Avatar of baranica
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  • Posts: 50 (0.02 / day)
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    1. baranica 7 yrs ago


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Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
Would love to join your little gang.

more you speak about it, the more I´m starting to do dig it!
Definitely drop me a message after more players would sign in. :)
I would limit it to a very small number of non-humans, otherwise you end up with a bunch of vampires and hybrids. It would be more fun to have only 1-2 of them; example: Hellboy and Abe Sapien. (Perhaps one "mythical being" and other extraterrestrial sentient)

My plan is to be your regular Jane Doe persona, little bit crazy, organizing her own searches and investigations regarding paranormal and unknown. Perhaps way too active in supporting conspiracies and weird coincidences.

It would be definitely good to have something on governmental level like X-files, but not all of it. It would kill the whole fun, especially with the Liberty competence. Let´s say there would be official investigators and bunch of people inspired by Scooby Doo gang ;D

And The Mothman is one of my favourites! So it would be nice ho have him here.
Perhaps that was not your initial intention, but with my setting today I´m getting very eerie vibe. Cant help myself, now when you mentioned Burton and Carnivale(haven´t seen this one tho), I see it as a distorted sandy wasteland based on 1920s cabaret aesthetics and freakshow combined with those weird scary glitches that are part of American Horror Story intros. But again my visualisation can be miles from yours ;D
And it also reminds me of a point-and-click adventure game called Shardlight.

Do you have more detail description of what this Old City and its dangers are? Or that´s suppose to be a point and reason of anxiety that nobody knows for sure?
As Imperial loyalist and follower I must offer you my services.
Be honest with you tho, not sure how military oriented you want it to be, but I´m not good with military terminology and strategy. So I do hope this wont be hard core military thing otherwise I need to pass :(
Oh my god, Freelancer used to be my top video game of all the time ( honestly I never finished it, but played it like dozens of times from the beginning since I never wanted it to end!) Remember how amazing and real it looked like, especially space panoramas with colorful nebulas!
Naturally, this has left me pretty excited, but frankly, I´m little bit afraid about a form you want to lead this adventure. I have a feeling that you want it to be practical, based on Freelancer actual game mechanics with focus on the space combat and actual story will be on the background, right?
Sounds depressive in a good way. I like these slice of life stories reeking of post-apo despair and uncertain future.
Not sure if this thread is still active or your project has died, but in case you still work on it and would like to have a character without a scientific background involved, count me in! Regular eyewitnesses doing their own detective work or nutjobs with tin foil hats is my forte ;D
In Hiya 7 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Hey guys,

first of all I´m so happy I came across this webpage! Was unable to find a play-by-post community for pretty looong time. Perhaps because I didn´t know this particular style was called "play-by-post". Blame it on my lacking vocabulary and language barrier.

I´m 27yo female, I´ve played rpg with small breaks for 11-12 years. Basically since my high school years. Naturally it was Harry Potter inspired thing, silly as it may seem it gave me nice, funny and bizarre memories.Later on it was a mix of everything, I guess. Unfortunately after jumping into a full-time employment it´s been rather difficult to keep this hobby of mine alive, however, I really need to get onto this escapism train again.

Personally I prefer sci-fi/space operas, gritty cyberpurk and noir-ish detective dramas, Star Wars(if there is Empire involved, I´m in!) and Mass Effect. However, if the story catches my interest it doesnt really matter what genre it is or what form it has :)
I used to play as plain normal characters with nothing particularly special about them, no extra skills, no extra motivation or drive. It was nice to see these no-hero figures to grow and progress as the story went.

Not sure if my hobbies are worth mentioning? Just the usual. Reading mostly, video games, discovering new music.
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