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    1. Bearsworth 10 yrs ago


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I'm here because I want to roleplay, not argue, but if something happens IC that's just too ridiculous to respond to I can't sit idly by and accept it.

As for the fighting obsessed Shax... Well, there isn't much I can do about that. She has no ties to anybody or anything, no reason to stand around and talk when she could be in the midst of a battle and, as for the humans, she would have quite happily fought to the death had she not been transported to the island by some random NPC I figured was trying to be helpful. She isn't interested in building things, in fact that's the literal opposite of her motivation, she destroys stuff and brings chaos. Her survival instinct is strong but not strong enough to overwhelm her will to fight to the death, so befriending her, or at least getting her as an ally, isn't an easy feat. But again, convincing her that they can lead her to better challenges, such as big monsters that live on the island or something, will result in getting a large, Demonic berzerker on your side.
As much as it may look like I'm trying to kill other characters, I'm honestly not trying to. I created Shax with a distinct picture in mind for how she is, so it's all I can do to stay true to the character.
Honestly, I think we might HAVE to retcon it unless you want Shax bearing down on a powerless Fox with all the battle enthusiasm of a Berzerker of Khorne.
Knowing how to aim a gun was one thing, but had Tomas ever used a weapon such as the one he was now holding before? He fired before Shax started moving, giving her all the room she needed to dodge the blast of energy, especially since it clearly favoured one side of her. She needed only to twist her body one way, the blast sailing by the edges of her armour harmlessly, and impacting one of the trees behind her. The Demoness' grin widened once again.

With a scrape of metal against earth she kicked off from the ground, breaking into a sprint with her hefty blade gripped tightly in both hands, poised at her side where she could bring it sweeping around in a deadly slash the moment she got in close enough, and with the speed she was moving it would not take her long to get in range. The fox-eared spawnling was shouting off on the sidelines, but Shax paid him little mind. It was time to shed more blood. It was time to fell another opponent.
I should add, as an afterthought, that even if what Fox just did was acceptable it wouldn't have stopped Shax from fighting. If anything it would have urged her on, not to mention he'd have made himself a target. After all that he'd be powerless to stop her from grabbing him by the throat and snapping his neck, or various other gristly ways she could kill somebody without her sword... And with how the character is, she'd do it too. Near-enough thoughtlessly.

Having said that, I know Shax isn't exactly good at making friends, so I'll pass over a little help. If she can be convinced that they can bring her to other fights, more than she'd find if she killed them and went on alone, you might make her consider stopping the fight before a death occurs.

Although, you'd have to keep your word or she'll end up starting a fight again.
I don't care how powerful some spirit possessing him is. You completely stopped an attack that wasn't even being thrown at you and, in the same move, disarmed the warrior Demoness who, as I said before, practically lives and breathes fighting. As such, disarming her would not be something done with such ease. Not to mention disarming the others, summoning a dragon to guard the horde of weapons, shouting out a monologue and then claiming afterwards that trying to knock him out will mean everyone loses their weapons is just... Well.

If this spirit is powerful enough to do all of the things it did in one post, fast enough that nobody gets a chance to counter or even react, then what does it matter if he gets super tired afterwards because clearly he could have killed every single person in the clearing without them having a chance to defend themselves?
1: Shax was charging at Tomas, not Fox.

2: Fox summons monsters and objects. He can't do literally anything you feel like making him do, as you've been doing so far.

3: You blocked a six foot+ sword that probably weighs more than fox does, with a much smaller sword, with strength far lesser than what Shax possesses, and even disarmed her and disarmed everyone else... All without anyone being able to so much as react. Basically, I'm calling bullshit on that.
For once I'm not on the receiving end of that.
A glimpse of movement from the foliage off to her side caught Shax's eye as she charged, the movement followed up quickly by a bright flash of light that triggered the Demoness' instincts. She broke her charge early, ducking her head and shifting her body to one side fast enough to slide against the dirt floor a couple of feet, blade raised in front of herself defensively. She was positioned where she could see all three of the people in the clearing without turning her head, needing only to move her eyes to gaze upon each of them. The new figure shouted at them, and as Shax lay eyes upon him she realized... Well, it was a kid. A short kid with odd eyes and a pair of fox-like ears on his head, holding a sword, who apparently thought the fighting would end if he shouted loud enough.

While the flash of light had paused her charge (though only because the Demoness had thought it an attack) she was utterly undeterred by the puny child's calls at a ceasefire. In fact, the very thought amused her greatly! Yet another rumble of laughter echoed out from her throat, partially from the rush of battle still pumping through her veins, mostly though her laughter stemmed from the child who thought he could control the situation.

"Less you desire to join this fight you should leave while you can, spawnling!" Shax exclaimed, expression still twisted into one of great amusement. Parley? HAH! There was no need for talk, only battle! She readied herself to continue her charge, though while it may not have seemed it from glancing at her, the Demoness was very much aware of her surroundings. This was far from the first fight the chaotic creature had ever been in.
Shax's laughter only boomed louder as Tomas crashed into the tree, though a good wave of confusion did filter into her mind when she noticed he wasn't cut in half. For that matter he didn't even seem to be bleeding from where she hit him, but as he stood his posture told her that she had still managed to injure him. Her laughter stopped but her grin remained, the top of her blade scratching along the ground as she dragged in back to her side, standing it up. The man called out to her, telling her that he didn't want to fight, to which the Demoness replied to by barking out a loud 'HAH!'.

"Flee if you can, not-human! Just expect my blade sinking into your back as you-" Shax cut herself off before finishing her sentence, having been distracted by a sudden... Arrival. Some sort of creature, short and odd-faced, had run into the back of her opponent and fallen to the ground. Her eyes fell upon this small creature which, after noticing both giants, began to freak out and tried to stumble away. It didn't work out so well as the creature appeared injured, and the Demoness tilted her head with slight curiosity at the sight of it. She was reminded slightly of a Nyphican Demon, but this being was too different to be one. She snorted dismissively, hefting her massive sword in both hands once again. Before she could continue, however, the man darted away from where he'd been standing, grabbing something from a set of low-hanging branches and pointing it in her general direction. The weapon was discharged, a bright stream of energy firing from it on a clear course for... The tree next to her. Shax didn't even need to move to avoid it, merely glancing at the damaged tree before looking back at Tomas.

The fire in the Demoness' eyes only seemed to brighten alongside her widening grin.

"SHOW ME A CHALLENGE, NOT-HUMAN!" Shax roared through her bouts of maniacal laughter, breaking into a run, heading straight for the now-armed man.
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