Avatar of Avali
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 515 (0.22 / day)
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    1. Avali 7 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Someone told me today that they wanted me to give them daddy's cummies. I'm not a guy, nor am I their daddy. Wat do
6 yrs ago
UPDATE TO SPAGHETTI STORY: I managed to clean up all the spaghetti with a spare laptop case, thus securing the spaghetti for further pocket dwelling.
6 yrs ago
That moment when you trip on some stairs and all the spaghetti falls out of your pockets and everyone is laughing and I-
6 yrs ago
How much you want to bet woodchucks actually CAN'T chuck wood, and are secretly angry that the tongue twister exists? I bet they are plotting our downfall as I type this :)
6 yrs ago
*unironically dabs irl*


Apparently I'm a novice at roleplay~

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That's fair I suppose.

Mark is required yes?

pfffftttttt Buffsuki or gtfo

If the Mark isn't required for characters, I wouldn't worry over it too much.

Grace will probably try and the hide the mark anyhow, thinking that it would be against her faith to use its power.
I dunno what that mark of the hero thing is. What does it do :P
--> Foreign theocratic nation hears of princess's kidnapping

--> They wish to rescue her to gain favor in Dragan's eyes

--> They dispatch Grace The Paladin, one of their greatest warriors, to rescue the princess and return her safely.

--> it goes from there. Either she rescues princess or gets side tracked in some way.

Grace technically wouldn't know where the dragon took the princess immediately. Therefore, she would disguise herself as one of the common folk, given that walking around and referring to herself as a paladin would be that kind of unwanted attention mentioned before.
So having one of these smaller nations rule as a Theocracy is okay?

Or are they forced to publicly acknowledge Dragan's Deities as the only true ones, making a Monotheistic Theocracy impossible?

holy big words ^^;
Yup yup!

I'm thinking she will be from a foreign that is ruled like a Theocracy, church on top. Currently reading through the "lore" to see how to officially work that out .
Hmmmm... That works I suppose.

--> Name To be Determined hears news of the kidnapped princess.

--> NtbD wants to find/save said princess, hoping she could either get a reward up front for it, or hold the princess hostage and get her reward by way of ransom.

--> Whether this works out or not is dictated by how she ends up interacting with people.

That's the base "timeline" i have in my head
Welp, stalwart paladin it is.

Just for lore friendliness, what is the primary religion structured like? Is it similar to a church, and a paladin functioning as a "holy warrior" would work?
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