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    1. Beebee2121 10 yrs ago


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Name: Bee
Age: 18
Location: GMT -0500

Status: Kind of moved to Tumblr. You can find me at the-bee-rps.tumblr.com

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Bump la bump.
I don't mind waiting either if everyone else wants to wait.
Space buddies, ftw.

Actually, I just thought of the Game of Thrones and the whole Dothraki "You are the moon of my life."/"You my sun and stars." stuff. Heheheh.
Asher was delighted with her promise to feature him in a movie. He didn't have the heart to tell her that his place was on the stage and not in front of a camera, but if she did indeed make it big, he wouldn't say no to her offer. The prospect, as fantastical as it was at this point in time, was exciting.

No luck, then, with this Jake character being his roommate. His disappointed reflected briefly in frown, but he bounced back quickly, flashing him a grin. "Yeah, I know what you mean." He didn't know where anything was either. The map hadn't settled in yet, but it would only be a matter of time. The lick of Russian took him by surprise. He figured Kirina was Russian- She had the accent, but the fact that Jake fluently, for all he knew, spoke the language was a cosmic coincidence in his eyes. They widened a fraction. "That's impressive." The sentiment was for his state major and partly for his language skills.

The initial spark of interest was not without a flutter of anxiety in his stomach. He loved parties and he couldn't believe he was getting an invite already, but this wouldn't be like the parties back in his hometown. He didn't know what to expect except from what he saw in movies (which were always accurate), but he wouldn't find out by saying no. "Sure, I'd love to-"

The crash cut him off. Puzzled, he looked around the room and then to the window where some people were gravitating. "I think it came from outside...?" Asher shot the two a look and edged over to the window to investigate for himself.
Ethan Parker Jr. and Vera Dubnin

Vera went to Adam's class with Ethan as her shadow. Coming out of her previous class, she met him on the way to the power instruction class and made amiable conversation as they walked. Conversation was a loose term for the sort of social conditioning she put him through to teach him what amiable conversation should look like. It wasn't that he didn't like speaking to her, in fact, when they weren't out in public, he was very well-spoken. The thick aura of self-consciousness and discomfort around him was practically palpable, but it was a better than what it had been in the past. It was also good practice for her, too, since it was so tempting to just tap him on the shoulder and make all that anxiety go away. He wouldn't get better if she did that. Not really.

When they got there, they sat through the usual spiel about how the class operated. Vera zoned out, but Ethan, as attentive as ever, absorbed every word. An embarrassed flush fell over his face when Adam brought out the suits. God, he hated his suit. It worked like a charm, of course, but the fabric was so terribly clingy. For "mobility" they said, but Ethan had the distinct feeling he was being lied to.

Nevertheless, he slunk off to the boys' locker room and dutifully put on his suit. It was covered in flexible solar panels on every inch of visible space. Those panels caught sunlight and applied it directly to his skin, increasing his ability to absorb sunlight by nearly three times as fast, but only because the material hugged his body like a glove. There was also a chest plate and concave mounts on his palms that focused the energy when he released it. To him, it felt more like someone had drawn a bit bull's eye on his chest, turning him into a walking target.

Fortunately, he had many strong friends and made his way to the group with Henry, Dana and Theresa. Unfortunately, he still had no idea how to insert himself comfortably into conversation, so in reality, he lingered on the fringe of the group, just close enough to be counted as one of the team, but not a part of the conversation. There, he was quite content to listen and watch while awkwardly pulling at the skin-tight material to let his body breathe.

Vera stayed in the locker room. Her suit was pretty average, but left her hands uncovered since that was how she used her power and made it difficult for her to pick of the emotions of others if they were touching her anywhere but her hands. It revealed the plain curves of her body, but that wasn't why she was hiding. She hated fighting. Absolutely abhorred it. And it was the same issue every year. They put her in a situation where she was expected to defend herself and she got really good at dodging, running and deflecting that way, but she always refused to strike someone. If they cared, someone would come in to get her. If not, she was perfectly fine staying where she was and mediating on her power.


Oliver was a natural at going with the flow. The whole day went without a hitch, him being as cool as a cucumber while other new students loss their shit and flipped tables or whatever. He never had much of a thirst for drama, but when it was good, it was good. The fact that most of his day went so smoothly was cause for some minor concern. He didn't want to get bored, which would undoubtably happen if he didn't set some roots and make some friends ASAP. With any luck, his last class of the day would be as exciting as the title suggested.

He got there, found a seat and listened to the teacher go on and on about this and that when about halfway through, some teen model- her name escaped him for the moemnt- walked through the doors of his class looking every bit as delicious in person as her photos. She tried to slip in, but his keen ears picked up everything. He wasn't a fool. He read magazines and stayed in the pop culture loop and she was featured often enough for her appearance to stick in his brain. No doubt they would be speaking soon, but before he indulged himself in that conversation, he changed into his suit. It was comfortable, if not a little snug, sleeveless, but barely weighed anything. Interestingly, though, it came with some fingerless gloves made with some grippy-material that he assumed was to help aid him in climbing.

He made a beeline for Kirsten, accidentally and completely interrupting the guy she was already speaking with.

"Correct me if I'm wrong," He began, giving her an assessing once-over, "But I've seen you before. Yes, on the cover of Teen Vogue, am I right?" A smile curled up his lips the longer he looked at her. "Yesss. You're- Oh, goodness. Your name. You're Kirsty- No, Kirsten. Yes?"
Well, shit. I'm on Skype a bunch too, soo....

I'm ninjabee01.

Or Dr. Brunch. My image is a buttmug.
I'll be getting in a post sometime later this week. Things have been hectic.

Chris' emotions read faintly on his craggy face, but projected so clearly in their proximity that she didn't have to look at him to know what he was feeling. She felt her own pang of sympathy and from the relief that washed him. As much as it pleased her to help him feel better, she couldn't imagine all the stress he was under all those years alone.

Suddenly, he drew her into a hug and she was instantly overcome with all of his emotions. Unprepared for the contact, Vera lost her breath feeling all of Chris' sentiments as if they were her own. The relief was a welcome, long awaited change from the persistent sensation of guilt and remorse- A beat passed before her training kicked in and she disentangled what was him and what was her in her emotional space quickly, coming back to reality in time to return his embrace with both of her arms.

Unbidden tears sprung in her eyes, but she couldn't tell if it was from him or herself. "I missed you too, Chris," She replied, tenderly patting his back.

"Really, Chris. A small cut like that? It's no trouble at all for me these days." His insistence still brought a smile to her lips. Vera threw a look back to Deborah when a new student approached their table. They seemed to be engaged in some discussion about their powers. She wouldn't disturb her with her conversation with Chris.

"Walk me to class and I'll fill you in on everything," She suggested lightly and stood, taking her mug with her. She threw another look back to Deb and bade her a, "I'll see you later."


A rush of warmth fell over Ethan, giving his skin a very faint glow. He offered Theresa a sheepish smile before placing himself in the seat next to her. It took some practice keeping up with the pace of her conversation making, but Ethan liked to consider himself an expert now. He was pretty sure she didn't like him as much as he liked her- as friends, of course, but he didn't blame her. He never had much to say, preferring to listen to Tess chat.

He tucked into his meal as she rattled off something about Vera- her name involuntarily making him flush imperceptible a shade pinker. He nodded knowingly and flashed her a grin.

"Nice to meet you, Poppy." His voice didn't carry well over the din of the cafeteria, but he hoped he heard her. It hit him just as Tess told him what having a female roommate implied. "That's wonderful, Tess! I'm so happy-" Then the topics were switched abruptly on Tess' part. Ethan shot a quick look and found that her initial enthusiasm had faded somewhat. Oh. Well, then. Hopefully no problems would arise between the two of them. Or else, Ethan would be at Theresa's defense in a heartbeat.

"Yeah, I'm just thrilled. Can't you tell?" Ethan replied in a flat tone, then quickly stifled a chortle with a hand over his mouth. Sometimes Tess' sarcasm rubbed off on him, inspiring him to make comments that he otherwise wouldn't. "I mean, I like learning more about how to control my powers, but Mr. Blackmoore is always so.... strict."
So, I'm just popping in to say that I'll be posting some time tonight once I get the outline for this essay done. And finally introducing Oliver. I've been at a loss of where to stick 'im, but I don't want to forget about him or get left behind in general. Sorry for slacking.
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