Avatar of AuntFlavia
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: AuntFlavia
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 881 (0.23 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. AuntFlavia 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Stranger Things is soooo goooood
8 yrs ago
Mondays and Wednesdays get a bad rep. It's actually Tuesday that is the worst weekday.
8 yrs ago
Writing down an idea you're not happy with is the hardest thing, but you just gotta do it, because then it builds up and improves and the floodgates open.
8 yrs ago
Man, I hate spring a whoooole lot.
8 yrs ago
Ever hypnotize yourself with your own avatar? IT'S HAPPENING TO ME RIGHT NOW


Female, 24. I live in the tundra. If I list my interests, I'll break the character limit.
I prefer realistic settings, but I can be pliable. Not big on Fandom RPs unless it's one I'm really into. No anime either. I'm kinda picky in general. RPing is pretty much the only way I can write. I can't think up plots, so I wouldn't make a good GM I think. Maybe in the future. For me writing is like doodling; it's a creative release, but I'm not an artist. I'm not great at writing romance either, and I refuse to write sex scenes with any more detail than 'tastefully fade to black'.
I work full time, but I should still have time for RPing. Illness doesn't stop me, and if I can't get a post up I will say so in the OOC. Thursdays are out.

Roleplays I'm currently in
Wink Murder
Wolf Manor

Old Guild
Silent Hill RPG
Hüeller Morgann

Most Recent Posts

I hope you're okay Ginger, and I hope you feel better soon.
Thanks! :D I can't wait to see other people's characters, half the fun is character interaction.
Not to reveal too much about my character in the making, but man am I exploring my inner snob with this one. Not nearly as likeable as Jonas, though I hope with a little more depth.
Nice to meetchya! :D
Fine by me.
<Snipped quote by AuntFlavia>

Orange pen sounds good. I always write in purple. An English teacher once told me off (Blue or Black please, Young Jig) so I wrote a really blinding essay in neon pink. He didn't bat an eyelid.

Maybe not in the metaphorical sense, but I'd imagine that neon pink is hard on the eyes. :)

The thing is, I've always loved those inky sort of pens, the ones that almost bleed onto the back of the page. The kind with very little friction to get in the way. Companies will send notepads and markers and such to our office and one of them sends those inky pens and they changed the color to orange so I always nab a bunch of them. Orange is my favorite color.

And to think just yesterday I was making fun of people who obsess about stationary, whoopsie-daisy.
I also just lost my favorite orange pen that I scribble with and SHE-HULK IS REAL MAD ABOUT IT.
I was actually just popping in to remark that I always end up finally being struck by ideas and going into a brainstorm frenzy at work, so I end up spending company time scribbling on a notepad or a million post it notes.

Currently I'm trying to think of something our dear GMs can use against my character. Something that'll cause emotional friction, though I'll do anything to avoid a tragic backstory. Wish me luck peeps, and if things continue like this for me I'll definitely have the CS done by this weekend.
Busy Easter weekend for me, so I'll see if I can finish this up next week.

Thanks for the awesome story, buddy ol' pal (though it was probably much less awesome to experience).

I'm glad there's no rush for characters just yet because today is my favorite composer/lyricist's birthday and I can't ignore the urge to LISTEN TO ALL OF THE MUSICALS FOREVER EVEN THE ONES I DON'T LIKE THAT MUCH

I'll be in a Broadway coma the rest of the day, don't mind me.
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