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Skull said
Little confused. What's the difference between an inquisitor and an acolyte? I'm under the impression that acolytes are the executioners of the Knight's Order that do all the jobs official Templars can't do. Are inquisitors just higher ranked acolytes? I assume that they're also not recognized in the hierarchy as an official officer if that's the case.

Looking back, they didn't make sense at all. Edited.
CS 1 of 3. Expect 2nd tomorrow.
Please forgive any crappy grammar or strange writing. This was written at 11:49

Full Name:
"Jonathan Keen", "The Reaper", “Never Kendrick"

65, looks 32


Never Kendrick:

The Reaper:

Witty, Charming and a tad sarcastic, Sir Kendrick can take over any social event and run away from any personal investigation with the ease of long practice. He is, or should I say was, not your typical vigilante killer, or so he likes to think. His passion is justice and he likes it swift and cruel. There is no particular cause for his former vigilantism. No parents were murdered, nobody was killed before his eyes. His was a deeper more complex sort of cause, and thus he is a deeper and more complex human being.
He is loud so nobody can hear him scream, he is calm so nobody can see his pain.
He lives life with no rules but the ones imprinted so deeply within his being that even he does not know they are there. Though many are older than he, Kendrick has lived enough for three lifetimes. He has seen so much, He knows so little.

Born in Edessa Never Kendrick, then known as Jonathan, was a nobody in a family of nobodies. His father would have no impact on the world when he died and nor would his mother. However, his life was not uneventful. He wandered the streets of Edessa, learning of the world and it’s wonders. He was an outcast in society. Not for any particular reason, he simply was different. He was smarter and stranger and crazier. His philosophy was strange and his words were stranger. Yet, in all regards, he was still a normal boy.
This changed quite quickly. By the time he was 17, Jonathan had decided that he did not like the world. He couldn’t say exactly why. There were so many small things that seemed to make the world drop a little further every time he encountered them. Abuse, Enslavement, Killing. It seemed so wrong.
Jonathan left Edessa and moved into the City of Babalyon. There he formed a new life. He rented an apartment in the inner rings of Babalyon. Over the next few years, the world slowly pointed him into the realm of violence. Vigilantism. It started when he an attempted mugger attacked him behind his Apartment. The man was tall and scarred and had obviously seen more of the world than Jonathan.
Jonathan killed the man with his own knife.
Here began the days of the Reaper. The name was small at first. A vigilante killer, murdering suspected criminals. Bodies found in alleys. Soon people began to see a dark figure with a gas mask wandering the streets. The Reaper built up quite the reputation and when Jonathan turned 25, a full on man-hunt began for the Vigilante Killer. Soon the Police force grew near and he fled Babylon in a fit of paranoid terror and the frenzy of a man who has lost himself in the blood of his enemies.
He ran into the Desert, a madman who had lost his purpose in life. Here he became a bounty hunter. A freelancer. His divine justice was lost and he killed for the simple satisfaction.
He became a man of the desert for years. A decade went by. He had no name, no life. He had forgot himself. Then he met a man named Davian. Davian wanted Jonathan to hunt and gather information on a man in Babylon. It was a normal job, easy in fact. Jonathan took the job, went into Babylon, and never returned to the Desert.
He spent the years living honest life, as a normal man. However, one day a man came to him calling himself Sir Savian Drull. Drull was a knight of the cross, and had come to recruit Jonathan. They agreed with his methods and ideas. Their paths were similar so why not have them simply be the same?
Jonathan agreed more out of blood lust than faith.
But he was born anew. Never Kendrick, Acolyte of the Red Cross.
He spent the next few years training, becoming stronger and faster. Going beyond the normal limits of man kind.
Here he lives as a knight. Here he will die.

Knight of The Holy Cross

Disaster -

Promise -

Being a knight, he is heavily augmented.
He is stronger, faster. He can move farther and move faster than a normal man. He can go longer without food or drink. He is a Knight of the Holy Cross. His body has been so heavily augmented he doesn’t need to leave his battle suit, and it is more of a body to him than his true one. His skin is bullet proof and his face is a mask.

I spent 3 days creating an entire species for no real reason. I created a planet for them and created a character for it. I then realized none of it mattered and I should just make a normal character. I shall instead make a character for most of the major factions and destroy any sort of notion of creativity.
Expect character sheets soon.
Nation Name: Cryos

Nation Name: Cryos
Demonym: Cist, or Cryian,
People/s: 70% are Cist
Within the Cist there are smaller subsections.
The Lux stand for about 5% The Lux are those who still follow the ways of the old Tryant Lux they make up most of the population in Jackal.
The Cross stand for about 10% The Cross are those who follow the ancient teachings of Cross, the first leader of Cryos. They make up most of the population in Cryist.
The Jaile stand for another 10% The Jaile make up most of the people in Lian and unlike most of the Cist, have no religion.
The Cyro stand for about 45% The Cryo are the main population. They stand for the modern day person and they mainly inhabit the western cities.

30%% immigrants and diplomats.
Population Scale/Nation Size: Around 900,000
Government: Democracy
People of Importance: Julian Lockheart, the leader of Cryos and the council which consists of 7 members, including Julian. New members are elected or re-elected every 5 years except for the leader who is elected every 2 years. There is no limit to re-election times.
Capital: Though in the old days Home used to be the capital, now the primary city is Never More or Never City.
Settlements: Being one of the most technologically advanced nations, their houses are normally made out of wood or stone.
Roads are mainly made out of stone
Nation Description: The nation now known as Cryos used to be home to an ancient people called the Sok. When the first city was built, it was named Home, and it was home. As the Sok expanded and became the Synthian Empire they expanded their reach along the mountain range and founded the second major city, Death, named because it is where the last true emperor of the Synthian Dynasty met his fate. His body was sent out into the sea and now it has become custom to send the dead out into the western sea. Now their expanse grows shorter as the country is plunged into disarray as the empire topples. When the ashes settled, King Lux came to power who ruled with an iron fist, being more of a tyrant than a king. Now, under the banner of a new leader, they spread east claiming most of the land and founding the city of Nevermore, though then it was called Lux, after their king. and the city Jackal. Their reach grew farther as they marched north and created the city of Lian. After a few years a rebellion from the west surged over Lux's kingdom. After years of Warfare, a man named Cross came to power and led created the first true democracy. As they wiped out the few still loyal to Lux's kingdom, Cross made home in Lux and renamed it Nevermore, after the tyranny of their old king. Here is where the first true glimpse of Cryos started. As they moved north, they founded Cryist, the final major city of Cryos. Skip a few decades into the future. Cryos's borders have shrunk while they faced pressure from surrounding countries. Their reach cut short by the demands of other nations. Here is the Cryos we know now. The leader at the time was a man named Jarr, who would soon become one of the most historic men of Cryos. He turned war into peace and started a new era of advancement and technological breakthrough. He created the council to rule along side him and as time went on the military shrank and creators and innovators took their place and the most valued people in Cryos. Technology shot forward and so did the economy. Soon the printing press was created and Cryos became one of the major powers of Menora. Though they sold many weapons, Cryos became a nation of scientific advancement. Skip a few more years into the future. A man named Julian Lockheart is elected to become a council member and later President of Cryos. Technological advancement continues and Cryos can see a future in which they can reach the stars and meet with their god.
Religion: They worship Cree, the sky god and king of all gods, Krall the sea god or death god, Nite, the god of technology and advancement, Loke, the god of trade and diplomacy, and Shira, the godess of War.
Flora & Fauna: Normal plants and animals such as Cows pigs and sheep.
Magic: No magic is practiced in Cryos and though Mages are welcomed, magic is discouraged.
Tech: Cryos is one of the most technologically advanced and is one of the main distributors of modern technology(waiting for response from Golem. Will update soon.)
Ambitions: To go beyond the stars, to advance technology so far that they will be able fly with the birds and yet at the same be able time live under the ground with the worms and the moles.

Imports: Metals, Lumber, Grain, Domestic Animals
Exports:Stone, Advanced Technology, Guns, Cannons, Printed Books Documents and other things on paper that need to be mass produced

Army Size: About 10,000
Regular troops: Swordsmen, Gunmen people thing yeah(People with guns)
Navy: Large Boats near the city of Death
Instead of military, the Cist mainly focus on technological advancement and diplomacy. They hope to keep the peace mainly because they would be crushed if sent into war.
Uneducated Serf said
I'm slightly new here and I have a question. When a character is speaking, does the text have to be bold?

I would say no.
It just looks better.
I normally use colors or bold but I assume normal text is fine
Sometimes I want to die. I want to end it all, but then I just sit there and look back on my life. Then I realize that men such as me don't deserve what they want. That is why I kill

Red. The word had followed him for all his life. First simply a vague color on his hand as he slew bandits in The Badlands. Second a name. Third a joke, but fourth, and most importantly, a memory.
300 years is a long time to keep a memory and yet Krow retained it. The image of blood. Blood. Such a simple word, yet it holds such power in this realm. Power that could be harnessed of course. Nothing like the power of the body of the mind. Blood holds the power of idea, which in itself is the strongest power. Men can trap power of the body with the power of the mind and the power of the mind can be halted by the power of the body. However, you can make men weep and kiss your feet with the power of idea. On the other side, the power of idea could make men stand strong at your side.
Not surprisingly, few understand the power of idea. Most immortals fail to grasp it and even fewer mortals. Men who understand the power of idea are men who have power. Roderick for example, knew the power of idea. To run a human-trafficking group while still remaining in the favor of many men is hard thing to do, and even Krow couldn't do it. Though maybe he could. The Badlands had spoiled such power for him, well at least for now. Memories fade and The Badlands would fade as well.
"All things fall Jackal. All things fall. Remember that if you want to survive."
The words he spoke to tribesman long ago.
This thought process sent Krow into a swirling mesh of ideas and memory that most people encounter at one time or another. Crushed dreams, forgotten friends, unspeakable cruelties. These are the things that we remember when we encounter this state of mind. Krow fell into the Badlands as many men do, though their Badlands are normally metaphorical. His however, were entirely real.

Sand shifts under the beasts feet. His head is spinning and he has yet to grasp the true nature of the place he is in and he won't for years to come. Unimagined power rests within him, restless and yet still unheard. But wait, watch as he stops and stares. As he attempts to figure out the true name of this place. But no, he is far too naive. Now he continues walking, and walking, almost endlessly. The sand moves and slides under him and his few, small transportations, only send him into the same rolling, shifting sand. He walks, day and night, not needing food or drink, sleep or rest. These things do not bother one who is not really alive.
Weeks go by, the creature learns of the sun and moon and comes to learn that he prefers the dark, and thus prefers the moon. Looking back, this isn't a very surprising fact. He is a demon, and demons tend to prefer darkness, yet, at the time, he found it strange. He found the moving of these solar objects strange and glorious.
But soon, this waking dream comes to an end, and the beast is encounters his first taste of the world.
20 men, all carrying swords or spears.
They are tribesmen, all they know is how to kill and steal.
But they make two mistakes. First, the beast has nothing of value. Second, he is a demon. Immortal.
The first fall quickly. The demon swipes, quickly and easily, and the man's head flies off.
The second is grabbed and thrown, his ribs breaking easily and his skull cracking against a rock.
The third is lifted up and with a growl, the beast rips his arm off.
The rest is a slaughter. Blood showers the sand and the cries of dying men echo around the desert.
This was the beginning.
Or maybe the end.

Krow is driven from his thoughts so suddenly and abruptly that he snarls and swipes, mimicking the motion of his first kill.
But no one is there. It is only him.
He stands and smooths his white hair and starts to walk out the door.
But something is wrong. His feet shake and he finds it hard to stand. He turns and looks in a mirror.
His eyes are yellow, and horns protrude from his head. Claws sprout from his hands.
Krow closes his eyes and slowly breaths. In, out. In, out. In, out. Three times.
When he opens his eyes his eyes are red, only white hair comes from his head and his hands are well, hands.
Krow exits the room, and walks into the bar.

The room is loud. People scurry around serving drinks and others "entertain" customers. Soon the nightly auction will be held and his workers will be sold to the highest bidder. Lust is such an easy way to make profit. People fight and bicker over one night of pleasure. All slaves of their desires, these men are not powerful. All who come to Krow's bar, or should I say, Vlad's bar, are those who do not understand the power of idea. Because of this, instead of controlling it, it controls them.
Men have become indebted because of this bar and many more will.
At this thought, a smile crosses Krow's face and he enters the real world again.
TheSovereignGrave said
I'm just curious, what exactly does "advanced technology" encompass?

Pretty much anything from the late Renaissance Era
Hmmm. I basically export all types of advanced technology compared to the rest of the world. Tell me if you want to set up some sort of deal.
Sauron The Dark Lord said
I will gladly come up with a trade relation with anyone who wish to trade.

I'm assuming your nation imports Advanced weaponry?
Sauron The Dark Lord said
We export metal, yes.

Could we work out a metal trade Sauron?
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