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    1. Aries 9 yrs ago


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I am the most nonsensical and weird person ever. I update like a maniac, read romantic fanfiction about video game characters, have an fanatical obsession with checking my email, create random characters that I never use for anything and sometimes wish that I had an alternate universe wand/portal thing so that I could meet my favorite characters from stories. I also discovered that the post by post forum thing works really well for my favorite kind of stories, medieval fantasy (i swear, one day, when I am rich and famous, I am going to get a scientist to invent edible medieval fantasy and fill an entire swimming pool with it so i can literally drown in it)

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Soooo...@Monster,@The Roman07
Care to go next?
Ronin dragged the prisoner along the edge of the alley, ignoring his timidity and unwillingness to come with her. The cloaked man followed but had yet to say anything and his hood obscured most of his face. At the end of the alley, there was a side door that led into a nearby tavern. She went through and spoke for a moment with the bartender before he let the three of them slip to the backroom. The room was stacked with boxes upon boxes of unopened wine and barrels of ale. Ronin visibly relaxed but was still on her guard.
"Help me move these crates." she said, throwing herself against one and pushing it aside. Three more crates later and, voila! Underneath was a trapdoor.
"This leads to an old tunnel underneath the streets. The people I work for used it to sneak in and out of this part of Vecafan without being found. I guess you could call us an underground operation but I don't think you'd take kindly to my cheap humor." she opened the dusty trapdoor to reveal a moulding wooden ladder.
Along the tunnel, Ronin was silent to match the others so it felt less like an escape and more like a funeral march they were walking.
At long last, they broke from the dark and cam eout into another building entirely. The walls were a dark gray and the floor was cement. It was chilled and dotted with various mismatched tables and chairs. There were a few people milling about but they paid the three no mind. Ronin turned to her escapees and threw her arms wide.
"Welcome to the House!"
It's okay, guys. I'll try and get my next post up sometime today.
So.... Reboot?

Patience my young padawan. We must give Sublimation proper time. But, it should be a damn good post when it's done.
:( were everyone go?

I dunno? Neverland?
Is it too late to join? I LOVE Steven Universe!
Hey im here but it may be a bit before i post up. A few hours minimum since its busier than i thought at work. Sry

That's okay. Don't rush for the sake of rushing or we get a crappy story.
Excellent job,@Monster! Now, it's @Sublimation's turn to post.
Where is everybody anyway?

I honestly have no idea.
Before Ronin could blink, two things happened in rapid succession. One, someone had fired a shot at the executioner's axe in what appeared to be an attempt to disarm him and second, there was a huge beam of ominous red light that burst in full force from a figure in a dark cloak. The red energy reverberated through the air and sliced the prisoner's chains like they were made of bread. At last, someone had done something!
Quick as a wink, Ronin called up the only kind of magic she had ever been able to perform, a disguise spell that made her utterly unrecognizable, and lunged towards the prisoner, yanking him from the stage by the cuff dangling from his wrist. She jumped down again, landing lightly as a cat while the hapless prisoner stumbled after her. She ran towards the figure in the cloak who for the moment, appeared to be at least partially on her side. Before she could be disgusted that his eyes were bleeding, she grabbed him by the back of his cloak and with the prisoner and the rebel in hand, she ran for what her life was worth.
The guards had already caught on to her plan and were hurriedly pouring in to block any exits. The crowd had gone insane amidst the confusion and were either yelling or trying to get closer to the scene at hand. Instead of running for the exits like they assumed, she instead ran towards the back of the walled in courtyard. There was several thick, red vines of ivy growing along the aged stone wall. Without pause, she proceed to climb said ivy while the prisoner clung to her leg like a deadweight. At least the cloaked man understood what to do and wasn't slowing her down.
Below them, several guards were clustered, waving their ugly fists and cursing her. She didn't stop or slow but she cheerfully responded with some vulgar language of her own. If they had a shred of intelligence, they might've tried climbing after them but, with all that armor they wouldn't make it more than a few feet before the vines snapped under their weight. Then, they were atop the wall of the courtyard. The walls were thick enough that there was about two feet of space for them to stand but there was no other way to get up apart from the ivy. Peering over the edge, she gave a fluttery wave.
"Nice seeing you all!" she yelled down at them. "Next time, you should get some better security. It's a bit lacking at the moment!" she chuckled, seeing them looking up at her with that delicious look of mingled fury and hatred. Ronin loved it when she got to do anything like this. It helped balance out the bleak mundanity of her normal life. Not that she didn't love her job, namely working as a mechanic and fixer of interesting junk, but this was refreshing. The people back at House would need all the help they could get and she had just found two potential recruits in less than an hour.
Without turning to face the two, Ronin took a few steps along the wall away from the vine ladder and dropped her disguise spell.
"There's another way further along this wall where we can climb down. It leads into an alleyway where you can hopefully avoid being caught by those guards" she said.
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