Avatar of blaziken
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  • Posts: 59 (0.02 / day)
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    1. blaziken 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current So many characters to write, so little time~
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I'm Blaziken. I spend too much money on art.
I like Kpop, Anime, Rooster Teeth, DMMD, Drag Queens and my OC's.

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I'm definately interested! I'll probably whip up my CS later on today :D


Here's mine!

Image:There are three here. All three were paid for by me, so no grabby hands. Oh and just ignore his tail.

Name: Cephalus Cain

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Bighorn Sheep Faunus

Weapon: Splits into two short swords for close combat.

Semblance: Has the power to manipulate water - both in form and in temperature. Can both lower and heighten temperature, such as freezing it into icicles, boiling it, or causing it to turn to steam - both for cover and to attack. He is not able to do it to peoples bodies though (so no blood bending-esque stuff, unfortunately). He is able to do it to large bodies of water but it takes time and a lot of power.

Color: Cerulean
Yeah I'm cool with that! Shoot me a pm (I'm out right now) and nd we can discuss it more!
You have such a great list! I have a few things there that interest me!

First up is Fantasy Furry. I've never actually done a Furry RP before, but I have two relatively new characters that I would like to use - one is a harpy type girl, and one is a sort of bunny hybrid girl. They're both fighters (the Harpy is a commander and the bunny is part of her platoon), so I guess they could be incorperated into some sort of war-esque plot. I haven't got any real ideas though!

I'm also interested in the Digimon Tamers and Pokemon Classic or Mystery Dungeon too, and for those I guess we can work up a plot together!
I sent you a PM! :)
I'd be interested in a Highschool RP, and maybe combining it with another genre?
...I can't stop staring at that gif of Michael winking. What have you done. (Is Gavin dancing in the background? I can't tell...)

I'd be super duper interested in an Eragon RP with you. Have you read all the books?
I'm quite interested in doing Soul Eater or RWBY with you. Perhaps even both if you're interested?
I'd be interested in Demon x Human and Dragon Shifter x Human/Rider.
Not sure what your role preferences are but I have a Demon and a Dragon shifter I have that I've never used before. But I'm open!
So I guess if no one else has claimed it first then, Team Flygon would like to have the Hunt Mission!
Team Flygon is a great suggestion - I'm down with that! And I don't now if we're supposed to state it here or not, but what mission would you guys (Team Flygon) want? Lylis would prefer the hunt mission out of all of them.
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