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    1. Bikko 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
I come back for nostalgia, stay for memories, and leave before I screw over someones story.


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To what extent do you trust my promises?
Can I take the bait?
Oh is it my turn? Sorry, I wasn't aware, I was going off the post #s for rotations.
I try my best when it comes to nature calls.
There were odd little disturbances during her morning coffee hour.

For one, a bustling individual who rushed into the restaurant as if seeking refuge from the glorious weather outside. It was understandable to be honest, sunshine and all the festivities that came along with it wasn't for all people. She could understand that. It was not until, however, the figure took a nose dive for the bathroom that Saki understood the panic and relief that caught the boy's face. It was nature's calling. Seeing how this was one of the few places open this early in the morning it seemed completely reasonable that the boy had been in such a rush. Despite the urge to use the bathroom, he managed to spare a second acknowledging her existence in the busy coffee shop. How considerate.

There was another individual that seemed to sweep in just as soon as the other had left. Looking over she crossed her legs as she tilted her head in interest. His blue hair was distinct, his posture informal but poised, if Saki had to make one conclusion in the few seconds that she knew the young man it would be the fact that he probably knew she was examining him. Pulling her eyes away before he could respond, she returned to nursing her coffee before the waiter came over once again with a warm smile.

"Would you mind sharing the table?" he had asked.

"Not at all, could I get a cheesecake by any chance?"

"Of course, I'll get you another espres-"

"Just regular coffee would be fine."

Backing away, the man gave her a brief nod before going to greet the boy that had just entered, directing him towards her table if he wished to have a seat. After that he and his smile disappeared from the front of the restaurant as he retreated to the back to attend to bring out the orders.
If there were ever to be a time that someone would ask her about Italy, the young mix-blood wouldn't know how know to respond.

The reason being Italy wasn't a country you simply could describe in words, not because it was so majestic or awe-striking, but because it was so distinct in its essence and style to her eyes that if the person who asked was not Saki herself, he or she would have a very biased skew of what she was talking about. People tend to not understand that communication was rather pointless for that very reason. For example:

Faceless Japanese Local School Girl: "Sa-sa-ki-chan!!! How was your day!"

S.I.N: "It was light and pleasant despite my heavy breakfast. I'll have you know Italian cheese cake is the best way to start a day, it's rough on the tongue but it does have exceptionally delightful aftertaste. If anything I would say that cheesecake itself is what made my day so great!"

Same Faceless Japanese Local School Girl: "Uuuuuwah~! I wish I could have some Italian cheese cake, it sounds so exotic!"


While Saki had described how absolutely wonderful the cake had been, the Japanese local still has no idea what the cake tastes like, yet she couldn't help but drool at the sound of it. The school girl had simply interpreted Saki's happiness and tastes to be similar, if not equivalent, to her own, thus bringing to light our dilemma. The girl simply and automatically made the assumption the cake was good, that it would make her day as light and pleasant as Saki's.

But Saki's happiness was not the faceless school girl's happiness, or anyone else's happiness for that matter.

So why communicate at all then?

A soft clink brought the foreigner back to this foreign land, one to which she had the luxury of exploring once over already.

The large, but surprisingly humble town of Trespiano was a place that took on a cool indifference to the political turmoil of the world. Sure, the place probably had a few loose pegs in its foundation and skeleton buried away here and there, but at least those details didn't forcefully grab your attention. It was a place where the ignorant and the casual adventurers remained out of harms way, a place where curiosity and keen sense of detail could leave one collecting maggots in the gutter.

It was the sort of place that Saki was generally really fond of, so explains her unprecedented return.

Her eyes met the expensive white china with interest, exploring the contents that found itself on the well kept wooden table.

"Your espresso." a voice chimed over her shoulder.

Looking up she found the young Italian waiter smiling.

Acknowledging the service Saki silently reached into her pocket before pulling out a few crumbled bills and placing it into his coat pocket.

"Thank you."

Their voices rang in unison causing surprise to catch him for a brief second. Then it was back to the usual loving smile, one that was perhaps slightly more lovely than the last.

Lifting the cup and its place she stared at the dark liquid with curiosity.

What had she been thinking about again?

A few seconds passed as the girl tried to regain her train of thought. After a few minutes passed she gave up, her eyes once again wandering around the buzzing market place with an intense interest.

Maybe it was the physical intensity of her thoughts that manifested themselves physically that always pressed her to scowl...

Casting the notion aside, she let out a small sigh before taking a sip from the cup.

She cared too much about her thoughts to acknowledge such a theory.
El Rikko Bikko is last to go correct. I'll post when I get off work.
Waiting to see if the character Abby acknowledged is in fact Saki before I write my post.
We could always try the school setting but have an opening ceremony? Throw all the freshman in a corner and have the cool senpais rescue them from being bullied? Leads to introduction and hanging out afterschool? Swaggoroni festival to attend?
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