Avatar of Attis
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 346 (0.10 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Attis 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current My self esteem is not low enough to date you; it's really close! But not quite there.
8 yrs ago
Yo guys, the depression side of bipolar is hitting me like an eighteen wheeler so go easy on me.
8 yrs ago
Sings the song of angry men
8 yrs ago
So my therapist saw through my 'group writing' disguise, looked me in the eye & said "you're one of those roleplayers, arent you". I'm freaking out this lady is either psychic or counsels alotta nerds
8 yrs ago
Looking at my art from 2012 like puu.sh/p4HUH/4a14a633e3.gif
1 like


Currently on Hiatus, probably indefinitely!

Most Recent Posts

@LazyEgg I WILL DEFINITELY SHARE. But... I guess we can all share our art while we're waiting... it'll be like a fun ooc doodle session. I wonder if there's still like those online drawing board things...

hrm... a guild drawing night
@LazyEgg yeah! I'm actually doing a painting of akito at the moment so i might post it here once im done...

But honestly it's so ugh because i can't settle on what i want him to look like ever. And I'm in this weird phase where I'm not sure if i wanna draw cartoony or semi-realistic and sometimes when you combine the two it ends up looking straight up weird so I'm really just a hot mess

welcome back :D
@SecretlyDiscord PLEASE. Akito needs to calm the heck down. 165cm of pure rage.

AND OH MY GOD YES. That comic is like, half the reason I wanted to be a comic artist honestly;; hehe. It's my favorite.
And yes! I haven't caught up with it since I like to wait so I can binge chunks at a time. But I was so excited to hear she was coming back into the open with some new stuff.

Makes the excited teakettle noise
@SecretlyDiscord i have so many good things to say & no idea how to say them. but i will say this: I'm so glad. & Don't worry about it like, sometimes you gotta make mistakes to know whats up. Also...

We already have 2 types of activists:

1. Peaceful protestor ties himself to a tree and passionately engages in discourse.
2. Has... anyone seen that guy with the gallon of gasoline and a lighter?
@sakurasan gently sets an entire rosebush in ur general direction


LIKE ALMOST ALWAYS. Like... Conversationally, I have referenced that same icon like

Friend: This started as a crackship and now...
Me: (actually saying this aloud) Elmo on fire gif

I'm a bit of a fruit honestly don't mind me
Three roleplayers screech in unison to summon the rp into life, only to summon some eldritch abomination that was once sleeping in the recesses of the guild backlogs.

The site overloads and Mahz's suffering continues because does he ever sleep
@The Book Thief YESSSSS. She's so spunky. <3 bless
I'm just kind of sitting here looking at all of the chars happening like *chinhands* Yes.
lies down and screeches softly
im so excited im going to die
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