, Buff Fightah!" he called out and gave a thumbs up, a sparkle of light off of his pearly whites, knowing he had helped the girl somehow.

"Now you're gonna have me calling my Gunpla the Muscle Unit..." Kanoko managed back with a friendly roll of her eyes, shaking her head as she left and grateful for the advice. With kits in hand, she latched onto her Hi-Nu, grinning nervously. "So....anyone been through one of these exams before?"
Kanoko blanched a little at the sight of the 80's disco fever throwback, shivering a little as the man moonwalked off stage. "Anyone got any bleach? I need to erase that from my head. Can't believe he's actually a sponsor..."

Sighing heavily, Kanoko's face returned to a cheery state before she finished snapping together her Hi-Nu Gundam, nodding at Cassandra's observation. "IT's true, they do have many suits which can be considered cookie cutter, but that's the natural progression of military doctrine and upgrades. You create several high-performance prototypes, but if they can't pass the mass production test, then use what techniques you learned designing it in the newest models being created. Much like how the RX-78 series was used as a testbed, most technology used on them was strictly reserved for the mobile suit with the power of a thousand mobile suits. Some of it wouldn't have been fit for mass production, as Unicorn explored with the Psycoframe."

"Speaking of Unicorn though, let me go see if I can't grab another couple kits for later. I have a few ideas that are rattling around, and I need another Sinanju for that. The one I have at home is display only, eheh."
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