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    1. Aro 10 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Once you realize that you don't need a special occasion to buy a cake, the second part of yout life begins.
7 yrs ago
I wish that there were more hours in a day, so I could have more time to do nothing.
8 yrs ago
Hey, you. Yeah, you. No, not you...the other one. Yeah, you, right there! Yes, YOU! Do you like tacos?
8 yrs ago
We all how our demons. Drugs, alcohol, Srahaaaj the Undying, cigarettes.


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Brief Timeline

May 2nd

11:00am-- Introduction of Yellow Jacket and Paul Bunyan, both of which begin a fight with street thugs.

9:31pm--Jotunn Draugr and Pirouette's characters (Gunrat and Ghoul) face off against each other and end with Ghoul fleeing after the confrontation to heal. Introduction of NPC's Jiao and Zhang.

May 3rd

3:34am--Gunrat continues to search for Ghoul before giving up for the night.

11:37am-- Introduction of Aro's character (Reaper) and NPC know as Mr. Fraywich.

11:51am--Fraywich murdered at the hands of Reaper. Reaper then notices Sea Snake appearing on the beach and proceeds to follow him to
Universal Ave and leave to find a vantage point as Sea Snake enters a coffee shop.

11:52am-- Arrival of Sea Snake at the New Athens beach and boardwalk.

1:00pm-- Introduction of Endrance's character (Frostbite) working in a lab.

1:37pm-- GM introduces Shayd the Indestructible Man

1:40pm--Carlsberg's character (Dissonance) begins her assault on the New Athens Banking Company main office.

2:00pm-- Carlsberg continue with her assault of NABC Headquarters and Pushes Johnathan Sterals to his death from a top floor window.

2:04pm-- Reaper watches Sea Snake through a sniper scope and kills another man in line behind Sea Snake at the hotdog vendor.

2:05pm-- Sea Snake is on Universal Avenue having his first coffee and hotdog. Another mention of Shayd. Introduction of STRIKE hidden mountain fortress monitoring Shayd and introduction of Gary Frank, Director of STRIKE.

2:09pm-- Confrontation between Sea Snake and Reaper. Ends with Sea Snake escaping and Reaper killing multiple civilians in the process.

2:17pm--Gunrat learns of Dissonance's attack on NABC Headquarters, later begins to hunt Dissonance at NABC Headquarters. Sea Snake and Jake the Snake arrive at the scene of his confrontation with Reaper but loses the trail and leaves.

2:18pm--Confrontation between Gunrat and Dissonance continues.

2:22pm--Police arrive at NABC HQ and Gunrat makes herself known to the police to keep the out of her way as she enters the building.

4:19pm-- Sea Snake finds an underground cave and decides to make it his new home. At STRIKE hidden base director of STRIKE Gary Frank watches news reports of what has been transpiring in the city. Introduction of NPC's Liberty Son and Lady Liberty.

May 4th

12:49am-- Introduction of Parfex's character (Vega) and NPC James Stewart.

May 5th

5:00pm-- Introduction of Lord Wraith and Hillian's characters (Slipstream and Aquaticus). Their ship crashes into the Kirby River.

7:00pm--Introduction of MsMellow's character (Polaris) arriving on Earth in her spaceship and makes her way to the city.
May 7th

9:00am--Introduction of STRIKE headquarters' in Washington D.C on the Potomac River and NPC Bill Hadley.

Uncategorized Times

--Introduction of Marik's character (Marionette) at Kane Corp. Skyscraper.

--Introduction of lmpkio's character (Sentinel) at a coffee shop.

--Introduction of rocketrobie2's character (Chok-Lad) living in the sewer, who then becomes hungry and surfaces to ransack a deli for food.

--Sentinel and Chok-Lad begin their confrontation at the deli. Fight continues and ends with Chok-Lad incapacitating Sentinel and making his escape to the sewers.
I will get my CS posted tomorrow when I have more time in my hands.
This has caught my interest.
@Parfex Then if he becomes a villain it's much easier to start the rivalry. You learn that Dissonance has powers similar to yours and you want to prove that you're better than her. Boom, done. That should cover everything right there to keep us from having to use alternate universes.
@Parfex Well you created the newspaper writer, you can learn about Dissonance and her powers from him, realize that your powers are similar, and thinking she gained her powers like you, take it upon yourself to track her down and stop her since she's a villain. This leads to the first fight between the two of you and the start of the rivalry.
@Parfex Yes, it makes SO much more sense now, but in that case your powers are more developed than hers but she's been military trained. But, in that case I would get together with Carlsberg and write up the battle that leads to the singularity, and then hint back to it in future posts. As for the rivalry, Dissonance get's her powers at about 22 and returns home where the two of you run into each other and the fight ensues. Afterwards, when Vega is dropped 4ish years in the future he finds his mother is dead, an empty grave for Adrian Hunter and learns that much of the populace believes that Impulse, or whatever you'll be going by before the jump, is believed dead since he went missing for the last 4 years. Upon his arrival in the current time Dissonance will have had the years to develop her powers more making her for sure more powerful than you.

And when I mentioned God mode I didn't mean your power set. I meant that in the little synopsis you wrote about the fight between you and Dissonance that creates the singularity you used Dissonance and wrote out all actions for her. That is god-mode, when you use another players character and write their character's interactions. That's the big no-no, unless you have approval from that character's owner.

And not the way I was thinking of writing the character it wouldn't. At 17/18 he acquires his powers and begins to fight crime. In his spare time he practices with his powers. After a few weeks or months of practicing he uses his powers on some enemy far stronger than him and in the process his powers go out of control creating the singularity which sucks him into it. With him sucked into the singularity it quickly collapses on itself and closes before any further damage is done. This puts you in the current timeline at 24, as you aged while in the singularity but your powers didn't improve any. You wake up 24 years old with the same level of power you had at 17/18, all while Dissonance has had the last 3 years of her life to develop her powers. That's pretty much what I've been thinking.
@Parfex That is vital information. I've been thinking you were sucked into the singularity around 18, shortly after gaining your powers.
@Parfex Before we go any further. At what age does you character get sucked into the singularity.
@Carlsberg My original idea around this problem was to have Parfex's and your characters attend the same school (maybe instead of school your characters attended MMA classes or something?) but personally didn't know each other. Between the two of you, you could can decide on some kind of activity that the two of you would've taken part of during school that would've started the rivalry. But then at 18 your character would go and join the military while Parfex's would have found the meteorite that gave him his powers which would eventually lead to the time jump for his character. As his character disappears at age 18 and doesn't reappear until 6 years later at age 24 due to his powers you wouldn't be able to fight him at 19/20.

EDIT: Maybe instead of school your characters attended MMA classes or something?
@Carlsberg Because Parfex's original idea was to have Dissonance and Vega gain powers around the same time (Age 17/18) to build up a rivalry between the two of you before the time skip happened for his character. But your character's powers developed when your character was about 22 according to a previous post by you and your CS's history. Giving Dissonance 3 years of heaving her abilities.

It was after that that Parfex mentioned the alternate universe, and I believe that it would be confusing as fuck and spiral out of control having to try and deal with two separate realities for our characters when only a single character would have had any form of contact with said alternate characters.
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