Avatar of Astronaut Jones
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    1. Astronaut Jones 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current wow... Kubo and the Two Strings is a masterpiece!
8 yrs ago
I'm still waiting for an Avengers scene where a bad guy tears through an Iron Man suit thinking it's Stark, when it's really Bruce Banner, who then proceeds to go Hulk Smash on a mfer.
8 yrs ago
Korgoth of Barbaria, the greatest cartoon that never was...
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8 yrs ago
Pet Peeve: When you're trying to watch a movie that the SO picked, but she doesn't pay attention and asks you a question about the plot every 5 minutes....
8 yrs ago
Everyone is excited (deservingly so) about Star Wars VIII, Dawn of Justice, and Civil War... but I'm beyond hyped for the return of... Samurai Jack!


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OOC is up. I have to clean it up a little because I was doing it all from my phone lol

Tears of Ameratsu

The land of Igan is a mystic realm inspired by a fantasy-themed feudal japan. Four major clans hold their allegiance to Lord Hyugan, the one true ruler who outlived his rivals from The Battling Era days. Human and Oni live in peace, bound by a pact made by The Ancient Humans and the Great Kagi Lords. Under no circumstance should the two races ever engage in a full scale war. Doing so could shift the balance between the real world and the ethereal plane, causing irreversible damage. While the pact is best described as a flimsy agreement between the two races, they've both held their end of the bargain for centuries on end.

Our story begins within a quaint O-kuni village. We will play as a special task force, the first of its kind to recruit both human and oni into its ranks. In an effort to promote unity between the two parties, the group is run by advisers that represent both The Emperor and The Kagi Lords. Our first assignment has us assisting the village from an on-going conflict with a local bandit lord. It is an odd mission to give for a group that is more than qualified for the task, but the pressure to accomplish our mission is heavy. All eyes are on us. Our actions and decisions (for better or worse) will make an impact on the uneasy relations between human and oni. We'll be going on many different adventures, from capturing the Chameleon Thief and becoming Gladiatorial Champions of the Iron Daimyo Tournament, to fighting hordes of giant monsters, and unlocking the mysteries that hold Igan together.

The Lore

Igan Territory:

Northern Province: Ameratsu
It is the main land of Emperor Hyugan. It consists of a giant white mountain range called: The Ittoki Pearls, horseshoing around Fortune village. The Emperor's palace is secured along the tallest mountain, glistening above everything else. Lake Mikami stretches in a curve, completing a ring with Ittoki Pearls, having Fortune nudged in the middle. And then there is Asuka Village, placed on one of the mountainsides facing Lake Mikami, north west of Fortune.

Western Province: Susano
When it comes to wealth and extravagance the Susano clan are second to none. Their economy is driven by massive harbors, fishing and major trade along its busy coastlines. The main stronghold lies Northwest along the beach, south from their ports on top of a rather large hill. They take up 3/4ths of Igan's western edge and is surrounded by thick forests (called: Koto), stretching toward the central territories of Igan. Many villages set themselves up along the ridges of Koto. Mori Samouka was once Emperor Hyugan's trusted general in the days of the Iron King war. He is now Susano's current prefect.

Eastern Province: Raiden
The most aggressive of the four. Their income is generated by small ports and coal mine deposits. Its flat lands are littered with farming fields, villages, and shantytowns. The main stronghold is uniquely forged deep within a cavern cove. Ujiko Jingsea is the clan prefect.

Southern Province: O-kuni
Also called, 'The blade of Igan' because of its sword-like formation which leads into a snowy bend. Along its northern regions are four giant cities (Cahn, Farnh, Sxiuo, and Grahf) where the clan gains much of their income. Consists mostly of flatland and dense forests. Koroi Ko'Khan is the clan prefect.



This is a generalized term used to describe a very diverse species. Ogres, demons, trolls, manbeasts, even dwarves and elves fall into this category. They've slowly integrated themselves into human society, but are treated as lower class citizens. Outside of human law, they answer first and foremost to the Kagi Lords. This causes a rift in human and oni relations, as many convicted felons have been pardoned on behalf of the Kagi. Many subset species of Oni have their own cultural/religious account with regard to their origin story. The common theme among them is that the Kagi played a part in their creation.

The Kagi Lords:

Some claim that they were here before the Ancient Humans, dating all the way back to the genesis of Igan. There are three Lords total (The Lord of The Tiamat Fist, The Lord of The Tranquil Step, and The Lord of The Guiding Eye), and they equally divide their responsibilities between the Oni and the ethereal plane. The Kagi palaces are deep underground, close to the nether portals that bridge this world and the ethereal plane. They are loved and respected by the Oni, feared and misunderstood by the humans. They rarely make appearances on the surface world. Emissaries are tasked in their place to fulfill public relations with humans.

The Ancient Humans:

The last of them are scattered across the world, living a life of solitude while in direct communication with both the Kagi and the Emperor. While the governance of human law is taken over by Hyugan, The Ancient Humans assist the Kagi with the ethereal plane, patrolling spirits and constructs of human origin. It is documented that the eldest is over three thousand years old. There is a widespread debate about his true identity, for no regular human has lived past 120 years. The Ancient Humans are revered as deities to their people, often sought after for peace and enlightenment. The Warrior Wisewoman, Judon, is the only known Ancient Human in Igan. Her specific whereabouts are unknown, but her legend is famous across the land.

The Ethereal Plane:

Journeying into this realm means that you have either died or was somehow granted entry through the nether portals. The latter is guarded by The Great Kagi Lords and their Champions. Together, they restlessly stand guard against whatever evil attempts to leak into our reality. The ethereal plane is divided into two realms: The Dreamscape and The Shadowland. With the combined efforts of the Ancient Humans, The Kagi Lords shepherd lost spirits into The Dreamscape. It's where good souls thrive within the endless fields of serenity. Of course not all spirits are worthy. Those unfit to live in The Dreamscape must endure the cruelty of The Shadowlands. How one's soul fate is decided is unknown to all but The Ancient Humans and The Great Kagi Lords. Because of this process, the balance between reality and the ethereal are maintained, keeping things such as magic a constant in our world.


105-115 B.E.: The Era of the 12 Daimyo
Before Susano, Raiden, O-kuni and Ameratsu, there were a great many lesser clans all fighting ravenously over Igan. It was a time of treachery and endless war that painted the ground with blood.

116-119 B.E.: The war of the Iron Kings
Daimyo Hyugan had gained alliances in a trustworthy fashion, favoring 5 of the twelve Clan leaders. The remaining 6 banded together and named themselves: The Iron Kings, as most of them either came from Dwarven factions, or were being supplied by them. This meant that their armor was near indestructible, and their weapons were sharpened with elemental enchantments. Though The Iron Kings were heavily armed, Daimyo Hyugan's alliance had the Shugen Monks, venerable healers that were also fierce battlemages. Both sides suffered tremendous casualties, marking this time period as the bloodiest conflict to date.

120-124 B.E.: The Era of the Elements - The Great Rift
Hyugan had won countless battles against the Iron Kings and eventually took over their territory. He had entrusted three of the 5 Daimyo he aligned with, and together, they easily conquered the other two and divided their lands approvingly. This was also during the time of the Great Rift, a near cataclysmic event that was salvaged by The Great Kagi Lords. The Shadowlands had declared war against The Dreamscape and our reality. Together, with the help of Judon, The Warrior Wisewoman, the Great Kagi Lords kept the Shadowlands at bay.

125-145 A.E.: The Ameratsu Empire
Daimyo Hyugan had won the people over. His stoic valor and fairness as a wise leader was well-received by all. The Empire, forged under the clan of the four elements, ushered in an era of stability and commerce. The Daimyo of Susano, O-kuni and Raiden became part of his governing council, leaving the oversight of each province to newly appointed clan prefects.

Hey everyone! Thanks for showing interest.

I should have an OOC with more lore detail up in a couple of hours.
Tears of Ameratsu

The land of Igan is a mystic realm inspired by a fantasy-themed feudal japan. Four major clans hold their allegiance to Lord Hyugan, the one true ruler who outlived his rivals from The Battling Era days. Human and Oni live in peace, bound by a pact made by The Ancient Humans and the Great Kagi Serpent Lords. Under no circumstance should the two races ever engage in a full scale war. Doing so could shift the balance between the real world and the ethereal plane, causing irreversible damage. While the pact is best described as a flimsy agreement between the two races, they've both held their end of the bargain for centuries on end.

Our story begins within a quaint O-kuni village. We will play as a special task force, the first of its kind to recruit both human and oni into its ranks. In an effort to promote unity between the two parties, the group is run by advisers that represent both The Emperor and The Kagi Serpent Lords. Our first assignment has us assisting the village from an on-going conflict with a local bandit lord. It is an odd mission to give for a group that is more than qualified for the task, but the pressure to accomplish our mission is heavy. All eyes are on us. Our actions and decisions (for better or worse) will make an impact on the uneasy relations between human and oni. We'll be going on many different adventures, from capturing the Chameleon Thief and becoming Gladiatorial Champions of the Iron Daimyo Tournament, to fighting hordes of giant monsters, and unlocking the mysteries that hold Igan together.

I should have a post up by the weekend!
Cham-Cham blankly stared at the commotion. It was comforting to see others stand up and defend him, especially since he didn't have the courage to do it himself. The turtle defused the situation with sound logic, and the rabbit heeded his words, turning his back to Master Sheng with a more calmer demeanor. All eyes seemed to be placed on the Crocodile now, who shamelessly stood his ground.

"Ha! Look at you little ones, so afraid to defend your honor. Why in the world would the Legendary Six pick the likes of you?" The Crocodile moved in a circular motion, twirling about his bladed-spear in a dizzying whirlwind. "The Valley of Peace will be thankful of my uninvited intrusion into the legendary tournament of awesomeness!"

It seemed as though a wave of 'ah's!' jolted through the crowd of martial artists, realizing that this crocodile wasn't handpicked by Master Po, or and of the former Furious Five.

"So let me do their jobs for them by weeding out the weaklings!" Master Sheng ended his dance by letting his spear fly directly at the rabbit. The crocodile then jolted toward the turtle and Cham-Cham, ready to snap its protruding jaw at the turtle's head, and flip overhead to slam his tail down onto the chameleon with all of his might. Just as Master Sheng was in position to double attack the two reptiles in mid-air, an enthusiastic lion bolted onto the scene yelling: "WHO'S FIRST!" With such a loud voice that it caught the crocodile's attention, momentarily putting him off guard.

Cham-Cham threw the mop on the ground and rolled out of the way with his hands shielding the top of his head. Sheng's tail barely grazed him as it came slamming down. "Gah!!!" The Chameleon yelled in fetal position. He hoped the Turtle and Rabbit were as fast to evade the Crocodile's attacks too.
I should have a post up by tomorrow. Work has taken a life of its own this week.
No biggie on the pic. You can always write a description down.

Yeah I watched a couple episodes. The one with the destructive hammer is my fave so far, just because the bad guy Tong Fo talks like Christopher Walken.

Name: Donny Devereaux
Hero Name: The Blade Runner
Rank: #2 C-Class
Nationality: United States of America
Age: 22
Gender: Male

Power: A rollerskating god. He can traverse any surface while performing acrobatics and parkour. The Blade Runner is fast enough with skates to commute on freeways no problem.

History: He learned how to fight in a Nova Scotia roller derby rink. He learned how to love in a Croatian strip club. He learned how to cook in Havana, Cuba. He learned how to finally do his taxes in Denver Colorado. Donny Devearaux learned many things in his life, but rollerskating? That ability was grafted into his DNA by the polyurethane gods of the rollerblading tundra. The man with the phantom feet. The hellion of hills. The swan of the streets. His mother calls him Don-Don, but to the rest of the world he is called...The Blade Runner.

Motivations: To put his god-given talent as a rollerskating phenom to use by helping everyone in need.
Just as Cham-Cham was about to mop up Master Sheng's spit, a blur rushed past him. He glanced up and saw a rabbit in full attack mode lunging at Master Sheng with both legs extended for his head. The impact of the blow sent Master Sheng stumbling forward and into a sparring match between a Rooster and a Goose. The two birds stopped their own scuffle and began pecking away at the bumbling intruder.

"Gah! Get off me!" He twirled his bladed spear in the air, forcing the Rooster and Goose to retreat back. Master Sheng leaped to his feet and banged the end of his tail to the ground. "Who did that!?"

Everyone training in the courtyard stopped what they were doing and observed the scene unfolding. Cham-Cham approached the rabbit "Uh, hey. Thanks and all. But you didn't have to do that." The chameleon awkwardly smiled before staring back at Master Sheng, whose eyes glared back in their direction. "Was it you, pipsqueak?" The Croc pointed the bladed end of his spear at Cham-Cham, who nervously looked around and began mopping the ground in a feeble attempt to act inconspicuous.

"Uh, nope. Not me." The chameleon shamelessly pointed at the rabbit, head still down. "It was this guy."
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