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    1. BeatBox72 10 yrs ago


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Jules followed the rest of the group upstairs, and watched as they all filed threw the door leading to the current girl wonders room. It was interesting, nothing to spectacular. She shrugged it off and then stood in one of the corners listening to them. She really should put in more input with this group. If they wanted to become a team she had to learn how to function with them. "Are we sure that there is even a threat?" Jules asked looking to each and every one of them. It was possible and probably highly likely, but she hadn't seen any sign of fighting. The only thing going suspiciously was the league. They had all bolted out of there without a second glance at the young heroes. She shrugged it off and looked to the rag tag team.
Give me some time and I'll have my cs up!
Juliet heard some one heard calling out her name and turned over her shoulder to look. She saw a group of small heroes and smiled. She walked over when she heard 'doesn't run on sleaze.' She stiffened a bit, trying not to say anything. She was good at that. Though that didn't make her like Karen anymore. She had thought that her dress was more modest than some of the women here. But then was Karen who said that. She always found her a little controlling, and letting her temper get the best of her. But who was Juliet to judge? She had her own issues. She joined the group and smiled at them. "Hey," she said smiling at all of them. She also saw a bit of a panicked look on Nathaniel's face. He was nervous, strange. Karen looked all out annoyed. Xaviere was hard to read, but then again she always was. Juliet liked that skill of hers. She could read the look on people's faces.
Juliet slowly pulled her jeep up to the Wayne Manor. It was enormous. You could fit five of her houses in two half of their house. She shook her head, and parked the jeep. Roy and her agreed not to become siblings. It wasn't going to happen. They were partners. But that also meant she had to come to these things alone and make up an excuse for Roy. She hated these social engagements. She could work with a group up to ten people, but other than that she was quieter than a mouse and ended up hiding a corner hoping no one would talk to her. She walked up to the front door and wasn't quite sure what to do. She knocked quietly hoping that if no one answered she wouldn't have to come. Unfortunately the door sprung open and revealed a waiter welcoming her in. She smiled politely as he ushered her in, stole her coat, and then disappeared.

She meandered to the party hall, and when she saw it, the breathe was knocked out of her. It was magnificent. There were no words to describe the beauty and grandeur of the hall. Juliet spun around taking it all in and then descended the stairs headed toward the punch. Jules blonde hair was in loose curls encircling her back. She nodded to a few business men, all of them giving her suspicious looks. Not surprising. Since when did a teen come to a Wayne party alone? She grabbed a small cup of water and had to force herself from chugging it.

It didn't work the way i wanted it too :(
Shits getting real
Juliet watched as the battle ended and everyone disbanded. That went well. She pulled down her hoodie and then headed over to the Pizza Parlor. It was a bit messy several tables over turned to protect from them trying to protect themselves. She walked up to the counter and pulled out her wallet. She left out a couple of hundreds to deal with whatever damages had happened. It didn't look like there was any. She hopped over the counter and grabbed the pizza in the boxes. She headed out the way she had come and grabbed her Dirtbike. She strapped the pizza to the back and then zipped back tot he apartment building. She walked in and saw roy asleep on the couch. Figures. She set the pizza on the counter grabbed piece then headed to her room. She grabbed her book and sat down on her bed to read.
Going to do my post right now.
I'm so sorry!!!! I have family in town this weekend and haven't had any time to get on! I would have. Tonight but we went to see a local production of Les Mis. I'll have it up sometime tomorrow!
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