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    1. berd 7 yrs ago


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Name: Joanna Garis
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Religion: Former Catholic, now agnostic.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: Vlogger

-Vlogger: This extends into camera work, video editing, lighting, and navigating social media. Everything it takes to have a successful and profitable vlog

-Mechanic: Jo has an Associate of Applied Science Degree and accreditation. If it has wheels and a transmission then she probably knows how to repair or modify it as well as the proper use of the tools required.

-Athletic: Jo eats right and takes care of herself. When she's not on the road, her routines can include walking, swimming, or running.

-Introvert: Despite her online persona, Joanna is a pretty quiet and shy person at heart. The camera creates a barrier that lets her feel normal. Even though she knows a lot of people watch her videos, it's still just her and her equipment. Groups are fine so long as she doesn't have to interact with them at all. And you can forget about speaking in front of crowds.

-Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA): Though not as severe as it could be, this has dogged Jo for most of her life. On the autism spectrum, PDA drives her to avoid demands and expectations. Regular human day-to-day tasks become rocks she has to climb. A regular job and hours would be almost impossible. It really is a miracle that she got through college.

Power: The Blueprint - Jo can see how something works, how it can be improved, how to fix it, and how to take it apart. The only constraints on her power are time, tools, and materials. It's not like she can take apart a lock with her bare hands, but if she's in a shop or supply store she could probably cobble together a grappling hook gun in about ten minutes. All she needs to do is see it and she can make it.

Personality: Joanna is a kind, approachable, and charming person, so long as it's no more than a small group. She loves sharing neat things she's discovered and the simple joys in life with others. More than that? She starts to have problems. She gets quiet or finds ways to divorce herself from being the center of attention. Public speaking has made her physically ill before.

When the mood strikes her, Jo begins to display her contemplative streak. It made her question many things such as her beliefs, her relationship with her parents, and her own maturity. It's a sentiment that has started to make its way into her videos. Some people have disliked her critical stance on politics and media, but Joanna feels like they are important things to discuss and think about.

History: Joanna was born in Oregon, though she'd never be able to remember it. He parents moved to Nebraska shortly afterwards. On one hand it was to be closer to family, but on the other it was for better jobs. Otherwise she grew up as your typical Midwestern upper middle class kid. She was a bit more reclusive than most and full of endless questions about the world around her, but pretty much normal.

The problems came when she entered junior high and high school. Her quiet nature blossomed into severe social awkwardness. Save for a few intensely close friendships she really didn't fit in anywhere. Her PDA also hit its peak as she found it harder and harder to even make it to class. Her parents didn't help much either. They were emotionally distant and pushed, usually through shaming, for her to quit being so lazy.

Getting her first car drastically changed her life. The freedom and the solitude it offered were almost addictive. She also became obsessed with how it worked and toyed with the idea of modifying it herself, but the costs involved were always prohibitive. It also pushed her into considering a career in the automotive industry, a push that blossomed with her application to Northeast Community College in Norfolk.

It was rough. The hardest thing she'd ever done, but at least her love of the work kept her going. It was also at this time that she started to vlog. It wasn't anything special and she cringes at it to this day, but after a particularly rough day she had to vent about her frustrations and problems to someone. It turned her life around. Her video took off, she doesn't even know why, and the people that responded back introduced her to the idea that she might have PDA.

Three years later she attained her degree, sold her old car to be replaced by a BMW R1200GS, and began a travel vlog series that she's continued ever since. Life for Jo has been good. But now, something weird is starting to happen every time she looks at something too closely...
"Where's my money?"

Loam's empty fist flashed across Marlo Daubin's face. The Pyresian merchant spun away with the force of the blow, but he never landed. Instead he sprawled against an unpacked crate of goods; the wind leaving his lungs added to his already bloodied nose. Loam never gave Marlo a chance to answer, he just hauled the thin, twig-ish man off his feet to shout at him.

"I just dragged your ass across these gods forsaken plains on the promise of fifty silver. I don't care if you had to 'pay off the guards' when we got here. You promised me the money and I'm here to collect. Now, where is my goddamn money?!"

Loam knew, in his heart of hearts, that at best it was a verbal contract. If Marlo called for help then the knights might get involved and that just wasn't worth it. A Screamer like him wouldn't get any kind of a fair shake. As the alarm sounded, Loam resolved that he'd just have to make sure Marlo was too afraid not to honor the deal. He dropped Marlo to the ground and smashed his sheathed sword into the merchant's fingers with a few satisfying snaps.

"I'm going to go see what's going on out there. If you don't have my money by the time I get back, I'll cut the weight of that silver out of your hide."

Loam exited the tent only to find a battlefield. Dead of both sides and the possibility of him joining them soon. With an exasperated sigh he joined the line of the defenders for the coming of the second wave.
Name: Loam

Race: Half-elf

Gender: Male

Age: 34

Birthplace: Screamer Lands

Occupation: Drifter


Look at this loafer, covered in mud and dirt like a pig that's rolled in its sty. His thin, rough, and scarred face looks mostly human. His short black hair and dark eyes tell the same story. It's the long ears that point to a distinctly inhuman ancestry.

He's tall, well-built, and lean. Lean enough that he doesn't fill out his red short-coat, yellow shirt, or tan pants. He carries a sword and scabbard in his hand, not on his belt like a civilized person. It's a clear threat. That sword doesn't leave his hand unless he's dead, locked up, or has found a mug of ale to replace it with.

Personality: Loam is a creature of habit and apathy. As long as the booze flows and there are enough merchants to shake down, he's happy. The only problem is that neither has been getting through with the demons in these land. His compatriots might have moved on to greener pastures, but like I said, Loam is a creature of habit. Where else could he have the option to brain a knight to walk away from a crime scot-free? Maybe, someday, he can find something to care about other than himself.

History: Loam was sixteen when the Ghel tribe came up river to sack Ruby Banks. The knights were there though. Host, the warlord thought he'd pulled one over on Ebonfort. Striking their most profitable flanks. Truth was that his Shadewalker Bell had... Well she had some beef with him. Many good warriors died that day and Loam got left behind in the chaos.

He wasn't killed like the others. The soft hearts out of the knights were too unsure about his age. Instead he got the gift of back breaking manual labor. It was hell. Still, Loam survived and got bigger. The same viciousness that the Screamers were known for served him well whenever someone decided they had a problem with him. He caught some eyes in prison.

His twenty fourth year saw him out from behind the bars and into the wider world. Those same eyes, belonging to Marcel Ingway, sought the young man out and offered him some work that perfectly lined up with his talents. What crime that did survive in Ebonfort was usually thug's work. Criminals had to be strong enough to rip their stolen wares from armed a ready merchants. Loam excelled at it.

But all good things do come to an end eventually. Trade dried up a bit as the demons invaded. Marcel and his associated left, leaving Loam all alone again. For the first time in his life, Loam is looking for honest work. So far, his ambling has brought him to Gold Ridge.


Reinforced combat scabbard
Studded leather
Traveler's outfit
Traveler's pack
A jug of moonshine
Took a while, but here it is.

I might be interested. I've never done a superpower rp before, so this might be a good one to cut my teeth on.
Here we go. Hope everything looks ok.

Well I know nothing about Ebonfort, but this caught my interest. Mind helping me get informed?
Thanks for telling us. Just keep in touch when you do decide to try this again.
Thanks for the welcomes.
Way ahead of you.
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