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    1. Barksdale 10 yrs ago


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Bunch of young ass bitches. Need to grow up quick so you can protect our 'old' asses. Come on, who wants to be the first Clementine?
I wrote this primarily because I had a blast reading the old and new character sheets and I really wanted to get in on that. I know you're full though and from reading the IC (Old and new) I think you dudes may be a bit too above my writing level. Still, I had a lot of fun. Very much looking forward to reading future posts.

I'm currently working on a collab with Ursa. We should probably plan something for the groups now though. Shit is a little hectic.
Dammit Nak, every time I see your name I want Nik Naks!
If we do end up going with the whole meet up at a church safe house thing I'm going to need a lone kid to act as a kind of moral burden. Ya see, Jack wants to be getting back to Ohio and thus far he has no good reason not to be moving on, but if some kid were to be dropped on him in the midst of all this chaos and danger... See where I'm going? Haha.
In the comics it says at first 'they' (the government) were telling everyone to get together at schools and churches where they could be easier protected. Maybe we should all meet up like that.
I think I'll stay out of the whole ex-son saviour, Russian soldier storming situation right now. That shit don't need to get any more complicated. xD

I do have a question for the Russian though, why would they send someone on an Intel gathering mission who doesn't speak the language? Seems kind of illogical, I imagine there's thousands of Russian soldiers who are bilingual. Just saying, haha. I suppose the whole limited English thing makes things interesting though. :D
Major Ursa said
Woah, busy but back, what I miss?

You fancy Jack and Mikey meeting up? Could be fun. :D
Major Ursa said
My little guy is just locked in the cafeteria backroom...>.><.<

In the hospital? If so I could have Jack stumble upon him.
Jack rode through Jonesboro fast but careful. The streets had gone mad, but not quite as mad as some of the people. There was a lot of looting going on, but then again that wasn't at all surprising. There were a lot of broke students who probably got hard at the idea of free shit, despite all the actual shit that was going on. He had to admit, he would have loved all this when he was a teenager. Well, the getting free crap and smashing things part anyway. The whole virus thing put a bit of a downer on the whole situation. Still, Jack wasn't exactly loaded himself, if he needed to at least he could hold up one of these stores extremely easily. Get enough cash to make it back to Ohio in no time. Still, that wasn't why he was here. He had to keep a low profile and go visit a dear friend in the hospital. He definitely wasn't looking forward to that any more. With all that was going on the hospital was likely jam packed. It was going to be a nightmare, especially if the sick were all over the place.

He would think about that when he got there though. He had his handgun and his blade. If anything kicked off he could handle it. He drove through the streets and all the way to the hospital, quickly having to skid as he spotted a large crowd of the sick outside of the place. Surprisingly though there wasn't that many cars. He guessed a fair few people had fled or had even been turned away due to lack of space. He quickly sped around the sick and pulled up behind the hospital, parking his bike and quickly taking out his blade. He didn't want to hurt anybody if he didn't have to but from what he had heard and seen the sickness turned people extremely aggressive. Although the chaos would technically make this easier, he wasn't taking chances with his own health, he would drop whoever if he had to. Sick or not. Jogging over to the rear entrance of the hospital he quickly entered the building, pulling the door closed behind him before making his way down the hall.

The vision of the first couple of people he saw fucked him up. It was a nurse, or at least someone who had been a nurse. She was one of the sick ones now. She was on her knees chewing on another poor bastards face, blood all around her mouth and flesh hanging from the right corner of her mouth. What on Earth did this virus do to people? Jack had seen a lot of people do a lot of fucking drugs and not one of them had ever done anything quite like this. They got mad and stupid and did mad and stupid shit, yeah, but they never ate a dudes face. That was a step or two over the line even in Jack's mind.

“Oi you filthy bitch, I'm looking for a friend of mine. Marcus Carter? Got throat cancer... Hello!? Anybody home?”

The woman, if she could still be called that, got to her feet and stumbled slightly, replying to Jack's words with what could only be described as a growl.

“Yeah, I didn't think so. Go on. Sit your ass back down.”

The woman stumbled forward, growling.

“Sit the fuck back down and finish your dinner. I'm warning you, I don't taste good, and this blade definitely doesn't.”

The woman growled louder this time, stepping forward once again and lunging at Jack. He had always been quick on his feet though, he quickly sidestepped and kicked out the woman's leg from behind her, sending her flying to the ground.

“Uh, anyway, get well soon darling. I'm off to find my friend.”

“Crazy ass woman.” Jack chuckled as he climbed the stairs. From what he could tell via the floor directions and such his friend should be on floor number three.

Finally reaching the floor Jack started once again down the halls, looking through each tiny ass window to see the inside inhabitant. Finally finding the man he was looking for Jack tried the door handle. It was fucking locked. Course it was. Taking a step back he put the full force of his leg into the lock, busting the door open and making a very loud noise. The pitiful looking man's eyes flew wide open and he quickly inspected Jack; the intruder. Very unexpectedly he suddenly burst out laughing. Not just a small false kind of laughing either. The bastard was borderline in hysterics.

“You dumb pricks.” He laughed. “Not only do you go through all the trouble of finding a man who's dying of cancer anyway, but you come all the way here when all this shits going on. If that's not enough, look at this.” He lifted his blanket a bit revealing a large chunk of flesh missing on his calf. “Bitch nurse put me in here and said to wait for a doctor. That was... I don't know how long ago. Shit's been crazy. Kill me you dumb fuck, you'd be doing me a favour.” The man laughed once again, lowering the blanket back over his leg.

“So, now you finally grow some balls. Too little too late I'm afraid. We don't care about you. We only care that we be the ones to end you. Goodbye former brother. I hope you burn in hell with all the other piece of shit cowards.” Jack spat, lifting his blade up.

“I'll see you there Jackie boy.” Said the man calmly. His final words.

Jack brought the large knife down, piercing the middle of his former friends chest and giving the blade a forceful twist, ending his life.

It was time to get out of dodge.
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