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i'm totally down to continue, even if i dearly loved all the characters who dropped, but done is done, and who knows? we may get new members assigned to the team to shore up the losses if the gm gets tired of running all the dropped ones.
how to join?
Once on the bus, Edard chose a seat a few rows back from the driver so he could watch the road, with a window seat, setting his pack down beside himself, grabbing the drink tube for the hydration pack for a quick sip. He preferred a less than lethal method of combat when civilians are concerned. It's why he preferred the humble blade strapped to a forearm, with a tazer-punch mode. he could probably whip up something similar for anyone that wants some for the final attack. He made everyone an email of the weapon design titled 'Want one?: R.S.V.P. with any necessary or desired customizations' It also meant he could leave all his other less than lethal weapons here. He planned to bring a portion of his ammo to trade with the refugees, and walk in upon arrival. "Well, I could feasably fit in either the primary or secondary wave, but I believe The Axeman should be on the second wave, as we might need a more rapid unfolding of events during that stage. Red, How close do you want us to get with the van before we get too close and they find the hack signal from the van, or will you be continuing the cyber warfare simultaneous with the street level brutality that might at any instant erupt in there? Bus could go mobile if necessary. Wheels, would she be able to handle off road?" he asked, patting the foamy cushion of the bench seat in front of him.

[simultaneously, He sent the mute a silent AR message reading : if you would like some company on the walk from bus to sniper post, you wouldn't have to reveal the location to me later. Not trying to make a move: you're obviously taken and just as obviously not interested in me that way, but if we are to be a team. Well, teamwork means you don't have to walk alone, is all i'm saying. I'll watch your back, if you need it. and stay out of the way until then. I imagine it will be quite the show.]

He already set the AR rigging to go into 'Wayfarer' mode, activating autonomous cartography, real-time subsonic radar, gps tracker, activating auditory subtitles while playing music on his audio feed, and set the minor AI he'd managed to get talked into finally accepting two days before the blackout, what served as the embryo of the robotic pet has gone dormant, but the software was already running and aware, as he'd entered the activation code the very hour of the blackout, so for all he knew it had been fried with every thing else, but a part of him wouldn't give it up so he carried it along. Maybe if he could get a sufficient charge into the device, he could find out if it could still run a robot, even if he had to build it from scratch. But that might have to wait.
"Actually, I think we should send in Winterborn. We need a man on the inside who can seduce his way into the inner circle of whomever's behind those more militant defenders. Someone who can find their armory and lock it down while Red disables their communication so they're disorganized when the rest of the team runs through the tower confiscating weapons, neutralizing hostilities, and securing the tower. Once that's all completed, I'm sure big brother," he paused here to tap his AR driver. "Will be sending folks along shortly to simultaneously relocate the current tenants -as most folks I know like knowing they aren't being turned out into the cold by some heartless bureaucrat, but instead, are being swept into a more comfortable place by a concerned political figure who has a vested interest in the health of his flock- as well as restoring the captured tower into a working power plant. Perhaps even offering some healthcare to those refugees who so graciously surrendered their homes so the guy with the eviction notice could move in his cronies. Don't get me wrong, I'm not seditious or getting cold feet, but these people have every reason to shoot us dead on sight, and no reason to acquiesce to any of the demands of our mission, and so, I say we send our most venomous serpent into their midst to get them a little more willing to vacate their tower. I'd say we could put it to a vote, but putting it to logic seems the better option. Also, we can discuss it in transit." Edard turned to Claire. "Ashia, you're our wheel-woman. Got anything that can fit all of us, or are we going to need to 'procure' something?"
Name: Grra'ath
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Appearance:[to be posted when i can find the pics.]

Species: Raptor
Clan: Dinosaur
Personality: Calculating, arrogant, sarcastic, stubborn, hospitable, reserved, brilliant, disciplined,
was it a plague or a disaster that wiped out the population, or a societal collapse or tech gone awry?
"Well, someone's inviting trouble. Hopefully, the people left realize there's not enough humans left for anyone to lose their humanity." He hiked the backpack, re-squaring the straps on his shoulders, and headed for the warehouse mentioned. It would take him the rest of the afternoon, but by evening, he'd reach it. Unless someone else got there first and stole all the supplies and/or burned the place down.
Thinking of a were-panther character, big on stealth, some magic, wields a weighted rope covered in ironwood beads, to reinforce it against steel weapons. Kind of a wild man in his humanoid form, [retains the cat eyes, has pointed elf-like ears, but not as long as a true elf's, and fingers and toes end in retractable claws as useful in climbing as in close combat. Hairy, but not furred.] and has also a panther form, and a hybrid form which stands hunched the same height as the humanoid form, but can straighten to 1.5 times the human height. sound workable?
Olaf said
Vader then opened the large door leading out the star destroyer and then said " the only way off this ship is thru me "

it's a trap!!!!!!!!!!
\o/ i posted. /disclaimer/ take nothing my character says or thinks personal. unless you want to. in which case, it's your choice in how you feel about it, not mine. /end disclaimer/ so, had a thought: would Anna be okay with Edard giving her a small texting device? maybe one with video conferencing so she can check in on and check in waith veronica? or would that be viewed as too much of a distraction?
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