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    1. Ayleth 10 yrs ago


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After walking a bit of a ways through the forest, eyes glued to the town for some kind of survivors or someone she recognized, she heard a scuffling behind her. Immediately Laecora pulled herself up into the trees and worked her way towards the noise. Noises were WAY more interesting than a - literally - dead town.

After a few dozen paces she saw the strange man again, this time fighting an interesting looking woman. With her hand sliding to unhook her whip from her side, she stared at the battle, unsure of who was the 'good guy.' The man didn't seem inherently bad when she met him, just jumpy, but at the same time the woman seemed to have some kind of sense of justice to her.
Putting away all of her materials for the Air Experiment, she packed up her things and skittered off to her room. Chicoti was excited to see if her dragon egg had hatched, despite the fact that it hadn't shown any sign of doing so, so far. Perhaps she was doing something wrong? Had she missed some important instructions or advice since she seemed to have arrived later than anyone else?

Upon arriving to her room, the egg was exactly where she had left it, unchanged. Frowning, she picked up the little eggling and tucked it into a sling she had bought to carry it around in. Maybe one of the other students would have some suggestions. With that she took off -- scratch that -- carefully made her way to the dining room for a snack.
Aisling said
Yes it does and you have a chinese dragon right?Time for a new class!

I was hoping to select a riding Air dragon. Is that still alright?
If I am going to specialize in mental magics, but also have a dragon, does that put me in both?
Kurohasu said
The black glow had been a surprise to him, he thought after turning away from the village a second time. He sensed Nayash was already after him, she must have caught a glance at him when he was resurrecting the scorpion. If that was the case, then there was undoubtedly going to be a fight between the two, it was unavoidable. The woman was strong, and fast, a bit faster than he was without using the Spirit he had. With it though, he was vastly superior in every way. However, he hadn't been expecting a second person, Raena. When she just appeared, he almost drew the same sword she was talking about. So, she had seen it, perhaps this could be used to his advantage. "You're lucky, girl, I almost took your head right off with that sword. The jewel? It belongs to...a friend." he said, his voice deep and sharp. "Perhaps you've heard of him? Goes by the name of Armond Zeraltus, used to be a noble up in Deningrad. I was supposed to deliver this weapon to him, but last I heard, he disappeared for some unknown reason and hasn't been seen for the last few months. I certainly hope nothing terrible has happened to him, he's a close friend, after all." he added, feigning concern. His senses picked up the approach of the female, "Listen to me, I have to deal with something right now, so I want you to go to the path and wait for someone you know to find you. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. We'll meet again, I'm sure." Blitz said, pointing to the left of himself, taking off immediately afterwards.

Raena giggled, clearly unphased by her near-death. "You're awful jumpy-like. ... Armond? Nope.. Never heard of an Armond." She smiled apologetically an dropped down onto her feet. "You want me to.. erm.. okay.. " She blinked, confused and waved as the strange man spontaneously dashed off. "Sheesh.. and people call me weird?" Shrugging, she might as well go ahead and do as she was told. She had nothing better to do so she strolled in a general leftwardly direction, slowly angling towards Seles and looking at all of the destruction from between the trees.

Reana also sucks at her directions... So this general leftwardly direction.. was more of a rightish. Not that it really bothered her either way as she was thoroughly distracted by the remnants of the town.
Having realized that she had not participated in the earth experiment, Chicoti quickly pulled out the pink box and set up the air experiment. She was excited for this element. Perhaps if she could master this element she would be able to make herself fly! With that thought, she thought back to her little air dragon egg that was nestled up in her room. The little thing didn't seem to have any interested in hatching any time soon. Frowning, she focused as hard as she could on inflating the balloon with mild success. Chicoti could make the balloon shift with a little bit of airflow, but couldn't produce enough to make it start expanding.
"Woah! That was cool!" Chicoti watched what the boy did and thought about it for a moment. "I suppose it makes sense.. friction as a heat source.. darn why didn't I think of that?" She tried it herself, snapping her fingers a few times and managing to at least make a small spark before it vanished. "Darn.. at least I'm making something now. Thanks.. er... uh... What's your name?" She blinked, having realized she didn't know anyone's names really.
Chicoti looked up from her box with a frown, clearly unhappy that nothing formed in her box. That's two activities that I couldn't do.. Maybe Lady Violetta was wrong about me having magical abilities... "Is what my-" She saw the cloud get swept away by Lady Violetta and shifted her eyes back to Dante. "Oh. No, it can't be. I haven't been able to get fire nor water to form.." She frowned as she started to gather up the contents of her box to put it away and pull out the next one.
In Beastly 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
He doesn't seem to be lying.. "In either case, there really isn't much to tell about myself. I grew up in a normal family with one sister down in the local village, and as you have discovered, I like to play the harp. That's all there really is." Layla didn't really think much of herself, nor really feel like there was anything interesting or exciting about her character that was worth sharing. As she passed through the door that Axle was holding open, she failed to hide a small curtsey in thanks.
Laecora took up the end of the line as everyone started to leave, carrying both pole-halves she had been using and constantly checking behind them. When Annabel indicated that the room ahead had guns and swords she frowned, wondering if perhaps the daggers that had been taken off her were in the room. Slowly, Laecora walked around the room, scanning every item with her emerald eyes and selecting none before letting out a slow sigh and starting to re-circle the room again. Finally settling on a matching pair of dirks, she picked them both up. Giving them a few swings, twirls, and thrust to acquaint herself with them and their balance points she nicked a sword belt off a rack and strapped it around herself, setting the two blades in on her right side. This belt was made for a user who fought with one blade in a reverse grip, but Laecora would have to make due.
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