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    1. Avalaon 3 yrs ago


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She watched with interest as he tried to write out their names. Elisabeth wasn't a teacher and because of that, she had forgotten to show him how to hold the pencil. It was something she wanted to fix but he was so intent on writing the names, she didn't want to interrupt.

When he was finished, she noted the smile on his face, which in turn made her smile. It likely had been the first thing he had every written and he seemed proud of it. In truth, the young woman was as well. It wasn't anywhere near perfect, but for one's very first attempt and not knowing how to hold a pencil? Perfect enough.

Ezner always surprised her with insights and comments that were far beyond what most would have thought him capable of, and he did so again as he told her that they were making things right...together. Something about that statement touched her deeply but then again, that was Ezner. He had a way of reaching her soul and making it feel things she hadn't ever experienced. He always knew the right thing to say to make her smile...and sometimes cry. That comment earned him another grateful brush of lips against his cheek.

Taking the pencil from him, she demonstrated how to hold it and wrote both names out for him again quickly, calling out each letter as she went. 'Adult' and 'child' letters? That was a good way to put it. Handing the parchment back to him, she waited to see what he would do. "Your turn. Write me something..."
He was entirely too smart for his own good. That had always been clear to Elisabeth. His question was an excellent one too. “Yes, they make the same sound. Just depends on where they are in a word or sentence.”

Elisabeth had felt it too – the electricity. It had been undeniable, yet she couldn’t fathom what it was from. It wasn’t something she had ever felt before and yet when she looked at him, that beautiful earthen gaze, she knew that he was feeling it too.

Shaking her head gently, she pressed on, laughing as he called her a teacher. “I guess I am….but only for you. I don’t think anyone else would get me to agree so readily.” He then asked her how their names looked. Turning the parchment over, she wrote ‘Eliasbeth’ first and ‘Ezner’ right underneath it, pointing out and explaining what he was seeing. “This here is my name – Elisabeth. Right here, is Ezner.” Passing the parchment and pencil to him, she nudged him again. “Try writing your name?”

The question about their names and ‘E’s’ struck her heart. On one hand, what a beautiful mind he had…but the thought he expressed was just so very sad. Laying her head gently on his shoulder, her words were softly spoken. “No…I think that’s just how it turned out. But it’s ok. I found you and we will make things right.”
Grabbing the fresh bandages, Elisabeth began to apply them while listening to his questions. “Not really. It’s just the way they were created.” Her soft hands moved along the lines of his body as she wrapped his torso, laughing a bit at his question. “I’m sorry about ‘E’. That’s a really hard one. I shouldn’t have tried to teach you it so soon. I just thought, with it being the first letter in both our names. ‘B’ is like ‘F’ – it doesn’t change much.”

His question about the appearance of the ‘B’ in the sign triggered the realization that she hadn’t introduced the idea of capital letters yet. Leaning over and grabbing the parchment again, she drafted a ‘b’ next to the ‘B’ and showed it to him. “Each letter has a big form…and little form. They always look similar. It’s not important for you to know why there are two forms yet.” Pointing at the little ‘b’, she glanced at him with a smile. “Do you remember seeing this letter on the sign?”

His excitement for learning made her smile brightly, nodding. “Both correct.” She thought to point out that the ‘b’ in ‘Elisabeth’ was a little ‘b’ but again, no need to confuse him again.

Finished with wrapping his torso, the young woman did something she had never done before. Elisabeth leaned over and gently pressed her lips against his forehead. Why she did that, she didn’t know. Something about his happiness at learning letters inspired her and that was how she chose to express it. Leaning back up, she reached out and caressed his cheek gently, sapphire eyes simply choose to get lost in his earthen gaze for a moment.

When the moment passed, she heard his new question and grabbed the paper again, nodding. Settling down on the log next to him, she wrote out all 24 letters with their ‘big version’ and ‘little version’. Carefully, she put a diagonal line over the ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’ and ‘u’ – for now. Pointing at the ‘e’, she explained. “These are the really hard letters. That’s ‘e’ right there. Those need to be left until later.”

Smiling at all the sudden questions, she explained her education. “I was abandoned when I was very little. The two people that found me, taught me. They are teachers – very smart. When I was old enough, they saw to my education and made sure I knew lots of things. I always thought I would be a teacher like them some trial but that doesn’t seem to be happening.”

His mention of the time he showed up at her door – it had been special to her too. It had been the first time Ezner had been aggressive in caring for her. It had surprised her in a way she hadn’t been expecting, adding a new perspective.

Listening to his story about being at the Order, she noted his somber tone when he mentioned hating having to admit he couldn’t read. Nudging him softly with her shoulder, she grinned. “Don’t worry. We will have you reading in no time. I have some books with me that we can work on – together.”
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