Avatar of Axilmeus Steel
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    1. Axilmeus Steel 9 yrs ago


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Name: Jay Siloustra
Gender: Male
Age: 17


Jay's normal outfit consist of a long blue overcoat, a white dress-shirt, black pants, and a black and red tie. The design of his tie varies depending on which one he feels like wearing that day, but the colors are always consistent. He carries around a black satchel to keep all his papers and items in order. His pokéballs are attached to the strap.

Personality: Jay is very studious. His reasons for hesitating to get a real Pokémon consist of his worries that he will be underprepared for battle. In order to overcome this fear, he studied Pokémon and engaged in lots of conversation with the Professor. He is well learned on topics like battle strategy, Pokémon types, region history, academics, and general trivia, but he lacks true experience, physical skill, or the ability to make a spontaneous decision, be it in battle or just day to day. He has a tremendous amount of knowledge but lacks the ability to utilize it in battle, meaning he rarely ever will win a battle the first time. Given time to plan however, or under the right circumstances, his innate ability shows itself.

Abilities: Jay is what one could call a strategic genius. Although he is technically one of the worst battlers in history, his immense knowledge of Pokémon gives him the ability to work around his weaknesses. Though he's likely to lose his first bout against you, if you come at him with the same strategy he'll most likely have found a workaround. This isn't to say it's impossible to win a rematch. Switching up your strategy will once again leave him in the dust, but the more experience he has with something, the easier it is for him to plan. When he knows what he's doing, he tends to be one step ahead of his peer trainers (then again, he's always one step behind when he's dealing with new experiences).


So then,

Gazimon -> Rabbitmon -> Antylamon -> GoldRapidmon
Asa looked up at the boy who had quite literally frozen him in his tracks. He appeared to be a few years younger, but with those sorts of powers couldn't be human. Therefore, there was really no way to be sure of any specifics about the new person. Besides, his ears are what gave him away particularly as "non-human." Actually, they bugged him. Regardless, he just gave a silent nod to recognize the person's words.
oops sorry, I'll post in a bit
Tobiax, any word amongst our PM topics?
Wonderin' the same as Prints Avoid.
Asa ate his breakfast quietly. He pondered this silence... it wasn't nearly as heavy as the one that echoed through the house at that time. His uncle still wasn't home, probably out somewhere hungover. Hopefully he hadn't gotten himself into too much trouble. Even the cat had snuck off somewhere into the wilds. It was just Asa and silence. That combination reflected the boys life since the incident three years ago. It was hard to make friends as someone who had all his bonds violently severed at a young age, but he tried. Asa got up. Since he'd finished his breakfast, there wasn't really any reason to stay in a place that made him feel so down, so he wandered out the front door.

It seemed trivial, that is, the amount of people in the city. It's not like they all knew each other. If one died they could be easily replaced in the economic network that the city had formed, and yet how it effected individuals held extreme weight. In other words, one person's death would have more of an effect on certain people than the death of half the city would. That was just a theory though. Asa continued along his way with no particular destination in his mind.
Oh I see what you mean. Yeah, ChaosGallantmon is often referred to as the form that embraces Gallantmon's "Virus" nature, but I was also drawing in personality traits from the Digimon Dusk game. I'll put some thought into it. As a side note, are you implying altered and unaltered forms?
What do you mean? I'm fine with changing if necessary.

First Name: Asa
Last Name: Yoru
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Like all Half-Phantoms, Asa is physically superior to humans in his Spirit form. His strength, speed, and reflexes are all improved to the point where he can hold his own against phantoms, unlike normal humans. Even amongst Half-Phantoms, Asa is a unique fighter as his phantom form manifests itself in a wide pair of bat-like wings. Though he can't use them to fly, he is able to spread them out and glide, or fold them over himself and guard his front. Due to the size of these however, he's easy to spot. Also, although he is stronger than most humans, he isn't as strong as most Half-Phantoms.

Soul Link:
Bat Wings (6.5 ft. Wingspan, 4 ft Wing Width at widest point)

One Summer, Asa woke up in a hospital bed. The night before, a candle had fallen on a rug in his house, and this freak accident lit the house ablaze. Both of his parents and his older brother died in the fire, but Asa miraculously survived with only minor burns. The worst injury he sustained that night was a head injury from hitting his head on the floor after the lack of oxygen caused him to pass out. After this event he gained his Half-Phantom abilities and began living with his alcoholic uncle. Although he has no evidence, he blames the fire on Phantoms and has sworn to ruthlessly eliminate them wherever they appear. He'll even attack people who are trying to help him if he's focused on destroying a Phantom. Towards people who don't know about Phantoms, or even towards people outside a battle setting, he's much calmer however, and at times he can even be called friendly. Really it's just the appearance of a Phantom that will set him off with his relentless behavior.

Other: Yato or something? Idek, haven't completed the series, so I don't want to say any final opinions, but he's cool from what I've seen. Yeh. Ok.
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