Avatar of Blake The Furry
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 50 (0.02 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Blake The Furry 8 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Back at last!!
1 like
8 yrs ago
At the gym be back later
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8 yrs ago
Bored and waiting for rp's :P
8 yrs ago
Responses may be spotty. Going to the gym, then going to see a movie so I'll be on and off.
8 yrs ago
Slow start this morning... Feel like a turtle


just a furry looking to mess around and have fun ^~^. I'm easy going and pretty friendly! Hit me up at any time. I'll usually be on sometime at night. I love league of legends and can't wait to get home from vacation to play.

Most Recent Posts

What's that? A bump is that. Is that a rump? Not a rump a bump!
A Bumpity bump
About Me and other assorted things!

I answer to Blake, I'm over 18, My response time will vary depending on errands I need to run and when I'm in the gym, but I can promise you many replies every day. This also goes for my amount I write. If I'm busy it may be short and sweet, but if I have the time, I will ensure my response is well thought out and good. I enjoy role playing as a furry but i can branch out quite a bit. I also enjoy a supernatural roleplay, fantasy roleplay. But my most favorite type of role play is romance.

What I'm looking for!

I'm looking for both male and female role players, usually 18+.
I'd prefer it if you tell me before you poof for long periods of time, I'd be happy if you could have at least 1-3 paragraphs with each reply but it's not a must. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IS A MUUUST! If you Jump into an to and expect Insta-bone... It won't happen. I want backstory and everything when we rp.


1.Dont just disappear on me. If you're bored with the rp or you gotta go somewhere. Let me know! Don't leave me hanging there, waiting for a reply when I could be doing other things.

2.Again, this isn't a must but I'd prefer if each reply is at least... AT LEAST 2-3 sentences. I need something to work with if the rp has any chance to keep going.

3. If you have any suggestions before or during our rp. Don't be afraid to speak up! I always love suggestions on ways to improve the role play!

4. Don't be rude. If there's something you don't like about the rp, just say so! Don't take it out in the rp.


I'm really in the mood for a fluffy winter wonderland! I know it's summer for some... But it's winter for others! ^w^ I don't even care if you're a human, anything... I couldn't care less!... So long as I can be the fluffiest fluff ball on the planet in a snowy, Christmas time wonderland! Please pm me if you're interested!.... I really hope someone will help me... Pweeze?

That's about all i can think of. Hope to be hearing from you soon! •~•
<Snipped quote by Blake The Furry>
Hmm. I can help you set one up if you want? I'm not the greatest at it, but I don't enjoy seeing you trying to RP with yourself.

Thank you... So much....
<Snipped quote by Blake The Furry>
Oh dear. How did you set it up? Which section?

I don't even remember.... I've just been sitting here waiting.... And waiting....

<Snipped quote by Blake The Furry>
You should try to create an interest check. I'm sure you'll get a person or two interested.

I've tried ;~; no one will rp wif meeeeee... Please help me...
Meant for IC but who cares... Won't get a reply either way... ;-;
Darkness. The only emotion he could feel or see. His entire life flashing before his eyes after a single mistake, a single mistake that could cost him his life. All it took was being at the wrong place at the wrong time, witnessing something he shouldn't have, and a bullet to the chest. Bleeding out quickly all he could see was the darkness.

He fell back, unable to move, speak, anything, only hearing his attackers footsteps as he rushed off. A small puddle formed around the body as he laid there, cold, helpless, and innocent. He hadn't done a think wrong, but he could quite possibly lose his life after one false move. Now all that he could do was watch as people screamed and ran, unable to call for help or beg someone to save him. is this how I die?... I-I don't want to die.... Please... Someone please... He thought to himself, a single tear running down his cold cheek.


Height- 5'11


Image- static4.fjcdn.com/comments/Gay+furries..
The warm sun shone over the shore as Blake laid back in the warm, blanket-like sand. He couldn't help but let a smile slip out from the pure bliss of the scenery. He sipped down his drink and closed his eyes, letting the sun bathe over his body. "Why can't everyday be like this." He exclaimed to himself. The sun had just come up and it was already giving s warm welcome to all below. He sunk his headphones into his ears and began relaxing his problems away. 'How could this day get any better?' He thought.
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