Avatar of bloodbitten
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  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 47 (0.01 / day)
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    1. bloodbitten 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current I haven't been on in such a long time. >.>


Not taking roleplay invites at this time.
Sorry everyone. I can hardly keep up with the four that have right now. xD

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Nice to meet you!
Hope you enjoy it here, I sure know that I am!
Before I explain, this was originally supposed to be posted to Yahoo! Answers but being that I don't have a phone anymore, I can't create an account. -.- This is why Yahoo sucks ass.

Anyway, I keep hearing a two-toned chime in my house. I know for a fact it's not directly in my ear.

Anyway, it goes on for about 1 minute in 5 second intervals before stopping for like 3 minutes. Then it goes on and on.
Sometimes it's soft, then it can get really loud. Sometimes it sounds like it's coming from right outside the window I'm currently seated next to.

Quite frankly, it's creeping me out. It kind of sounds like a cell phone warning you before the battery dies, but I don't have a cell phone.

Can someone please explain this?
Is it paranormal? Supernatural?

It's really eerie.
Magic Magnum said
I know this thread is basically dead.But this was just posted on YouTube and I felt that it relates.

I suck at group roleplays, but under the right circumstances, I could try this.
This is a separate section, for non-animals.

I guess we'll call it the ANIME section.

Smooth, consistent, awesome.
I considered it as a friend from school showed it to me before she... disappeared... o-o

But I have way too many topics that I would write about.. xD

Goodnight, Guild!
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