• Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Bad Wolf, of course.
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 162 (0.04 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Bad Wolf 10 yrs ago


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I've been doing this roleplaying thing since high school, which was more years ago than I care to mention. Suffice to say, it's been a while. I've graduated from college, and I fill my free time with roleplaying either on forums or with friends IRL. Along with random fantasy roleplays online and whatnot, I also play various pen-and-paper games like Dungeons and Dragons, Shadowrun, Exalted, and various World of Darkness games.

I spend a good bit of time online in the evening, and I snipe in replies throughout the day when I can. Fantasy is the main genre that I enjoy, but I will also delve into…pretty much anything that isn't Sci-Fi or Furry. I like to watch Sci-Fi movies and the like, but it's never been something I enjoy to roleplay. Furry just has no appeal to me. Sorry.

I take PM roleplays primarily. Main pairings that I'll do are MxM and the occasional MxF. I will not do FxF.

If you're interested in a roleplay with me, shoot me a PM and we can discuss it. I don't care whether you are personally male, female, or non-identifying. What I do care about is that you are 18 or older, seeing as 99.99% of the roleplays I do involve mature themes.

Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful day!

Most Recent Posts

Oracle is a fun class. I made a necromancer one before.
(And of course it double-posted again... *laughs*)
Or I can totally read it now while I have the chance...

@ UnseenShade - Glad to have a super flexible and experienced player in the mix!

@ Mystyltainn - Pathfinder is extremely similar to 3.5, so brushing up on the rules won't be difficult. The main difference that I can think of is how combat maneuver stuff works. (Unless there was combat maneuver stuff in 3.5 that I'm just not remembering. I don't think CMB and CMD existed in 3.5...)

So we have five players now, yes? Unless someone else is super, super interested in joining, I think I'll cut off the sign-ups at this point. Five is plenty. And I'll get the OOC topic posted soon, I hope. I would have had it posted a couple days ago, but the site wasn't cooperating with my internet at all. It seems to be doing better today, at least!
I'm here! I'm here! Sorry for the absence. My internet was rebelling against this site. It does that sometimes. I'll read over the things which have been posted once I get the chance to. Probably tomorrow.
You can try, but Drow do look different than Elves.

Also, I'm in the process of writing out the first OOC post. Hopefully I'll have that up in the next couple days.
(Seriously, though. Lag sucks.)
(Oh wait. Quadruple-post. That's rare.)
(Ah, the dreaded triple-post of lagdom...)
So what do we have in the works so far?

- possible Aasimar Cleric (TaliPaendrag)
- possible Goblin Gunslinger (Bluebe123)
- possible Sorcerer or something else entirely (Ermine)

So at the moment, it looks like we're in need of a skill-monkey and possibly something else, depending on what direction TaliPaendrag goes with the Cleric.
An Aasimar Cleric would be fine. So it seems like healing will be covered for you guys.

If there's any other gaping hole in party roles, I can still make an NPC to help.
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