Avatar of ArekTheAbsolute
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    1. ArekTheAbsolute 10 yrs ago


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So, I'm Just going to leave this here real quick and gentle before the madness, clearly rampant in this place, affects me.

”It’s just a family portrait. To celebrate the season, y’know? We’d be willin’ to pay you a purple up front—“ As she was describing what she wanted the woman was interrupted by a man who seemed to work as a lowly stable hand and was feed about as much. Nils mind however had latched onto the size of the payment. A purple rupee!? i haven't had that much money before in my life. As he thought about all the things he could do with the money he was dimly aware of the man crying about a pig that he’d lost. Nil was forcibly brought back to reality when the woman responded to the man loudly and harshly. He took a quick step back in surprise and his back met the dead-end wall of the alley. Debating seriously whether or not to get out of here, he waited, the temptation of some actual food keeping him there with his back to the wall.

“Name’s Yolanda, we’re meetin’ up at the graveyard. Not ‘cause we’re weird or anythin’, but it’s a lot less crowded there, you know? The artist we hired before hand up and flaked out on us so I was lookin’ for one. You’re way better than any of those goons I seen so far though, sweetheart. Oh-- and don't worry. My son-in-law won't be there and the rest of the family smells almost as good as me."

His head hit the wall this time, as Yolanda leaned in to invite him to smell her. His face felt aflame as she laughed at him and invited him to walk with her. He nodded following relieved that it was a family he was going to be drawing and not only that he was going to be able to draw the graveyard which he originally wasn’t going to even get near. The goddess’ seemed to shining on him indeed, perhaps his duty lay in simply drawing this family and catching something that someone else would use for their quest. That’s how fate worked, a nobody would incidentally find a clue and not realize its importance and later a real hero would gather clues such as his to combat a great evil like Ganon. Nil smiled, maybe today wasn’t such a bad day after all.
‘Wowza, you’re really good, sweetheart. How long have you been drawin’? I’d pay some good money for a portrait.’ A woman's voice said to him as he peered over his pad in surprise. he’d been so engrossed in drawing the alleyway from memory that he hadn’t seen or heard the woman approach. The women he saw was beautiful to the point where he couldn’t take his eyes of her, but his instincts kicked off all the same, this woman was a predator of a different sort then he was used to dealing with. He could see it in the way she was looking at him, so hungrily. As he began to squirm under such scrutiny she posited a question to him that made him turn red in embarrassment.

‘do you do nudes?’ which she followed up with a lewd act. Standing up and placing his drawing pad in with his belongings he replied

“N-no, im not that good and even if i was, which again i am not very good, i wouldn’t feel comfortable drawing you nude. Not that i mean you're not beautiful!” he looked down and away as he shut his own mouth to prevent himself from stumbling into anymore faux pas. He was about to walk past her when she brushed her question of as a joke and offered to pay Nil for a drawing. He narrowed his eyes at her and was about to say no when his body decided to remind him hhe had had only jerky for a long while and that something else was much due. Looking at the woman, still hesitant about accepting the job, decided to take the risk. After all if he got into any real danger he could still run, now THAT he was good at.
“What kind of drawing would you want, and how much are you willing to pay?” he questioned really hoping it was just a drawing of her and some of her innocent friends.
hmm.. a voice actor for Nil. I think i would have to go with Joseph-Gordon Levitt.
Watching the two men depart away from each other let out his breath. The taller of the two bought meat and left in a rumbling growl noise, possibly a laugh or excited noise nil thought, a terrifying figure through and through. The other of the large pair went to a stall that seated a child wearing a keaton mask with a flute, this man seemed far more amiable than the other man as he spoke to the child.

Nil thoroughly distracted from his original errand went to the opposite side of the street and through another nearby alleyway that ended a few feet in at a wall. Leaning with his back against the wall, Nil slid down to a sitting position breathing a fair bit easier now that he wasn’t about to get into a mess of trouble. He really shouldn’t even be walking around if he was supposed to be getting into trouble, the less he moved the easier it would be to get through today and leave tomorrow. He wanted no part in whatever might happen, but he would see this day through if not to prove the whisper wrong.

With that decided Nil once again pulled out his drawing pad and began to sketch out the alleyway to calm his nerves and pass the time. No one would look here and no one was actively searching for him so this was the perfect spot to simply wait out the day. and if someone was searching for him and they actually found him then he could just blink to the other side of the wall, Nil thought. The thought prompted him to look up and behind him at the wall, at least he hoped he could blink to the other side of the wall. Last time he tried to blink a stick from one side of a tree to the other he’d managed to make a new branch on the tree.
Finally finishing with a good sketch of the scene, he looked up to see that time had moved on as it was want to do. He saw that the woman that he had focused on in his drawing was acting even more distressed, though now he had an inkling as to why. She seemed to be whispering to herself, was stepping around herself, and looking behind at the ground where there was nothing then walking away. She was not however in trouble and from what he could tell was simply troubled, in the head.

Nil put away his drawing pad and getting up with a stretch his stomach growled. Deciding to wander about looking for a vendor selling food he reached into his wallet and heaving a sigh he hoped might be able to convince someone to take pity on him and give him some food for free. But that wasn’t likely to happen and he would have to resort to jerky .. again. Going to the entrance to the town was probably his best bet to find some food and some kind people with enough food to spare.

On his way there he began to pass another group going the same direction but he stopped when a child ran up to him and the group he was passing.
“Have you seen a fairy?” The little girl asked and Nil just turned to looked at her in confusion. Why was she looking for a fairy? Was it a game that was part of the HOT festival, like a scavenger hunt? While he thought this, the group he was passing walked right by completely ignoring the girl and before he could answer her she turned and ran away showing obvious signs of annoyance.

He watched, perplexed, as she ran up to another pair of people which, his eyes widening slightly, Nil realized were Sheikah. At least one of them was, he wasn’t quite sure about the other one but one Sheikah was enough to be a source of potential problems which he didn’t want to have anything to do with. Especially if he was supposed to be here to prevent trouble as the whisper had said. So the best way to deal with trouble, in Nils mind, was to avoid it and so Nil smoothly, at least he hoped it looked that way, turned and began to walk down an alley way.

As soon as he couldn’t see them, and he assumed them him. He quickened his pace and when he was about to exit the alleyway he turned to look back to see if they followed him without stopping. This proved to be the wrong thing to do, for as he exited the alley way he nearly ran into a pair of very large and imposing men. He froze short of them and got a full view of both them staring each other down and felt the tension. Fear, like a cold spike, shot through his heart and Nil began to back away very very slowly, hoping- no, praying that they didn’t notice him.
Despite dragging his feet and taking his time travelling the roads Nil still managed to arrive at Karkiriko Village on the day of the Hero of Time festival. He stood looking at the village and waiting hoping that whatever was suppose to happen would happen quickly but when nothing happened he began to debate whether or not he should just leave wondering if the whisper would be angry at him for that. With a sigh he made the decision to go into the town if only for a bit upon entering was assaulted by the smells and the noise from the festival where he had gotten used to the quiet calm of the roads. He wander around for a moment looking at all the different stalls with all their wares, some of which he wished he could get. continuing on, Nil traveled to the center of town and decided to rest and wait there taking a seat on a box resting beside a building.

Pulling out a pad of paper and various sizes of charcoal pencils he looked around memorizing the buildings and stalls to begin doing rough sketches of them. He then looked up the sky and then the people enjoying the festival looking for a subject to focus on, he then saw a woman careening through the crowd opposite him coming almost to the well and stop looking afraid. Nil saw her and with a hesitant smile figured that he would at once keep an eye on her should she need help and draw her at the same time as the subject of his drawing.

And so focusing on her and radiating around her, Nil began to sketch her and her worry and then the stark contrast of the people around her, children running around their parents following talking and laughing, a tall woman ravishing her food in excitement, vendors crying out to people to browse, and guards ever watching the people but relaxed even now during the festival.
Heya everyone, heard there may have been some spots and got my butt right quick over with a Baklava approved Char.

Name: Nil

Age: 17

Race: Round-eared Hylian
Gender: Male

Nil is of a medium build with an average height of 5’ 9.5’’, his hair is the color of the calm blue sky and his eyes are the color of the setting sun, amber. His skin is somewhat tanned from spending so much time outside but is for the most part covered by regular pants and a hooded vest that seems like it may have been too small for Nil had it not been resized many times and had two cuts placed at the shoulder on both arms.

Theme Song:

Personality: Kind, Caring, Stubborn, Coward, Confidence issues, Calm.

Backstory: Nil had been born to a mother and father who, were from what he remembered before they died, loving and caring people. After they had died when he was 8 the village that he grew up in, located northwest of Lon Lon Ranch, began to see him as a nuisance despite the fact that He tried to be helpful to everyone when he could, and although they were bitter towards him they never let him starve or sleep in the cold. It was when he was 15 that the village began to receive very sparse rumors about Ganondorf coming back. Hearing this the village elders began made a decision that Nil learned of on his 17th birthday and that was to send him out as the hero of the village to seek out answers and if he encountered evil to vanquish it. It was ridiculous and Nil was all ready to argue against it and the fake excited faces that the townspeople wore, two birds with one stone send someone out to collect information and get rid of the freeloader but he stopped when a little girl he’d known since she’d been born bore genuine hope on her face. He couldn’t bear to destroy such hope and so he left without a word.
He spent months on the road learning what he could, and none of it was either good nor definitive. Some said that nothing was wrong while others said that Ganondorf was free and rampaging across the world. Then Nil began to hear the whisper. He ignored it for the first few nights chalking it up to the wind playing tricks but after those few nights began to yell at it to leave him alone, a week gone by and he was arguing with it to leave him be, that he wasn’t a hero and the only thing that depended on him was himself. After the second week he just gave up and began to travel towards Kakariko for the festival hoping that simply going there would make the whisper go away.


1.Blinking (MS): Quick short ranged (~25 Feet) light based teleportation of himself or others/objects. Nil must be touching in order to Blink something else and the larger something is the shorter the distance that Nil can blink it. He is also capable of controlling orientation when blinking and can blink onto the other side of a wall though that has its dangers of not quite teleporting correctly and ending up inside the wall.

2.Drawing (PS): A large part of Nils spare time is devoted to drawing which he loves and cherishes. He likes most of all to draw scenery from an open field at sunset or a town on a normal day. As such he has managed to be able to quickly memorize what he sees and it has become almost like breathing to memorize what he sees so he can draw it later.

3.Hiding (SS): Nil has, in his travels, managed to learn to hide very well from those who would harm him. This is made easier with being able to Blink as he can get to a hiding spot that his pursuers wouldn’t think to look.

4. Short spear (FS): Fighting with a short spear is about all Nil knows when it comes to fighting he’s fairly adept at wielding his short spear but rarely has a chance to use it. That’s not to say that he doesn’t practice with it as doing so put him at ease for some reason.

5. Dodge ‘n Run (FS/SS): When hiding doesn’t work there is always the more direct approach of just getting the heck outta dodge and run like the wind.

6. Hunting (SS): Nil has never been the best hunter and never will. However most animals don’t expect a human to suddenly appear beside them with a spear driving into their gut, so Nil doesn’t starve.

7. First aid (SS): Running from people leaves one not only weary but usually covered in injuries. Nil has gotten okay at patching himself up enough to run again without being hindered by his injuries for the most part.

Goal(s): To find a village or town where no one is trying to make him out to be some sort of hero that he isn’t or maybe even return to his own village to live out a peaceful life.

1 Short spear
1 Pad of drawing paper
1 Set of drawing pencils
enough dried jerky to last till the end of the week.
1 canteen of water

Wallet: 1 rupee
Zal kept his sword pointed at the skeletal man as more people rose and began to react to it as if it was not beyond odd that a skeleton was walking and talking. He listened to Skeleton speak about a a cut Zal had accidentally, through his ineptitude with a sword, made in its suit. Well whatever soul was bound to live a life in such a body, it seemed more concerned about its image then about eating anyone or anything along those lines told in stories. ....Stories? What stories? Who told him such things? Where did he come from? All these questions came rushing up as Zal began to realize he did not remember much of his own life. As he turned to listen to a woman read of a scroll that was lying nearby Zal tried to puzzle out who he was beyond his name. There wasn't much that he could even use to try and guess at his life and the as he thought about it more and more he began to notice a dull ache in his head that was slowly increasing the more he thought on his memories. He unconsciously began to rub his temple with his off hand as the woman finished speaking and then also reacted the same as most everyone else.

With a sigh Zal lowered his sword to his side.
"Apologies, waking up in field with next to no memories is a bit stressful. Even more so when one looks up to see skeletal man moving towards a young boy. I hope you'll forgive me for reacting so harshly, and sorry about the suit it was not my intent to do that." With that said, Zal took a breath in, hoping that what he did next wouldn't end with him getting his face eaten "My name is Zal, what are all of your names?" he said as he raised his offhand towards the skeleton in an offer of a handshake.

Darkness was all that greeted for those first moments, calm, unchanging, peaceful, darkness. He first began to hear, hear the wind as it blew over grass then he opened his eyes to see dark clouds above, hovering in the sunlit sky. As those few moments faded away what replaced the calm was panic, fear he didn't know from what but suddenly he had to get up he had to get away. Zal rolled onto his stomach and pushed himself off the ground and up to his feet and just as all his weight was on his feet his legs gave out from under and he crumpled to the floor as all of his weight descended back to the ground suddenly and painfully. Pain ran across his whole body, pain from hitting the ground and pain .. from something else. Then, moments later, as he tried to collect himself, more pain, but not pain that was derived from the body, no this pain was centered in his own mind and it seemed to be infinitely worse then before as he trembled on the ground unable to make a sound. Soon it subsided and he lay there unmoving as he heard people moving around in the grass, one seemed to have become sick as he heard the sound of sick hitting the dirt.

Zal slowly got to one knee and looked about himself, squinting through the last vestiges of pain. He saw bodies in the grass bodies that were not moving. He saw a woman checking on a young body, a boy that seemed to be afraid of the situation with a large castle in the distance behind him and another boy that seemed to be out of place with calm attitude. Zal finally stood, carefully, not wanting to fall again, as he did he saw another body begin to stir and at first looked with interest at it and then horror as he realized it was without a doubt dead, as the only left of the body were its bones and odd garments. It stood and walked to a childs form bent down so close to the childs face, Zal became convinced that it was doing something to the child but whatever it was he was too late stop it as it stood and walked toward the frightened boy that had noticed a large castle behind him.

With a surge of energy and adrenaline Zal ran in front of the skeleton drawing his sword and calmly lowering it at the skeleton.
"Whatever you are or might be you'd best speak quickly and cleverly to save whatever semblance of life you might have left" Zal said as he slowly backed up with a hand splayed out behind making sure that boy knew to stay where he was for his safety.
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