Avatar of Avenger
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: TheYoungAvenger
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 188 (0.05 / day)
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    1. Avenger 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago


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hopefully they're male... XP

Looks like the female characters are at a higher number...
Two characters named beatrice... XD I guess it can happen.
I won't intrude on your thoughts unless you want me to. At least not on purpose... Just don't think anything you don't want someone to find out. Charlie insisted, putting on his camouflage before floating through the hole and out of the ship. Sometimes he got too curious and intruded on thoughts accidentally, but it was never with the intent of snooping. Plus, sometimes he was scared of what he'd find, especially after what he'd heard his mom say of teenage boys on Earth, though his comrades seemed too focused on the mission than anything else at the moment.

Willow flinched when she first heard the voice in her head, but only because it felt unnatural. How do you stand this all the time? She asked, taking a moment to adjust before jumping out of the ship herself, landing on her feet.
Birdie had never enjoyed being stuck as the chauffeur, it was just a little less than exciting. But it was part of the mission, and the mission was the most important thing. Especially if the mission's targets were terrorists; it could mean life or death for a good amount of people, should the mission be a success or a failure. Nine out of ten the missions were a success, but nevertheless, something could always go wrong. Which was why they had to keep everyone where they were supposed to be.

"We always have a good escape route. It's like you don't trust me." Birdie mumbled, sounding disappointed and putting her feet onto the dashboard. She typed away on her computer quickly, lighting up a few of the computers which were set up in their vehicle. "Wired in to all the building's security cameras. Just in case anyone catches on. And in case you need a new escape plan. Have any of you gotten visual on who we're lookin' for yet?" She glanced at one of the security cameras facing to the main room.
Charlie nodded obediently, taking a moment to focus, closing his eyes and then reopening them. He kept his voice quiet when he spoke, so he didn't spook them. "Mental link up. I think. Is it working?" He asked in a whisper. He wouldn't invade their thoughts unless they requested it or it was important for the mission, as he knew how obnoxious it could be.
Charlie had been keeping quiet most of the ride, but once Robin spoke up about a comm, he perked up. "I can link us. Mentally, of course. They wouldn't be able to detect our signal that way." He gave a small smile. "It might give you a headache at first, though... Mom says it's a bit of a surprise the first time for humans."
Heh, I also reserve the right to a Hawkeye-esque character in the after-rp. XP

Anyway, yes. We should get this moving so we can get onto the other fun things :o
Willow had never interacted with any of the lanterns, nor had she seen their abilities to the full extent, but she had known that they were very capable and certainly very powerful... if they had their priorities set. She had been on ships before, naturally, though they were usually Batman's creation. She'd seen the bioship before, as well, but had never really ridden in it, as she only went on private missions most of the time. This ship was very detailed; it amazed her that Sam had the mind power to form this without even blinking. No way would she have such focus. "Cool!" She said excitedly, bouncing in her seat. "I've only seen Green Lanterns on the news, but nothing like this..." She mumbled the last parts to herself, fingers trailing over the buttons. "Awesome. Why didn't we just use the bioship, though? It has the invisible... thing. That Martians do." From what she knew, Charlie had it. Or, at least, Megan said that Charlie would "inherit" it the last time she spoke to M'gann, which was a while ago.

Willow shrugged it off, focusing her attention elsewhere. You're on a mission, she reminded herself, shaking her head. She needed to focus. There were monsters to fight. Or, one monster. A big monster.
I'm still here!!! i'll be home in about 3-4 days and I'll get my form up right after that!
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